What Are You Brewing - 2014

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Decided to make a gallery out of this brew day, can be found here

fraser_john said:
American Wheat 2014 #2

Brewing Date: Tuesday December 02, 2014
Recipe:       American Wheat 2014 #2

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (L):          22.00    Wort Size (L):    22.00
Total Grain (Kg):         4.70
Anticipated OG:          1.053    Plato:            13.20
Anticipated SRM:           3.2
Anticipated IBU:          22.9
Brewhouse Efficiency:       80 %
Wort Boil Time:             60    Minutes


   %     Amount     Name                          Origin        Potential SRM
  4.3     0.20 kg.  Weyermann Carapils (Carafoam) Germany        1.037      2
 47.9     2.25 kg.  Weyermann Pale Wheat          Germany        1.038      2
 47.9     2.25 kg.  JWM Export Pilsner            Australia      1.037      2

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


   Amount     Name                              Form    Alpha  IBU  Boil Time
 14.00 g.     Magnum                            Pellet  14.00  22.9  60 min.
 15.00 g.     Citra                             Whole   11.50   0.0  0 min.
 15.00 g.     Calypso                           Pellet  15.30   0.0  0 min.

BRY-97 West Coast Ale
Putting this down tomorrow - my first belgium wit and I'm quite excited...

50% Breiss 2-row
41% White wheat
5% Flaked Oats
4% Flaked Wheat
15g Bitter orange peel
1 tablespoon of coriander seed
zest of a lemon
zest of 2 limes
Wyeast 3944 Belgium Witbier

Hallertauer Mittelfrüh @ 60min to 11 IBUs
Hallertauer Mittelfrüh @ 20min to 5 IBUs

Here's hoping it goes well!
Clearing out some left over hops.

Recipe: NightRyedR IPA

Style: American IPA

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size (fermenter): 23.00 l
Estimated OG: 1.072 SG
Estimated Color: 39.1 EBC
Estimated IBU: 75.2 IBUs
3.50 kg Munich I (Weyermann)
2.00 kg Wheat Malt (Barrett Burston)
1.00 kg Rye Malt (Weyermann)
0.25 kg Caraaroma (Weyermann)
0.10 kg Roasted Malt (Joe White)
0.25 kg Corn Sugar (Dextrose)
20.00 g Magnum [13.00 %] - Boil 60.0 min
40.00 g Columbus/Tomahawk/Zeus (CTZ) [15.50 %] - Steep
36.00 g Experimental Pine Fruit [14.10 %] - Steep
35.00 g Centennial [9.40 %] - Steep
33.00 g Experimental Grapefruit [17.00 %] - Steep

Pacific Ale yeast
Was going to do this yesterday but had to obtain ingredients and make an attachment so I can drive my Marga mill with a drill.

Double emergency brew day to hopefully have something good to go for 13th Dec family xmas bash at my place. (If it's not ready by then well I guess I'll have a great new year!)

Mashing now
Wey Pils 74%
Wey Pale wheat 23%
Wey acidulated malt 3%

Saaz @ 45 min
EKG @ 15 min
Saaz and Tettnanger @ flameout

Belle saison yeast

And later I'll be doing

(hops I had)

Pale ale malt 53%
Pils 32%
Munich I 12%
Caramunich I 3%

Chinook, Citra, Magnum, Nortern Brewer @ 60 min
Cascade, Citra, Chinook, Northern Brewer @ 15 min
Cascade, Citra, Northern Brewer, Magnum dry hop down the track.


I can only fit 1 F.V. at a time into my temp controlled ferm chamber so the IPA will be in there and the Saison will be freestylin'
Then get 9 litres of each into a mini keg asap and bottle the rest for later (20 litre batches)
Will be interesting to see how it all goes! Never doubled up on the one day before.
And as seems to be standard when I brew I'll be sheltering under the eave of my house as it pisses down...
Saison cubed... IPA strike water coming up to temp. Why don't I factor in things like cooking and eating dinner and putting the kids to bed in my brew day. They are eating into valuable brew time!
menoetes said:
Putting this down tomorrow - my first Belgium wit and I'm quite excited...

