Xmas Ahb Case

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OK it is geting close

Crispy has dropped his off at TDA's - and they will both be at my place by the 7th
Pint of lager is sending her's to my place also

Jazman, Jayse, Poodz and GMK are being collected at GMK's

SteveSA, AnthonyMac, JSB, Boots, Kai and wee stu (surprise) are getting their bottles to wee stu's brury

You still in OzDevil? - if so where are you dropping yours?

looks like it makes sense for GMK to bring his haul to my place to sort them out. Soon as we have them together people can come pick them up, one at a time, in groups or en masse. GMK can take the northern brewers cases back to his place for distribution if that makes more sense.

GMK let me know when you want to bring your ones here.
Those who are delivering to me, but haven't yet PM me soon to tell me when you will, and to arrange pick up dates/time also.
I've got 26 stubbies with the recipe printed on the label. The way I see it is if people don't want to put the recipe on there, they can always supply it using the recipe database or on the board here.

Sounds excellent Wee Stu....

How about Sunday 12 Dec at your place to do the swap....

Received the 26 stubbies from:
- Iand
- Jazman
- Jayse

Mine are ready

Getting poodz tomorrow - guys it is all coming together.

If possible - try and leave my barley wine until Xmas next year..

It is good now - but should be sensational next xmas
well to all who get my scottish relase the presuure and let it settle as i have over carbed it (i stuffed up but not a bottle bomb)
so it a bit too gassy for style....
SteveSA's and AnthonyMac's arrived today
Mine is ready
TDA and Crispy due for delivery early next week.
Pint of Lager's should be on its way
Boots, Kai and JSB also all headed my way.

Looks like Kenny and I will be sorting them out on the morning of Sunday the 12th at my place, anyone who wants to help, or pick up their xmas case then that's cool. Really, it is.

Elsewise we can arrange other pick up times during the week beginning the 13th.
OK wee stu

We do the xmas case sun morn 12 - then onto the wheatsheaf for a pint...
So this is the list:

Wee Stu
Pint of Lager

I hope that is all because I dropped Crispy's and my beers of to wee stu's last night.
For those wanting to know my Arafat Alt has black crown seals.
I'll post the recipe here later.

Isn't Jazman's father Iand also contributing?

The Arafat Alt? We're not going to end up in a French hospital are we Mark? :ph34r:
Looks like Oz devil cant make it - so we 14 people with iand.

Now we all need 26 stubbies ea.
Some people have only bought 24 - but we can work thru this.

The swap will happen sun morning.....

Looks like a nice tasting Xmas with :chug:
SteveSA said:
The Arafat Alt? We're not going to end up in a French hospital are we Mark? :ph34r:
Keep that up Steve and you will end up in an Adelaide Hospital ;)

Shit ... Stu ... I think I dropped off 28 bottles. I'd ask you to count for me and bring the overflow to the next miniflocs to share around, but I'm sure you wouldn't find more than 26 :blink:

BTW - the ones with Boots written on the cap are mine SURPRISE ... mines an APA
Currently at GMK's:


Currently at wee stu's

wee stu
Pint of Lager (arrived today)
en route to wee stu's

Kai (ATA Sunday)
JSB (ATA Saturday)

It is a real happening thing!!!
Gday All

I must Apologise to all as i have been fairly busy over the last 6-8months with Work as i have had to do plenty of overtime and havent had any chance to do much brewing in btween work and sleep....

anyway i apologise to all and hopefully circumstance will change in the new year

anyway all have a great christmas and happy New year everyone

cheers and beers
Don't sweat it Oz - we all know that if you could have, you would have.

Thanks to Aussie Post's tender mercies we have struck a minor problem with Pint Of Lager's case. Only 21 bottles made it to my place.

As virtual hosts, I reckon GMK and I will forego one PoL brew in our case (hope that's ok with you GMK). My maths suggests we need another 3 volunteers to pass on PoL's Vienna Lager.

If no-one volunteers, the last three case deliveries will miss out, seems about the fairest thing we can do. This would mean JSB, Kai and TDA only get one PoL contribution.

As far as the 24 bottle case problem is concerned, there is no problem. Jazman and Iand willl swap their's at their next family get together. Jayse will give me mine on Sunday.

Hope this all makes sense - trying to post after attending a going away lunch for a good mate, and a going away after work session for me (from one part of work to another).

Trying also to work out why the beer glass is so empty, and the keyboard so sticky :blink:
wee stu said:
Trying also to work out why the beer glass is so empty, and the keyboard so sticky :blink:
wee stu - you didn't have to share your personal recreational habits with us :p
The sound of one hand typing, stu?
Oh dear - the keyboard is stuffed!!! Thank god for the laptop ;)

Those who miss out on a PoL beer will get their case topped up with either an extra Boots APA, or my Saaz All Folks Bohemian Pilsner, or my Road Kill Amber All Aussie ale.
I'll drink mine there. See you at eleven!

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