Vic "off Season" Swap

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OK. Having never been involved in one of these, how does it work? Do I just bring along 12 bottles of brew and away we go? Is it acceptable to bring along 24 stubbies in lieu of 12 bottles?

Not sure how others feel but I don't think you need to bring 24 stubbies. I don't want to manhandle 24 bottles when I can carry 12.

It's not about the quantity, just about trying new beers.

The Vic on hyde, would be great place to catch up.
They have a big carpark out the back, they put on lunch if anyone is interested and have coffee etc.
Its also just up the road from Grain and Grape so wont be too hard to find.
Not sure how others feel but I don't think you need to bring 24 stubbies. I don't want to manhandle 24 bottles when I can carry 12.

It's not about the quantity, just about trying new beers.


sappas its preferable to bring 12 longnecks but if you dont have them 24 stubbies is fine just means everyone gets two stubbies rather than a longneck ...

is the vic on hyde open that early in the morning reg ???
The Vic on hyde, would be great place to catch up.
They have a big carpark out the back, they put on lunch if anyone is interested and have coffee etc.
Its also just up the road from Grain and Grape so wont be too hard to find.

hahahaha, then you can all play the pokies when your done swapping and sipping on coffees.
Not sure how others feel but I don't think you need to bring 24 stubbies. I don't want to manhandle 24 bottles when I can carry 12.

It's not about the quantity, just about trying new beers.


True. Mostly.

Call me greedy, but I'm expecting to get 12x750ml = 9l back for the 9l I'm providing. If more then fine. And given that the bottles have to be divided evenly then that means there has to be 24 stubbies.

This is liquid gold we're talking about here!
Although not the organiser, i would say the swap is open to all brewers, no AG elistism going on here.

I've tasted good kit beer and very average AG so brewing method alone doesn't guarantee success!

This is a good chance to get some feedback... so pls feel free to join!

Cool, I'll take spot 11 then (if it's still open). Look forward to it :)
Gumby - Look's like you're in

Plenty of places around the Yarraville village to go but parking is awful & most places are busy. Maybe too busy for 12 blokes with a box of beer each.

Thinking Reg's idea of the Vic isn't a bad one. I lived in Yarraville at one stage so I know this place opens at 7am (just enough time to walk from the Belgravia in Footscray, which closes at 6am ;) ). Huge car park, plenty of room inside. Not the greatest venue, certainly not the greatest coffee by any means, but could do the job for us. Also 2 mins walk from G&G. Wouldn't even move the car.

Onto unfortunate news,

1) the beer I had planned to bottle from the keg isn't working out. I can't get the carbonation right. Have moved to a new 4 tap (fking awesome), but can't seem to get the right about of line or temp or I dont know. It's meant to be a flooded font, but I've got it dry. Can't be helping. Driving me mad and Im pissing away (drinking) good beer testing and re-testing. Haven't tried to bottle from keg before, so I guess I should have planned ahead. Any ideas welcome.

As a back up I'll be brewing up again tomorrow (AG Ross summer ale with all cube hops), fermenting out for 9-10 days, batch priming and bottling. It will be young, but it will be there. Give it 2 weeks.

2) Could be in NZ at time of swap. All depends on work. Looking likely though. If so, will drop booze off with someone (Barra??)

Vic on Hyde sounds fine with me... parking and not having to lug beer a considerable distance is a big plus :beerbang:

Hopefully you can make it Paul... would be a bugger if you couldn't since it was your bright idea in the first place.

fine by me if ya wanna drop them off or something paul if your out of action on the day of the event
fine by me if ya wanna drop them off or something paul if your out of action on the day of the event

Sorry guys...
:( I'm OUT.
No beer & No chance of attending. Ended up brewing another beer and it's in the cube. But I'm going to NZ on Friday night. No time to ferment anything. A mate and me hit the keg hard on Friday and that's history now too. All very disappointing but NZ will be good. Will be in the Twisted Hop on Saturday night.

However - I have found a substitute. :) A K&K mate I know who lives not far from the Vic. His name is Dan and he's on the look out for a cheap fermentation fridge if anyone knows of one.

Was in G&G on Friday picking up grain for the new brew and mentioned we'd be in on the 7th. Apparently they have a load of stuff laying around they want to off load. Old pluto guns and fitting etc. They said they'll try and get them out on the day. Also got the chance to go back stage (awesome) where I spotted a few odd shaped party kegs. Kind of short and stupmy ones, with a strange convex base. Turns out these are rejects. The bottom has popped out under pressure and G&G had them reconditioned. These will be 30%-40% off the usual retail for a party keg. If interested, I would call now as they were going on sale last Friday.

So this is the latest version of the plan:

When: 9am Saturday March 7th,
Where: Vic on Hyde hotel, Yarraville (google it)

1. Bulp (confirmed, 9am, AG TDA's Fly blown Belgian)
2. Barra im (in for the 7th at 9am)
3. Fraser John
4. P&L Brazil's > Replacement "Dan" K&K
5. Seemax (confirmed, 9am, AG Amber Ale or Wheat Bix Wit depending on how it turns out)
6. Jason Glare( confirmed,9am,possibly porter with some home made malts)
7. apd (my first ever lager)
8. Leigh (confirmed for 7th@9) Amber Ale is in the fermentor so that's what'll hit the bottles early next week!
9. Brendo (confirmed, 9ish. Either an extract golden ale (fermenting) - or my 1st AG (if time allows) )
10. Breezy (confirmed, 9am. SNPA clone. Partial)
11. Gumby
12. sappas (accepted@post74

I'll call and double check no issues with the Vic. Otherwise, I hope it's a good morning and this all works out. I'm certainly not going to miss the next one.

Good luck

That is a bugger Paul - but thanks for organising everything and look forward to meeting you at the next one!!


Hi All

Spoke to Denise at Vic on Hyde and gave her the low down on the swap. No issues at all.

All the best

good stuff p&L , looks like the vic is the place ... there first then to grain and grape after ...
I will be there to meet a few people with you Barra, then down to G&G to get some grain and lighten the wallet.

Perhaps because I am such a good bloke that people might throw in some extra brews for me.... :icon_cheers:

Just joking (unless of course you want to)

See you at 9am Barra.

I'll be there.

And if anyone's interested, I have some home grown Columbus that I'd be willing to swap for some other variety of home grown hop (or beers). Sorry, only last year's crop (this year's not harvested yet).

Have to taste test my contribution, but it is carbing up nicely and have a leave pass, so should be there...

I also dropped my box of empties :eek: so I have 6 in glass and 5 in plastic :huh: :unsure:
I'll be there :), not sure how long i'll be able to hang around though, have to get to moorabbin earlyish...

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