1 tablespoon of coriander seed
if you can, get the coriander into a coffee grinder or through the mill to crush it up, it will impart more into the beer. ( my LHBS would always do that when I made a BW)

p.s. recipe looks great.
Playing around with flaked barley and rolled oats. I'll repeat this with rolled oats next

White mild.

87.5% pils
12.5% flaked barley

Tettnanger 60

15 IBU

Wlp Irish ale
My first Saison, yesterday.

Pils 73%
Wheat 19%
Munich I 8%

Saaz 60 min 17 IBU
Summer 5 min 4 IBU

Belle Saison

Ambient in the garage....holding high 20's most of the day, low 20's overnight.

Dropped 1038 to 1022 in 24 hours,
Bridges said:
And as seems to be standard when I brew I'll be sheltering under the eave of my house as it pisses down...
Saison cubed... IPA strike water coming up to temp. Why don't I factor in things like cooking and eating dinner and putting the kids to bed in my brew day. They are eating into valuable brew time!
Haha. Yes.... brew day with kids at my place goes something like: prep strike water at 2pm keeping curious children away, measure out grains at 2:15, fend off kids, crush at 3pm, let kids crush grains, tell kids to stop crushing grains, sort out tantrums, grush grains, flap about with hot/cold water to get strike temp right at 3:30, fend kids away from hot water, sort out tantrums because kids aren't allowed to burn themselves, mash in at 4pm, flap about getting mash temp right, go away, prep dinner, come back at 4:45 and start mash out, first sparge at 5pm, refil/recric at 5:30, cook dinner, second sparge at 6:00, refil/recirc, finish cooking dinner, eat dinner, put kids to bed..... aaaaaand at 8:30pm... 3rd/4th batch sparges and boil then happens in rapid succession** because there's no kids around.

This better be bloody good beer. Clean up next day because you're knackered.

**Also complete BS. I still end up finishing at 11pm.
Oh well I'm off to bed. 40 litres give or take a couple of wort ready to go. Everything cleaned and packed away. I'd like to high five some one but everyone else is in bed. I'm not sure my better half would understand if I woke her for a high five right now.
Pratty1 said:
This weekend.

Hefeweizen 3

2% Meladoiden
I'm still yet to try brewing with Melanoiden. I really enjoy the process of step mashing. Yet to try a decoction mash in my wheats. Have you done either and prefer it over adding Mela, or just like the simplicity of adding it?
slcmorro said:
I'm still yet to try brewing with Melanoiden. I really enjoy the process of step mashing. Yet to try a decoction mash in my wheats. Have you done either and prefer it over adding Mela, or just like the simplicity of adding it?
Havent got the equipment for a decoction so Ive only added the Mel for its simplicity. If you have the equipment & time it would be worth doing it then running with the Mel addition only to get comparison.
Black IPA

50ltr Batch

Pilsner 82%
Caraarroma 3.45%
Munich 3.45% (all I had)
Crystal 60 3.45%
mash out addition
Choc 3.45%
Roast 3.45%

Simcoe, Cascade, Centennial @ 60
Simcoe, Cascade, Centennial @ 10
Simcoe, Cascade, Centennial Whirlpool
63 IBU

1272 @ 18deg

Pretty much. I think I've only ever done 2, and used a big stockpot. Can't say I noticed a difference, except one of them, a pils, ended up super attenuated, and came out about 6.6% or something.

Keep thinking I'll try the full blown triple, but I never do. Step mashing is good enough for me, good enough that I step mash everything.
mje1980 said:
Playing around with flaked barley and rolled oats. I'll repeat this with rolled oats next
White mild.
87.5% pils
12.5% flaked barley
Tettnanger 60
15 IBU
Wlp Irish ale
Silly me tried to brew while looking after the 3 kids on a Friday evening. They went nuts, as usual, so I ended up doing a 40 minute mash at 68c. I've heard BIAB should be 90mins, which I have always done so we'll see if it's an issue. I guess adding all the time to get to 72 then 76 it'd probably be a good hour anyway.

Ended up using MO and challenger also. Bit more mild like
Well for a mild I made last year it was mashed at 68 for 60mins and then I heard that it should be at 70c for 30mins...after tasting the beer that was correct...70c/30m, so your mash will be ok Id say.

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