The Homebrewer's Beard

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Do you have a beard?

  • No - cleanshaven

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No - but I have a moustache

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes - I have a beard (includes goatee visible from 5m)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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As I've become sucked into the world of homebrewing over the last year or so, I've noticed that Homebrewers seem to be more likely to have a beard then non-homebrewers.

What scares me is that I started to grow a beard at about the same time I started homebrewing.

Can we test the stereotype? If a relationship between these facts exists, does anyone care to speculate as to why?
Beard/moustache acts in three ways:
1) A filter of hops and trub as the beer enters the mouth;
2) A beer storage device, for later consumption; and
3) A cleaning device/mop, for wiping up spilled (God forbid!) beer. This relates to 2)
Dunkel_Boy said:
Beard/moustache acts in three ways:
1) A filter of hops and trub as the beer enters the mouth;
2) A beer storage device, for later consumption; and
3) A cleaning device/mop, for wiping up spilled (God forbid!) beer. This relates to 2)

You forgot a very inmportant one, yeast.

4. A yeast storage device for later cultivation.

One of my other hobbies is cichlid aquarium fish.. my god if you ever go to a fish auction I swear 70% of blokes have "box" goatee-moustashe beards - think of the aussie cricketers in the damian Flemming era ( last ashes series). It's amazing. they all have big guts and bored women hanging off their shoulder too.
Goatee here. Had it since geting out of the Army. Don't have any plans to get rid of it. Even tho I just cut all my hair off. :blink:

Your not a true homebrewer till you have a beard and own a March pump

Batz :ph34r:
Your not a true homebrewer till you have a beard and own a March pump


Damn, I am only 1/2 a man :( I don't have a March pump :p


Beard Moustache for the past 25 years. Brewing Kit beers for 20 years just recently graduated to all grain and I swear by the great brewing god my beard like me has taken on a new lease of life. Is this just a coincidence or the mellowing effect of all grain beer.
Oh well time for another pint.
Cheers Altstart
Those who have been to the UK will undoubtably have noticed that this is also true of CAMRA members.

So the connection must be to an appreciation of good beer, rather than to making it.
i clean shave once a week, weather i need it or not

i just hope no one here has one of them beards with out the mo.....thats just not on
ozbrewer said:
<expurgated>i just hope no one here has one of them beards with out the mo.....thats just not on

I just hope that no-one is offended when I say that moustaches are gay.

Takes a special bloke to carry off a mo'...someone like Merv Huuuuughes, or Chopper.

Seth :p
Weizguy said:
ozbrewer said:
<expurgated>i just hope no one here has one of them beards with out the mo.....thats just not on

I just hope that no-one is offended when I say that moustaches are gay.

Takes a special bloke to carry off a mo'...someone like Merv Huuuuughes, or Chopper.

Seth :p

Nothin' like a good old steriotypical Novocastrian. :lol:

What about Inspector Frost...........

Borret :blink:
Sean said:
Those who have been to the UK will undoubtably have noticed that this is also true of CAMRA members.

So the connection must be to an appreciation of good beer, rather than to making it.

Most CAMRA members I have met also:

1) Smoke a pipe
2) Knit their own sandals

BTW, I only have a fanny tickler.

Borret said:
Weizguy said:
ozbrewer said:
<expurgated>i just hope no one here has one of them beards with out the mo.....thats just not on

I just hope that no-one is offended when I say that moustaches are gay.

Takes a special bloke to carry off a mo'...someone like Merv Huuuuughes, or Chopper.

Seth :p

Nothin' like a good old steriotypical Novocastrian. :lol:

What about Inspector Frost...........

Borret :blink:

Closet!!! See above :lol:
Sean said:
Those who have been to the UK will undoubtably have noticed that this is also true of CAMRA members.

So the connection must be to an appreciation of good beer, rather than to making it.

Most CAMRA members I have met also:

1) Smoke a pipe
2) Knit their own sandals

BTW, I only have a fanny tickler.



This "fanny tickler" it made of facial hair, or are U telling us something else? :blink:

Seth :lol:
I already have the long, moppy hair and big sideburns. If I grow a moustache I'll be obliged to act in corny 70's porn movies.

Most CAMRA members I have met also:

1) Smoke a pipe
2) Knit their own sandals


3) Have a pewter mug secured to their necks with a chain.

:lol: NERDS! :blink:

Warren -
Weizguy said:
Sean said:
Those who have been to the UK will undoubtably have noticed that this is also true of CAMRA members.

BTW, I only have a fanny tickler.

This "fanny tickler" it made of facial hair, or are U telling us something else? :blink:

Seth :lol:

Do you go to the dentist for a haircut?


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