Vic Xmas 2009 Case Swap - Tasting Thread

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Cheers for feedback. Next time I might mash a bit hotter.

Any suggestions on possible causes for metallic characteristics?

Only cause i usually run into with this issue is rusty caps. I licked yours so there is no issue there, the beginning of an infection throwing metallic like notes maybe? How carbonated was this supposed to be as mine was quite lively and almost carbonic. It could also be an issue with a pot/kettle rusting too.

Could also be the onset of Brett?
Brettanomyces taints are often referred to as "Bretty", "mousy", "metallic", or as having "Brett character".
Cheers for the review Maple. This was my 2nd brew in my new pot, and yes my OG was out. It was MUCH higher than I expected, so that will cause the alcohol warmth. From memory, I added a handful of extra Crystal, and a handfull of chocolate malts, so that would also explain the extra sweetness. I kinda wanted that, but not such a high alcohol %.
given that 4* seems to have gotten an ok bottle of mine i recon that confirms that there is an issue with the beer coming out of the 2nd keg that went into the caseswap. there's only a handful of bottles that cam from the 2nd keg so let me know if you want a replacement bottle of something else. doest seem fair to take good beer form everyone and not provide drinkable beer back.....
....doest seem fair to take good beer form everyone and not provide drinkable beer back.....
But you haven't - they are still at my place - calling me, asking to be freed....
Only cause i usually run into with this issue is rusty caps. I licked yours so there is no issue there, the beginning of an infection throwing metallic like notes maybe? How carbonated was this supposed to be as mine was quite lively and almost carbonic. It could also be an issue with a pot/kettle rusting too.

Could also be the onset of Brett?

I really hope not. I have a few bottles set aside to allow a bit more maturity so I'll check them out.

Pots aren't rusty.

Carbonation is around 2.2 - 3 from memory (I think I wrote what I did in the recipe thread). I'd probably drop it a tad next time. I've only just started to let my bottles mature (normally drink everything way too early) so I may be knocking my carbonation back to 2 and below for future brews. If anything it might have been a bit high but carbonic sounds a bit full on. Maybe there was something wrong with yours (hopefully the only one) and you drank it before it hit. I might check one out tonight or tomorrow.
Carbonation is around 2.2 - 3 from memory (I think I wrote what I did in the recipe thread). I'd probably drop it a tad next time. I've only just started to let my bottles mature (normally drink everything way too early) so I may be knocking my carbonation back to 2 and below for future brews. If anything it might have been a bit high but carbonic sounds a bit full on. Maybe there was something wrong with yours (hopefully the only one) and you drank it before it hit. I might check one out tonight or tomorrow.

Hmm 2.2-2.3 isnt all that high and probably spot on for a porter. i'd say its more like a 3 vols, atleast the bottle i had. Do you usually bulk prime?
Always bulk prime. Hopefully it was the individual bottle because that doesn't sound right.

If the others are ok would you like another?
The carb on the one I had was quite low - about what I would expect for a porter.
don't be put off by the depth that some of the swappers are reviewing a beer - those of us doing BJCP are simply using hi as an exercise for practice.

Your opinions are just as valid and I would urge you too post your thoughts - regardless of detail. I nothing else it will tell you more about what you do and don't like and will get you thinking more about beer in a critical sense.

Most importantly - you don't have to agree with others opinions either - tasting is personal and subjective.



People should also note that unless they brewed to a BJCP category (style), then the BJCP guys might "have" to give low scores for an otherwise great beer...would like to see these sorts of comments from you BJCP guys too...unfortunately, my beer should fall within style so I don't have any excuse!
Carbonation is around 2.2 - 3 from memory (I think I wrote what I did in the recipe thread). I'd probably drop it a tad next time. I've only just started to let my bottles mature (normally drink everything way too early) so I may be knocking my carbonation back to 2 and below for future brews. If anything it might have been a bit high but carbonic sounds a bit full on. Maybe there was something wrong with yours (hopefully the only one) and you drank it before it hit. I might check one out tonight or tomorrow.

The one I had was around 2 volumes of CO2...
2. Maple - Rye IPA

Great beer, mate. Hadn't tried a rye beer before your Berlinner Ryesse at the swap, but this one will not be my last.

