Where Did Your Username Come From?

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Owned a supra and used name that on other forums. Now i dont own a supra and CBF'd changing my username.

On the up side, with no supra anymore, time, finances and most importantly garage space is now being diverted into brewing!!! Plus the other half finds spending money on brewing to be much more acceptable than spending money on cars.
Back in the days when I was in year 9, ICQ was quite popular. I was trying to work out a good name for myself, and was working one out with my friend. He pointed out that I have a CD called 'Eat Your Peas' by Martin/Molloy (hilarious), and CDs by KoRn- so why not Peas_And_KoRn? So that's what I did.

I used it in many forums, and it began to evolve after so many years. First I dropped the capital 'R', making Peas_And_Korn. After that, I lost the capitals all together, so it became peas_and_korn (which was my original name here). Soon after that, I became tired of the KoRn reference (a band which I had moved on from) and got the K replaced with a C- peas_and_corn. Thus, this is my name.

My avatar was originally a photo of me and my friends that had been cropped to just show my eyes. I used it because it looked kinda creepy. For a while I did't have one since I changed servers and the old avater was hoasted on my server's webspace. My current one is my MSN avatar as well- of course, the infamous HAL. The phrase "I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I cannot mash that" sounded funnier at the time.
everything was getting a core so why should i miss out.
hmmm nothing too exciting really, my name is Brendan and my friends shorten it to Brendo - end of mystery really.

Avatar is a photo from my wedding - it is the one shot out of about 800 that focuses on me (unlike the 100 fashion shots of the missus).

incidentally (and OT) I am officially one year into my life sentence today...

Like most people in Australia who are born to foreign parents (they're English, I'll have you know :p ), I looked back to part of my heritage, which is Irish.
My name is Anthony (pronounced Antony, because the English are very proper, I'll have you know - I'll stop that bad joke now.)
The Celtic variation of my name is Antain. Signed up for Yahoo mail as Antain and then forgot the password. Antains was availalbe, so I signed up with that. I've just used it on the few forums I've signed up for, because it seems to make sense to keep the same name.
The avatar is a "painting" I did in ArtRage of myself drinking some homebrew. That way, people know I'm a little bit of a lefty, arty tosser. :lol:
Like most people in Australia who are born to foreign parents (they're English, I'll have you know :p ), I looked back to part of my heritage, which is Irish.
My name is Anthony (pronounced Antony, because the English are very proper, I'll have you know - I'll stop that bad joke now.)
The Celtic variation of my name is Antain. Signed up for Yahoo mail as Antain and then forgot the password. Antains was availalbe, so I signed up with that. I've just used it on the few forums I've signed up for, because it seems to make sense to keep the same name.
The avatar is a "painting" I did in ArtRage of myself drinking some homebrew. That way, people know I'm a little bit of a lefty, arty tosser. :lol:

I can vouch for antains - he is definetly a lefty, arty tosser ;)

Me... I am just a prick...

Kmart had a sale on usernames :icon_cheers:
A kebab usually finds its way into me if I am out drinking beer.. A real NSW kebab that is !
Not one of those Victorian lamb and garlic sauce jobs :icon_vomit:
mfdu is my little recording studio.

everything is branded 'mfdu'. me. my car. my skateboard. my beer.

a little bit of branding goes a loooong way.

but what IS mfdu? used to be M.F.D.U. if that helps.
all i wanted was an acronym. like MUFF (Melbourne Underground Film Festival). i like MUFF.
so mfdu doesn't really MEAN much. My Father Didn't Understand? (really, Massey Ferguson Developments United)


(hey - are you a muso? wanna do some recording? so, give me a call - if you mention AHB, i will record for beer . . .)
my, initials and some numbers incase there's another out there who shares them.
just a chopped down version of my last name that was given to me at primary school and has be a nickname ever since.

the piccy, well i think the evil bert stuff is funny so i had to use it
I can vouch for antains - he is definetly a lefty, arty tosser ;)

Me... I am just a prick...


Cheers, Brendo!

You might be a prick, but at least you're not a F**KEN prick! :lol:
Location, location, location.....

Avatar is a possum that mugged me on holiday at Bargara earlier this year. Actually I was before I got back into brewing and I was drinking XXXX heavy from cans. Oh the shame...

Stephen John Wright :mellow: