What Are You Brewing - 2014

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Just pitched a light lager. It's meant to be an easy drinking quaffer for the summer. It's probably a bit too light on the malt character for a Munich helles but let's hope it makes a decent beer. :)

OG: 1.044
FG: 1.009 (predicted)

100 % Bestmalz Pilsner
Perle to 26 IBU

Mashed low for a nice dry finish.

w34/70 pitched at 10 C and will maintain til about 75% attenuation and then will slowly raise.

EDIT: More detail and spelling.
Grainer said:
Baltic Porter | Baltic Porter INGREDIENTS
  • For 5 gallons (19 L)

  • 7.5 lb (3.4 kg) | pale malt
  • 4.5 lb (2.0 kg) | Munich malt
  • 2.5 lb (1.1 kg) | Vienna malt
  • 0.75 lb (0.34 kg) | wheat malt
  • 0.75 lb (0.34 kg) | crystal malt 135L
  • 0.5 lb (0.22 kg) | chocolate malt
  • 0.5 lb (0.22 kg) | black patent malt
  • 2.0 oz (57 g) | Perle pellet hops, 7% AA (60 min)
  • 1.5 oz (43 g) | Hallertau pellet hops, 4.2% AA (12 min)
  • 0.5 oz (14 g) | Hallertau pellet hops, 4.2% AA (0 min)
  • 2 tsp gypsum in mash
  • 0.5 tsp Irish Moss
  • Wyeast 2124 Bohemian Lager yeast

  • Original Gravity: 1.083
  • Final Gravity: 1.020
  • ABV: 8.2%
  • IBU: 53
  • SRM: 43 **
  • Boil Time: 90 minutes
  • Efficiency: 67-70% **
  • Pre-boil Volume: n/a
  • Pre-boil Gravity: n/a

  • Mash at 148-152°F (64-67°C) for 90 minutes.
  • Boil wort 90 minutes, adding hops as noted.
  • Tom pitched yeast at 77°F (25°C). Ferment at 61°F (16°C) in primary one week, lager in secondary for six weeks at 35°F (1.7°C).
  • Bottle with 3/4 cup corn sugar or force carbonate.
Splitting this up into a blueberry Baltic porter and a strong baltic porter.. boiled it a little longer to up the OG as the blueberries will water down the OG!!
JAO Mead with Yellow Box honey = 3.8L
JAO Mead with Orange Blossum Honey = 3.8L
Traditional Macadamia Mead = 3.8L
Traditional Tea tree Mead =3.8L
Chocolate explosion mead = 3.8L
Blueberry & Raspberry Clover Mead = 15L

Mead FEST !!
Grainer said:
JAO Mead with Yellow Box honey = 3.8L
JAO Mead with Orange Blossum Honey = 3.8L
Traditional Macadamia Mead = 3.8L
Traditional Tea tree Mead =3.8L
Chocolate explosion mead = 3.8L
Blueberry & Raspberry Clover Mead = 15L

Mead FEST !!
You need mead to seek professional help
Last Friday's brew:

Back-to-Back Amber Ale
(y'know ... Gold 'n Brown = Hawks = Double premiership. I had to make something to commemorate the win!)

OG = 1.046
FG = 1.011
IBU = 17
EBC = 21.9

3kg MO
1.25kg Munich 2
0.5kg Wheat
0.1kg Med crystal
0.1kg Melanoiden
0.1kg CaraAroma
0.1kg Acidulated

3g of CaCl2 & CaSO4 into mash, 1.5g of each into sparge, 2g each into boil

55/65/72/78 for 5/60/15/5

10g Simcoe @ 10mins
10g Columbus @10mins
25g each of Simcoe, Columbus & Citra after temp dropped below 70°C (took ~30mins w recirculating plate chiller)
25g each of Simcoe, Columbus & Citra to dry hop
(IBU's calculated assuming the stand & whirlpool and ~12 mins onto bittering contribution - i'm still working out my system!)

Yeast = reused MJ West Coast Ale @~17°C (krausen formed within 24hrs)
I just bottled this last night. When I took off the glad wrap to put the siphon in I gave the brew a good strong whiff. WHOA. Intense. Vinegar, vinegar, hard cidery pungent vinegar. Not cool.

But then I tasted the hydrometer sample ... holy ****, this is a nice beer. Smooth, malty, with subtle wheat esters. A crystal wheat. Pale as the sun, light on the tongue. Cannot wait to smash this throughout summer!

A light Witbier.

31l in the fermentor. 1036-1007.

60% Wheat, 30% Vienna, 5% Acidulated, 5% Carapils.

90 minute step mash, 65° - 70°C.

30 minute boil: 5g Chinook @ 30, 10g @ 0, No Chill.

