2008 Hop Plantations

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not sure yet mate its sprouted but stopped short of producing leaves of any great size , will get back to ya when it does
Big thanks to Boston, traded some HB for some POR as per following...


Initial POR hop plant


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Then after a few (maybe 2 or 3) weeks...

And now today... it ran out of supporting stick, so a new string up to the top of the patio was added to let her grow up and up....

Ive re-potted both my plants about 3 weeks ago & since then havent grown at all :(
Ive re-potted both my plants about 3 weeks ago & since then havent grown at all :(

I can comiserate in part, one plant of mine is going great (as per the pics), the other plant in similar pot is just sitting there not doing anything at all! Bring on some hotter weather to kick them off again from what I can gather from other posts herein...

All we can do is have another beer and wait! :p
sorry couldnt help myself, had to brag

I think you are peaking a bit early there Barls :p
Esp after the weird weather we have had this week.

maybe not they are still green and growing in size, so i could be still good. if not ill just dry them and use them.
ive got a load of little one and the largest is about 3 inches now
just remember its not the size its how you use it. :p :p as the guys from isb that were at my house a couple of weeks ago will tell you mine are out of control
Hops were growing strong until a few weeks ago, but they stopped growing and many of the existing leaves started to die off. They're well watered (the same with all my veggies / herbs, which are very happy) and the soil has plenty of organic matter.

Any thoughts on what it could be?

I hesitate to mention this...the rhizome may not come back if it rotted due to overwatering. It's a possibility. How is the drainage on the soil? well-drained or gluggy?

Hi Les,

Soil is damp but not gluggy. The shrivelling up of the hops did happen during a hot streak in the weather a few weeks back, no sign of the hops making a comeback yet. I'm no longer holding many hopes or hops
Hops were growing strong until a few weeks ago, but they stopped growing and many of the existing leaves started to die off. They're well watered (the same with all my veggies / herbs, which are very happy) and the soil has plenty of organic matter.

Any thoughts on what it could be?

View attachment 22787

Be interested on a diagnosis/thoughts on Daemon's issue. My Hersbrucker which was a late planting has had similar issues. The leaves look exactly the same on mine. Admittedly it's in a shady spot (and all 4 other plantings are looking good/healthy) so perhaps not enough sun? I have cut some tree branches back above my Hersbrucker now in the hope that my leaves don't shrivel away more like this one, and have added some dynamic lifter and additional topsoil. Not much has changed in the past 3 days, but hopefully I can reverse it.

Daemon is your planting under tree branches and shade like mine?

Daemon is your planting under tree branches and shade like mine?

It's up against the side fence of the yard, so it's only the morning sun that it doesn't get. This was the most convenient location for me and I expected slightly less growth but don't think that's the cause of the damage. The tip of the shoots that are "growing" as such are perfectly healthy, it's just the older foliage that seems to have problems.
It's up against the side fence of the yard, so it's only the morning sun that it doesn't get. This was the most convenient location for me and I expected slightly less growth but don't think that's the cause of the damage. The tip of the shoots that are "growing" as such are perfectly healthy, it's just the older foliage that seems to have problems.

Really odd. I thought mine might have been some kind of pest. Sprayed some stuff on it but didn't do anything.
i'm in the exact same situation with my cascade - grew like wild fire up to about 3m, but has now stalled and the leaves are looking like the ones above
My POR is looks very similar. Much like a lot of people in this thread, it was off to a great start but suddenly halted. Then some of the leaves went like the above. I originally thought it was the sudden change in weather as it was getting pretty damn hot around the time i noticed that it was under a little stress. Coincidence maybe? I have also considered that maybe they were being over-watered as my 3yo daughter was in charge of the watering (or so she thought) and was very keen to dump a few litres on it each arvo.

Since then I have pinced off the bad looking leaves, eased back on the water and the weather has cooled a little - just a few days ago I noticed a few more shoots poking their heads out through the soil so I am hopeful that this is an indication that the little fella is gonna have another go. I still don't know what the problem was/is so will hold off on the water a bit and consider a little shade once the heat returns (assuming that it will, though this weather is a bit crazy so who knows) even though all I have read recommends full sun.

See what happens.
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