Jeez thanks Batz, suddenly GL is organising it?
OK, try this.
(Scaled down WA version administered by Big Dog Brewing)
Proposed guidelines:
Open to WA brewers and brewers from any other state who want to pay postage.
Post here if you wish to participate. Currently we have confirmed GL, Batz, Deebee, JasonY. The more people we talk in to joining, the bigger your Christmas case will be.
Let n be the number of participants. You supply 2 x(n-1) bottles of beer. This means you get 2 bottles from each of the other participants, but don't get your own beer back. 2 bottles each keeps transport costs down. Currently n = 4, so you supply 6 bottles.
Bottles will be long necks because in the west we are bigger and tougher than Adeladians. 750 ml preferred, 600 ml acceptable, anything smaller and you could get a reputation as a tight arse. Glass or PET are fine, try to avoid champagne bottles - too heavy. If anyone in Perth needs long necks, I can supply.
Your bottles must be labelled, doesnt have to be fancy, but needs to describe the beer. A promash print out and a rubber band would be acceptable, but would demonstrate a tenuous committment to the process and your fellow brewers.
Your beer must be adequately carbonated and ready to drink by 25 Dec.
You get your bottles to GLs place by 4 Dec, GL will box them up and arrange distribution. (Batz, is that enough time to get it you via Eric?)