M20 (starter) in fermentor for two weeks.
(hopefully) Today's brewing effort:

The Red Ferret
Irish Red Ale

OG = 1.048
FG = 1.011
IBU =23.6
EBC = 34
alc = 5%

4.1kg MO
0.35kg CaraAroma
0.1kg Melanoiden
0.05kg Med Crystal
0.05kg Pale Crystal

Mash: 20L 3g CaCl + 1.5gCaSO4
Sparge: 10L 1.3g CaCl + 0.7g CaSO4
Boil: 2g CaCl + 1g CaSO4

55/63/72/78 for 10/40/40/5

15g Fuggles @60mins
10g Horizon @40mins (thanks Temple!)
15g EKG @15mins

Reused & starter-boosted slurry of MJ British Ale @18-19°C

The name is in reference to using whiteferret's recipe for his case swap Red Ale as a starting point for mine, plus his feedback in refining my one. Thanks Wayne!!

Imperial Vanilla Milk Stout Recipe
Posted on September 8, 2012

Big stouts and vanilla is a natural pair. Add a touch of creamy sweetness, and you’ve got a winner. This recipe has a luscious mouth feel from the flaked barley and crystal malts, smooth roast flavors of coffee and chocolate, subtle dark fruit notes, and a slight sweetness from the lactose. This is a slightly sweet beer, but not nearly as sweet as many commercial sweet stouts.
Volume: 5.57 Gallons
Original Gravity: 1.077
Terminal Gravity: 1.028
Color: 34.63 SRM
Alcohol: 6.52%
Bitterness: 39.2
Efficiency: 64% (tweak recipe to match efficiency of your brew house)
Boil Length: 60 Minutes
12 lb (63.6%) Maris Otter; Crisp
3 lb (15.9%) Barley Flaked
6 oz (2.0%) Crystal 60; Crisp
8 oz (2.6%) Crystal 120; Crisp
8 oz (2.6%) Special B – Caramel malt; Dingemans
12 oz (4.0%) Chocolate Malt; Crisp
12 oz (4.0%) Pale Chocolate Malt; Crisp
8 oz (2.6%) Roasted Barley; Crisp
.75 oz (42.9%) Magnum (12.5%) – added during boil, boiled 60 m
1 ea Whirlfloc Tablets (Irish moss) – added during boil, boiled 15 m
8 oz (2.6%) Lactose
.75 tsp Wyeast Nutrient – added during boil, boiled 10 m
1 oz (57.1%) Cascade Leaf (5.7%) – added during boil, boiled 10 m
1 ea WYeast 1968 London ESB Ale – 2400ml 1.040 starter on stir plate
3 ea Madagascar Vanilla Beans – split and soaked in 6oz high quality bourbon – added dry to secondary fermenter
Carbon-filtered Seattle water which is very soft. All salts added to grist before mashing in.
2 g Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate)
2.0 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate)
4.0 g Calcium Chloride (Calcium Chloride)
4.0 g Baking Soda ()
60 Minute Saccharification Rest at 152° F
10 Minute Mashout Rest at 170° F (I do a second hot water infusion to mashout)
Sparge at 170° F and collect sufficient runnings to hit pre-boil volumes.
  1. Chill wort to 64° F and pitch yeast slurry.
  2. Set temp controller to 66° F and allow to rise to this temp.
  3. Ferment at 66-68° F until beer is 2-6 points from terminal gravity then raise temp to 72° F. Hold at 72° F for 2 days.
  4. Chill fermenter to 34° F. Rack beer off yeast into clean container with bourbon soaked vanilla beans (include the bourbon as well).
  5. Age 1 month on vanilla beans before packaging.
Keys to Brewing
  1. Controlling fermentation temperatures and pitching a clean healthy yeast slurry is important in preventing hot alcohols in this beer that would distract from its rich, smooth qualities.
  2. Use fresh high-quality vanilla beans. If they look dried out, they are probably old and shouldn’t be used. Beans should be sticky, almost tacky to the touch. I’d recommend sourcing these online from specific vanilla retailers who move a lot of beans (as opposed to the ones that may languish for months in the homebrew shop).
Whoops think I may have doubled up on the roast barley !! when doubling the receipe
Spilt a cube of unhopped APA and did a couple of mini boils.

1# Nato Standard 15ltrs

Centennial @ 30mins
Amarillo/Ahtanum @ 20 mins
Amarillo/Ahtanum @10 mins
Citra Dry Hop

30 IBU

OG 1.044

2# Don't let the big V down 10ltr

Vic Secret @ 20mins
Galaxy Flowers/Ahtanum/Vic Secret @ 5 mins
Dry hop undecided

30 IBU

OG 1.050
Grainer said:
JAO Mead with Yellow Box honey = 3.8L
JAO Mead with Orange Blossum Honey = 3.8L
Traditional Macadamia Mead = 3.8L
Traditional Tea tree Mead =3.8L
Chocolate explosion mead = 3.8L
Blueberry & Raspberry Clover Mead = 15L

Mead FEST !!
Grainer, do you have a honey source around here? I just bottled some mead and now my demi-johns are thirsty for more.

