Grabbed me a case of Lord Nelson Three Sheets Pale Ale.
$90.. f*ck me. Serves me right for supporting the local grocer, but I thought, I'll do 'em a solid. Also I couldn't be arsed driving out to another bottle shop and I had a party to get to.
The beer is crap. I assume it's due to poor storage conditions, maybe it's suffered the Canberra heat for a few days before being refrigerated. Diminished hop aroma, very little malt to speak of.. in fact I can't taste much at all except maybe a cardboard flavour, likened to oxidisation. Tried looking for a Customer Care section on their website since this is the first ever beer I'd ask a refund for.. but they don't have one. Looks like it'll be backup swill for when my less beer-appreciating mates drop around.