anyone know how to rid my plant of slugs without using poison? I don't want to hurt the dog.
i just found a use for a bottle of pure blonde thats been in my fridge for 3 months.
Do you only need really small cuttings like that? I have a new plant which sprouted up next to my big one, but its going to overtake it by the looks of it, I was thinking of digging it out and replanting in some more soil?
So for anyone waiting patiently, keep the faith.
sorry couldnt help myself, had to brag
no where near you!!!!
^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
I hesitate to mention this...the rhizome may not come back if it rotted due to overwatering. It's a possibility. How is the drainage on the soil? well-drained or gluggy?if your POR never came up i'd say the rhizome was dead before you planted it. I had a colombus that never came up last year - no ones fault maybe carked it in transport.
As for your colombus sounds like it needs a good watering. it will come back i dare say. maybe make a cage or net for it to keep bugs away/off.