Or one of those guys from the Red Faces segment on the Hey, Hey Reunion!!!Just about to cube my Black IPA, lets jut hope i dont get covered in hot wort and look like one of those kids from the work cover ads!
Chris - I'll bring your hops if you like.
We'll probably get into trouble for this CB, hey?
Oh, look, our thread has been hijacked by certain personages of a "Northern" persuasion.
What a surprise!
Great idea, seriously. I'll put my name forward for selection for that tour!Hey Clean brewer and chappo ,, maybe we could organise a swap tour next year ,, try and get to all the state swaps ,, be like following the cricket team around but more fun and full strenth beer ...
Have a good day guy ..
Cheers , Osama Bin Bunyip
now, the task at hand, looks like the short bus is going to be somewhat delayed. planning a departure time of 11 ish, with a stop-over /pick up on the way. perhaps 2pm arrival ish.
what a ***** case swap eve.
he's driving about 4 swaps contributions tomorrow. well he was until his car decided to resemble a sick hooker at happy hour....breaks down with other expecting a ride! other arrangements are being made.