I just take it out of the fridge 10 to 15 mins beforehand.I'm quite looking forward to a low carbed, non hoppy english style. What temp would you recommend for drinking?
Mu-mu. North-by-north-west. Yes, but mayonnaise elevates it to another level.What should I wear while I drink it? Which direction should I face? Does it go with mustard?
And who is that odd fellow standing at the back of the room?
Dave - thanks for putting this one into the swap
Just finished WW's summer ale... very tasty indeed , super fruity hops!!
#24: Wonderwoman: Summer Ale
[snip]... I reckon the beer could do with a touch more maltiness and slightly less fizz...[snip]
Overall: huge hop flavour that is part and parcel with alot of the American 'C'hops, however nicely countered with the malt back-bone to support. V. Clean ferment leading to a refreshing example. Suggestions would be to add some malt complexity to this to give it a tweak, but an excellent example of the style. 8.5/10
I did the same and SWMBO asked if I can spot you an extra point on her behalf. She's very picky about what she likes, and this one passed the test, so that's certainly kudos to you.Thanks for the feedback Maple, glad you enjoyed it. Gave SWMBO a sample last night and she enjoyed it and requested i brew another batch.
Cheers SJ
I've been slowly getting into theses beers.. I would give feed back but im limited to "I liked it" or "I didn't like it" and most likely the reason for not liking it is becasuse of theses styles are new to me...
So far I liked most of them... I've been ticking them off.. I remember wonderwoman was good.. i enjoyed that one..
So far I liked most of them... I've been ticking them off.. I remember wonderwoman was good.. i enjoyed that one..
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