A little hazy, which is not unusual for an IPA, but that extra tangy taste out of the rye is great.

You'll be happy to know, I'm enjoying your beer while popping my cherry on MY VERY FIRST AG, TONIGHT! (Well, apart from helping out at the case swap). One for the trophy room.

Sad to see the end of the bottle.
11. Warmbeer - ESB

This one has only been chilled a short time so is probably around 12 degrees. I've left the rest in the fridge so I will chill it completely then allow to warm a little.

Pours with a creamy head.
Nice clear, deep amber colour
Aroma is all malt

Carbonation seems spot on to me.

Flavour is really nice and rich as the aroma would suggest. Very light bitterness and very sweet. There's almost a golden syrup/treacle or melted brown sugar type quality to this. I love rich brown malty beers. However I reckon this one either needs to be balanced out with some grain complexity or some extra bitterness or both.

Something this colour I would expect more of a grain flavour so I'm guessing this is an extract? I would suggest a few more spec grains on a pale base extract, upping the hop bitterness a tad and aiming for slightly bigger attenuation.

Tasty and the kind of beer I favour - just needs more complexity.


Read your recipe after posting this. Doesn't seem like 34 IBU so I reckon it's the sweetness that's putting it out of blance. Not sure if maybe those different caramel malts might be contributing - it might be worth using a slightly more roasty malt in addition/substitution. A touch of roast barley would give some of that red colour and contribute no sweetness for example.
Something this colour I would expect more of a grain flavour so I'm guessing this is an extract? I would suggest a few more spec grains on a pale base extract, upping the hop bitterness a tad and aiming for slightly bigger attenuation.

Thanks mate, yeah, I've been tiptoeing around the extract sweetness thing for my last couple of brews, without a whole lot of success. Have tried both DDME and LDME, extra hops, steeping grains. Finally pushed me over to doing my first AG on the weekend, so can't wait to get it fermented out and start the new year drinking it.

Linky - with piccies
Good stuff.

While AG is not the holy grail if your brewing is below par, it does make a noticeable difference if you're already brewing decent beer.

Whereabouts wer your extracts finishing? I always had trouble getting under 1018 (usually 1020 and some even higher).
Ok back from the GVBR and ready to start the swap tastings.

5. Fourstar - Reunification Express, Viet Rice Lager - Drink Now

Sweet bready malt, some yeast esters, get an unidentified fermentable that is presumably the rice. No noticeable hops.

Much more inviting than the 333 that I had whilst in Vietnam early this year.

Score: 8/12

Clear to slight haze, straw colour. Persitent white head.

Score: 2/3

Very subtle, easy drinking

Evenly balanced.

Some bitterness in the finish, that gets more pronounced as more is consumed.

Evidence of the rice adjunct.

Yeast esters not as prominent as in the aroma.

Very clean.

Score: 17/20

Some noticeable alcohol warming, medium to medium high carbonation. Pleasant silky finish. Medium body.

Score: 4/5

Great beer fourstar. No noticeable fermentation or brewing faults.

My only criticism compared to my very limited experience on this style is that there where more yeast esters then expected, and a truckload more body (and presumably malt). This in my opinion only serves to make it a much better beer, but if we where truly after the Vietnamese Rice Lager experience I think you need to back off a touch on the bittering hops, a lot on the malt and dry it out a touch more.

Score: 8/10

Overall Score: 39/50
Whereabouts wer your extracts finishing? I always had trouble getting under 1018 (usually 1020 and some even higher).

Mostly around the 1016 mark. Tend to leave mine for up to 3 weeks, and ramp up the temp by a degree or 2 for the last week, this would get it to drop those last couple of points.

With the ESB, the yeast (1968) is a notorious flocculator, but managed to get it down to 1014 with a couple of rousings with a sanitised spoon.
Just realised you provided a link to the recipe in the wiki which I read after taking the notes above.

So you did use a version of PoR?

Thanks for the feedback.

Just to screw around with peoples perceptions I used a mixture of East Kent Goldings and Super Pride with the "French Press" (hop tea method).

I believe Super Pride is a derivative of PoR.

Here is a linky to the Tripel recipe.

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