Where Did Your Username Come From?

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Like what the Monks have done for brewing over the years :icon_cheers: there beers are great so Monkale seemed like a good chat name on a brewing forum
Oh yeh, my Avatar is of me Sky Diving, what a rush, im up for anything(within reason).. :beerbang:
Oh yeh, my Avatar is of me Sky Diving, what a rush, im up for anything(within reason).. :beerbang:

nothing ever comes close to the rush of skydiving, everything else is just...meh....

did it for my 30th, trying to find an excuse to go do it again


nothing ever comes close to the rush of skydiving, everything else is just...meh....

did it for my 30th, trying to find an excuse to go do it again



Can only think of one excuse.
Your plane is about to crash!!!

An old hippy couple I once knew conceived what was to spawn a wee lad on the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, in celebration of the ancient sun god, the day of which has been plaigarised by Christians as the birth of Christ. And so brought about the coming of a new son in September, because they knew that it was good. Being the year of '71, when this son of the sun was born on the 17th, , they saw this as a great blessing from Solis Inctivi in being graced with such a wisely coded palindrome of 17/9/71, that they further sought the Roman numerological sequences and found the calendar months of July, August, September, October & November, when expressed in initials, spoke to them the word Jason.

Ok, so I'm just trying to make up for another non-creative forum username. :rolleyes:
I used to play a lot of Team Fortress Classic back in the day, as a medic. I'd run around infecting the other team and get killed quickly, but they would keep infecting each other, then, while dead, I'd rack up a bunch of kills. Hence, lethalcorpse.
Another one with a boring one

Guess my name and where I love.....

I was the only bloke that drank schooners at the little village pub closest to where I grew up and as soon as I walked in the publican would say "Schooey?" and I'd just nod. After a while it just stuck

I had a mate who had the nick name of schooner because the day he was born his old man was at the pub wetting the head. they asked him what he was going to call his new son and in his drunken state looked at the glass he was holding and said "schooner". the nickname has stuck ever since. that was 30 years ago, and i remember calling him that even in primary school.
Mine came from the regular drinking sessions with my nieghbour. Each night would be started with the consumption of a king-brown and a quick thrash of the song 'trodor' on guitar hero (yeah I know, real grown up!)
My brother has a habit of mutating vowels in people's names for comic effect and/or to annoy them. Bonjamin, was his little effort directed at me, which was quickly shortened to Bonj (although lengthened back to Bonjamin on occasion). It caught on quickly and now just about my entire family calls me Bonj.

My other nickname was Fascist because I used to play a lot of Quake/QuakeII/Half-Life/Counterstrike back in the day, and I used to call people fascists alot... Well it turned out that I was fairly alright with a sniper rifle in LAN games, and my friends would always call me a fascist when they became my next victim. It eventually turned into my nickname. I just figured Bonj was a little more friendly to use on a social kind of site like this one, so that's what I went with.

A bunch of school friends and I used to make stupid sayings up and this was one that I grew attached too. Been saying it for about 20 years now.

And here I was thinking it was a reference to Wall of Voodoo's Seven Days in Sammystown. :D

My nick? I was probably half-rotten when I signed up. :)

And the avatar is the standard warning symbol for chemical weapons. Self-deprecating humour about my beer making skills.

Cheers - Fermented.
Did not really put much thought into it..

Did not think BowB4me would go down to well on this site... :icon_cheers:
I'm just a postmodern kinda guy.

Oh I see!!!

Postmodern philosophy is skeptical or nihilistic toward many of the values and assumptions of philosophy that derive from modernity, such as humanity having an essence which distinguishes humans from animals, or the assumption that one form of government is demonstrably better than another.

Pumpy :)
Postmodern philosophy is skeptical or nihilistic toward many of the values and assumptions of philosophy that derive from modernity, such as humanity having an essence which distinguishes humans from animals, or the assumption that one form of government is demonstrably better than another.

I like this bit if found on the wiki.... it kind of ties in with another thread next step from K & K... :icon_cheers:
Plus: Reintroducing traditional or classical elements of style..... or by carrying modernist style or practices to extremes.
I'm doing my PhD in theoretical physics, and I'm brewing beer - QuantumBrewer.

I did come up with a whole bunch of funny/nerdy usernames that had real physics in them, but they were all too complicated, and wouldn't actually make any sense to anyone who didn't know all the physics jokes.

Two hydrogen atoms walk into a bar.

One says, "I've lost my electron."

The other says, "Are you sure?"

The first replies, "Yes, I'm positive..."

It can also be taken as a brewer brewing something sciencey... I guess.
Oh I see!!!

Postmodern philosophy is skeptical or nihilistic toward many of the values and assumptions of philosophy that derive from modernity, such as humanity having an essence which distinguishes humans from animals, or the assumption that one form of government is demonstrably better than another.

Pumpy :)

Let's not forget the rejection of norms as fixed within a given system!

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