Vic Xmas Swap

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i hope that i can see you on one of those adds..

p.s. be carefull

Just about to cube my Black IPA, lets jut hope i dont get covered in hot wort and look like one of those kids from the work cover ads!
Or one of those guys from the Red Faces segment on the Hey, Hey Reunion!!!

Is that a racialist comment?
OK. Bottled my Altbier tonight. Needs to be kept at room temp for a week to carb up and could then do with two to 4 weeks in a cooler/cold place (like the fridge).

Thanks to maple and manticle for sorting the transport to Bendigo.

Have a great one boys

Boys, get those Case Swap Beers delivered hey.....


:blink: CB

And dont call me for your usual Phone Beers..... Ok!!!! ;)

Oh, look, our thread has been hijacked by certain personages of a "Northern" persuasion.

What a surprise!
Haha did someone call my name ...

Wheres my mate Roook ... play hard brother ...

Hey Clean brewer and chappo ,, maybe we could organise a swap tour next year ,, try and get to all the state swaps ,, be like following the cricket team around but more fun and full strenth beer ...

Have a good day guy ..

Cheers , Osama Bin Bunyip
Oh, look, our thread has been hijacked by certain personages of a "Northern" persuasion.

What a surprise!

Whaddaya bloody know!?!? Anyway back to business! Here's what I'm bringing along:
- bottled swap beers (Quick, label them!!!!)
- other beers
- a glass for drinking (necessary?)
- yeasties to swap
- salad

See everyone very soon!
- bottled swap beers (Quick, label them!!!!) - Check
- other beers - Check
- a glass for drinking (necessary?) - Negatory.
- yeasties to swap - Thanks, almost forgot
- salad - To quote our host "You don't win friends with salad". I've got the chips

ETA is 5 hours, and counting, and I'm feeling thirsty already...

Do you need my MLT earlier?? or 1 should be alright time to rock up?
Hey Clean brewer and chappo ,, maybe we could organise a swap tour next year ,, try and get to all the state swaps ,, be like following the cricket team around but more fun and full strenth beer ...

Have a good day guy ..

Cheers , Osama Bin Bunyip
Great idea, seriously. I'll put my name forward for selection for that tour!

now, the task at hand, looks like the short bus is going to be somewhat delayed. planning a departure time of 11 ish, with a stop-over /pick up on the way. perhaps 2pm arrival ish.
now, the task at hand, looks like the short bus is going to be somewhat delayed. planning a departure time of 11 ish, with a stop-over /pick up on the way. perhaps 2pm arrival ish.

Looks like im getting my hiking boots on to Kleinys then! :p
what a ***** case swap eve.

he's driving about 4 swaps contributions tomorrow. well he was until his car decided to resemble a sick hooker at happy hour....breaks down with other expecting a ride! other arrangements are being made.

Crap! That's only the start of it! Got the car running again, so transport is OK now...but...been up all night with a sick kid! My ETA is now out to around 3-4pm :(
:icon_offtopic: +1 Osama we have 12 months to organise it so lets do it!

Now boys have a great day and don't forget to post a lot of photo!
Will take pics for posting. I doubt any will be in the balk park of the ones u keep posting chappo but it's sure to be a messy night.
I've got the dimmies, full keg of golden rye apa and am ready to board the short bus soon.