Vic Xmas Swap

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Just make sure he doesnt come back all wierd! Chappo's trying to get us up there for a swap! Are you kidding.

Not sure what they swap up there... but Na staying away. :p
nah he's trading us in for a QLD swap of all things. your off my xmas card this year sorry rook.

We'll discuss this on Friday Fents while we're making 90 litres of the end of the night i bet i'm back on the xmas card list :D

Unfortunately i wont be going into the swap but will be attending so i have moved lucas into my position and moved up the reserves list

sorry to see you pulling out rook, although I have to admit I'm happy that I'm in the swap now.

now I just need to figure out what to brew, something a little paler than my winter swap contribution methinks.

has anyone tried those fruit flavourings that craftbrewer sells yet? I'm toying with the idea of a blueberry heffe, but I'm not sure if it's really a good idea or if it's just because I'm intrigued with blue food and drink in general
theRook will be fine besides he'll come back from the Qld case swap vowing to rebel against the wowsers... Good god this thread is soooooo boring it's seriously 1000x worse than watching... what was that Tom Hanks movie with the volley ball "Wilson"??? Castaway? Runnaway? Anyway you get the idea ;)

nah he's trading us in for a QLD swap of all things. your off my xmas card this year sorry rook.

No loss Rook us Qlders will send ya one instead ;)

Just make sure he doesnt come back all wierd! Chappo's trying to get us up there for a swap! Are you kidding.

Not sure what they swap up there... but Na staying away.

I would be more worried about Lloydie's disposition after a Qld Case Swap rather your own Katie... :ph34r: Besides you know you want to...
theRook will be fine besides he'll come back from the Qld case swap vowing to rebel against the wowsers... Good god this thread is soooooo boring it's seriously 1000x worse than watching... what was that Tom Hanks movie with the volley ball "Wilson"??? Castaway? Runnaway? Anyway you get the idea ;)

No loss Rook us Qlders will send ya one instead ;)

I would be more worried about Lloydie's disposition after a Qld Case Swap rather your own Katie... :ph34r: Besides you know you want to...

na. I actually feel like throwing up every time I look at that thread!

Planning to go over in March or April so drats we miss it!
No loss Rook us Qlders will send ya one instead ;)

but can you afford the postage chappo?

our threads are boring because we dont need to speak **** through a gazzilion posts about how good our swaps are - we know their the best we just dont like to brag about it. less posting more drinking mate.
but can you afford the postage chappo?

our threads are boring because we dont need to speak **** through a gazzilion posts about how good our swaps are - we know their the best we just dont like to brag about it. less posting more drinking mate.

.... sorry what was that Fents? Must have nodded off again? :p
.... sorry what was that Fents? Must have nodded off again? :p

come down one year and play with us mate we'll have you nodding off and throwing up quicker than you could ever imagine.
We'll discuss this on Friday Fents while we're making 90 litres of the end of the night i bet i'm back on the xmas card list :D


Well rook if you are brewing 90litres of oktoberfest surely you could bring some of that :D

.... sorry what was that Fents? Must have nodded off again? :p

Chappo for somebody who thinks this thread is boring you post in it alot! :p
Well im multi quoting as this internet is slower than a snails pace. I think they are on a 64k Frame relay link or something!

How much terrior do they use in the beers over their. I don't have any terrior in stock, can I sub dalmation or I can probably get my hands on an annoying chihuahua or two. Do you add it in the mash or the boil? Please help as I'd love to master making this interesting beer.

Pronounced ter-wah mate.. terwah! :p

4* make a light dig beer, I mean Vietnam beer. Not enough good light beers around. I recon my Aussie style lager will be a go-er for the swap. It's fermenting away nicely @ 10c and smelling great.

Yeah i think i have set my heart on a light Bia Hoi Style lager, 3.8% 22-25IBU30-40% Rice. Looooowwwww mash temp Some Carapils to keep the body. just unsure what to hop with. I might use some magnum and perle together... see how it goes.

Make a massive US 2IPA with lotsa cascade, chinook and simcoe. and i mean MASSIVE!

Fents mah boi! If i didnt do an AIPA last swap, i think that would be on the cards for sure. Mabe i'll reserve myself for brewing one for the next 1/2 year swap. Shoot for around 10-15g hops per final vol L sound good? :icon_drool2:

Chappo for somebody who thinks this thread is boring you post in it alot! :p

I think my Disease has fully transferred to Chap Chap!
I don't know if its the terrior or what but something is missing. Maybe im just over complicating things and a simple 70% Malt 30% Rice grist, hopped to 25IBU will be in order for a killer Brau!

Pronounced ter-wah mate.. terwah! :p

Spelt Terroir, pas comme le chien.

Just too good an opportunity to miss :)

Ok, I'm out of the actual swap itself, but I WILL be coming to the day. I'm unable to commit to brewing a beer, but that weekend shall be kept free.

Edit: Wiki updated, boddington's best, looks like you get a guernsey.
Ok, I'm out of the actual swap itself, but I WILL be coming to the day. I'm unable to commit to brewing a beer, but that weekend shall be kept free.
Wardy, must say I'm a bit disappointed. I was looking forward to a Wardhog Special. As long as you make a showing mate, all will be forgiven.

Brewing my potential swap beer now. we'll see how it turns out, and I challenge anyone to fit this into a style :p
Blown up my kettle today, was going to brew a nice ESB but now it's sitting in 2 stockpots trying to boil on the gas range so no confidence in the results.
I have switched status in the swap to attendee but will bring a keg of something along for sure.
Case swap beer brewed last night ... amongst consumption of many a fine lager and ale.

Was aiming for something in the Gippsland Gold territory, but seemed to have way overshot the mark on hop bitterness and aroma

(hmm maybe one too many fine lager and ales although to my defense Don Mateo brought around his Bock, had to try my new Bock, Hefe and Kolsch, and we had the Aventinus Weizen-Eisbock ... and a couple of others)

Anyway will be interesting to see how it turns out with all that TF Pale Crystal (all thanks to Maple for subbing it in for me in the malt bulk buy)

Can track fermentation progress on the brewing log here.

And the recipe can be found by clicking on the recipe tab.


As an aside the website above (referenced above) is something that Don Mateo and myself have been keeping ourselves occupied with over the last 18 months or so.

Its a basic web based recipe formulation and brewlog site.

Its still in its formative stages but looking to get to a comparative level of functionality as beersmith over the next 12 months or so for recipe formation.

Features that we are working on this side of xmas include:
- Support for no-chill hop bitterness calculations
- Support for brew in a bag process.
- Support for can kits as ingredients.
- Support for french press (hop tea) additions.

If you have any feature requests/questions/ideas would love to here from you. Drop an email to [email protected]

My SMASH pilsner has been lagering for a few days. First tastes are very bready.

Depending on how it turns out after a week or so, I may brew again (this time not smash) and blend. Alternatively I may brew another of my all amarillo american brown as that seems to have received great feedback from everyone who's tried it.
must... not... disrupt...this... thread...

Hey? I'm weak pr1ck what can I say?

Chap Chap