Confirmed. Only able to pop in for a quick gday.
Online Brewing Supplies, on 03 Jun 2014 - 4:35 PM, said:
Online Brewing Supplies, on 03 Jun 2014 - 4:35 PM, said:

Online Brewing Supplies said:A good time to start confirming your participation so we can get some solid numbers.
Just confirm next to your name .Less I have to bottle the better .
1. dent - Baltic Porter (8-9%) - brewed and good to go
2. jyo- probably Oatmeal Stout with caramelised date syrup
3. Milk Lizard 84-Golden Ale confirmed. Pork and apple sausage rolls
4. Nev**** Vienne odeur de soufre 5% *CONFIRMED*And TOFU TOO !
5. smurray - 
6. Spoonta - 
7. keifer33 - American Stout
8. Mitch_76 - Dubbel Choc 8.5%
9. twocansam - American Wheat - Confirmed
10. Recharge - London brown ale - Confirmed
11.Rad - Amber ale
12. lanerigg - IPA
13. Biggo - Braggot
14. StalkingWilbur - Robust Porter
15. EMPTY - danestead will brew if this spot isn't taken (although he can't make the party) - american IPA - CONFIRMED brewing/Not attending party
16. Krausenhaus - APA (would be an AIPA but I don't want to waste fresh bulk US hops on jyo and Nev.)
17. Neanderthal Black IPA
18. pilgrimspiss - Albany Dark Ale
19. Bada Bing - Some sort of lager maybe
20. Bigmacca- TBA
21.Aces High - Aussie Lager
22. ledgenko- something dark
23. wilkens - choc/vanilla porter CONFIRMED (swapping but not attending)
24. Ned - Rye APA