Sorry for :icon_offtopic: . No follow up questions, your honour.
Grainer said:
JAO Mead with Yellow Box honey = 3.8L
JAO Mead with Orange Blossum Honey = 3.8L
Traditional Macadamia Mead = 3.8L
Traditional Tea tree Mead =3.8L
Chocolate explosion mead = 3.8L
Blueberry & Raspberry Clover Mead = 15L

Mead FEST !!

What do you use to decant from the demijons for bottling ?
Got this on the boil now.

Blonde Ale III / Bruce's Bitter
OG 1.045 EBC 9.3
88% Traditional Ale
8% Wheat
4% Amber
Temp 66/72/78
Time 60/10/Raise bag
FWH Super Alpha to 7IBU
Blonde Ale Cube: Challenger to 16IBU 1318 or 1450
Bruce's Bitter Cube: Cluster to 14 IBU 2565 or 1450

EDIT: Foamiest boil I've ever had.
A racking cane (I want to make a CO2 forced one) and I source honey from a friend and also a Tasmanian supplier as the Tassie honey is great.. I use west bee honey (They are cheaper too).. Last time they dropped it off to me cause they were in Melbourne for a day.

John. Probably looking at getting a 13kg or 20kg lot soon??
Teninch Helles

Brew Type: All Grain Date: 17/10/2014
Style: Munich Helles Brewer: Seth
Batch Size: 25.00 L Assistant Brewer:
Boil Volume: 37.47 L Boil Time: 90 min
Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.0 %
Equipment: Seth - 50 litre Esky and 75 litre kettle

Ingredients Amount Item Type % or IBU
4.50 kg Pilsner (Weyermann) (3.3 EBC) Grain 90.9 %
0.25 kg Carahell (Weyermann) (25.6 EBC) Grain 5.1 %
0.20 kg Acidulated (Weyermann) (3.5 EBC) Grain 4.0 %
20.00 gm Perle [10.00%] (60 min) Hops 23.9 IBU

Beer Profile Estimated Original Gravity: 1.049 SG (1.045-1.051 SG) Measured Original Gravity: 1.010 SG
Estimated Final Gravity: 1.013 SG (1.008-1.012 SG) Measured Final Gravity: 1.005 SG
Estimated Color: 7.3 EBC (5.9-9.9 EBC) Color [Color]
Bitterness: 23.9 IBU (16.0-22.0 IBU) Alpha Acid Units: 1.1 AAU
Estimated Alcohol by Volume: 4.8 % (4.7-5.4 %) Actual Alcohol by Volume: 0.6 %
Actual Calories: 90 cal/l

Mash Profile Name: Double Infusion, Medium Body Mash Tun Weight: 7.50 kg
Mash Grain Weight: 4.95 kg Mash PH: 5.4 PH
Grain Temperature: 17.0 C Sparge Temperature: 75.6 C
Sparge Water: 18.87 L Adjust Temp for Equipment: TRUE

Smells and tastes great, out of the mash tun. Run-off almost completed.

Plan to boil for 30 min and then duck off to a funeral (old school mate, only 50, like me), then return and boil the remaining 60 minutes with bittering hops addition.
Then rack to no-chill in BrewBucket.
(edit) Then attend brew club meeting. And pick up my 70 litre esky mash tun at the depot on the way to the funeral (/edit)
Sound OK?
Had my hand forced to use up all the flavour/aroma hops I have on hand by a recent freezer failure, got a few recipes sorted already, but I'll be left with about 100g each of Simcoe and Cascade and 80 or 90 grams of Galaxy, considering a huge 10 min addition of Simcoe with the Cascade and Galaxy being split between flame out/hop stand and dry hop in an IPA, thinking around 1.075-80 and 68 deg 45 min mash so it'll have a bit if body to hold the big additions of high AA% hops.

I'm a bit unsure of how Simcoe and Galaxy play together, especially in large late additions, if anyone has used the combo can you tell me whether I'm an idiot or a genius.
First brew yesterday with the new pot.


The Electric Brewery ruthless rye clone.

Used the grain bill from this and went with a different hop combo.
Tahoose said:
First brew yesterday with the new pot.


The Electric Brewery ruthless rye clone.

Used the grain bill from this and went with a different hop combo.
will be good to hear about the 13% rye.......the hop combo for RRIPA is pretty good, did you change the bravo bittering addition or the lot?

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