The Great Chinese Hop Buy 2009

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I would like to be added to the list too please.

Many thanks!
Add me too please. After a kilo of cascade, sazz and maybe a bit more.
If you can put me down for a 1kg of Saaz and a 1kg of Cascade,
latest list 7.30 am

# Who Invitation to Order Posted Email order Received Payment Received

1 townsville Yes Yes Waiting
2 xxxxx Yes Yes Yes
3 yyyyy Yes Yes Yes
4 QldKev Yes Yes Yes
5 KillerRx4 Yes Yes Yes
6 Bradsbrew Yes Yes Waiting
7 AndrewQLD Yes Yes Yes
8 Leigh Yes Yes Yes
9 Ross Yes Yes Yes
10 Beer&Kebab Yes Yes Yes
11 dth Yes Yes Waiting
12 ham2k Yes Yes Yes
13 Chappo Yes Yes Waiting
14 BribieG Yes Yes Waiting
15 etbandit Yes Yes Waiting
16 Winkle Yes Yes Yes
17 Batz Yes Yes Yes
18 crozdog Yes Yes Yes
19 Gruntus Yes Waiting Waiting
20 L_Bomb Yes Yes Yes
21 Altstart Yes Yes Waiting
22 ratchie Yes Yes Yes
23 rosswill Yes Yes Yes
24 OzMick Yes Yes Yes
25 Voota Yes Waiting Waiting
26 peas_and_corn Yes Yes Yes
27 jimmyjack Yes Yes Yes
28 BusinessTime Yes Yes Yes
29 christmasbender Yes Yes Yes
30 Phonos Yes Yes Yes
31 Marlow_coates Yes Yes Yes
32 Jimi Yes Yes Yes
33 Leiothrix Yes Yes Yes
34 Maple Yes Yes Yes
35 Jonnyanchovy Yes Yes Waiting
36 boddingtons best Yes Yes Waiting
37 Citymorgue2 Yes Yes Waiting
38 Darkman Yes Waiting Waiting
39 NickB Yes Yes Yes
40 Steve Yes Yes Yes
41 Katie Yes Waiting Waiting
42 raven19 Yes Yes Yes
43 marksfish Yes Yes Yes
44 ilikebeer Yes Yes Yes
45 Brewer Pete Yes Yes Yes
46 Troopa Yes Yes Waiting
47 Doogiechap Yes Yes Waiting
48 sinkas Yes Yes Waiting
49 Redbeard Yes Yes Waiting
50 Stillscottish Yes Yes Yes
51 kram Yes Yes Yes
52 beerhog Yes Yes Yes
53 hairofthedog Yes Yes Waiting
54 regulator Yes Yes Waiting
55 cozmocracker Yes Waiting Waiting
56 DiscoStu Yes Waiting Waiting
57 tomtoro Yes Yes Yes
58 Hogan Yes Yes Yes
59 Wrenny Yes Waiting Waiting
60 zzzz Yes Yes Yes
61 Rustyc Yes Yes Waiting
62 Scotsman06 Yes Yes Waiting
63 matthewm Yes Yes Waiting
64 yaks Yes Yes Waiting
65 mattese Yes Yes Waiting
66 hops75 Yes Yes Waiting
67 supra-Jim Yes Yes Yes
68 Chappo71 Yes Yes Waiting
69 Larkins Yes Yes Waiting
70 Ecosse Yes Yes Waiting
71 Turkey Head Brewing Yes Yes Waiting
72 Brendo Yes Waiting Waiting
73 bL@De Yes Yes Yes
74 Mark^Bastard Yes Yes Waiting
75 davewaldo Yes Yes Waiting
76 davelovesbeer Yes Yes Waiting
77 wabster Yes Yes Waiting
78 Pocket Beers Yes Yes Waiting
79 Fourstar Yes Yes Waiting
80 jpr Yes Yes Waiting
81 Grantw Yes Yes Waiting
82 Kleiny Yes Yes Waiting
83 OLDS2006 Yes Yes Waiting
84 breaky Yes Yes Waiting
85 huscre Yes Waiting Waiting
86 Kaiser Soze Yes Yes Waiting
87 scotteth Yes Yes Waiting
88 justsomeguy Yes Yes Waiting
89 bit Yes Yes Waiting
90 mossyrocks Yes Yes Waiting
91 ampy yes Waiting Waiting
92 BennyBrewster yes Waiting Waiting
93 lastdrinks yes Waiting Waiting
94 sirotilc yes Waiting Waiting
95 andytork yes Waiting Waiting
96 starkesbier yes Waiting Waiting
97 RobW yes Waiting Waiting
98 Carboy yes Waiting Waiting
99 b_thomas yes Waiting Waiting
100 Birkdale Bob yes Waiting Waiting
101 muay yes Waiting Waiting
102 yum yum yum yes Waiting Waiting
103 bakkerman yes Waiting Waiting
104 Gulpa yes Waiting Waiting
105 Paddo yes Waiting Waiting
106 Tim Waiting Waiting Waiting
107 Wakkatoo Waiting Waiting Waiting
108 dgilks Waiting Waiting Waiting
109 KGB Waiting Waiting Waiting
110 Damian44 Waiting Waiting Waiting
111 GTS350 Waiting Waiting Waiting
112 Jenkins Waiting Waiting Waiting
113 lokpikn Waiting Waiting Waiting
- if you see your name and it says "yes, waiting, waiting" you have been accepted, and you need to contact me about what you want to buy

YOU HAVE TO CONTACT ME with your order [email protected] .
details to send

Name for list (Handle):
Return Email:
Delivery Address:
Now on the ORDER

The following status applies

SAAZ : Strong demand, so this order is open and fluid
CASCADE: Strong demand, so this order is open and fluid
CLUSTER: Dying demand, will take orders at this stage, but unless it get a 20 kg stage dont expect it filled
MARCO POLO : Dying Demand, will take orders at this stage, but unless it gets to a 20 kg stage dont expect it to be filled
NUGGET; dead now.


only contact me if you are Yes, waiting waiting

The orders are becoming more critical now, so I need to monitor them more carefully

The orders are becoming more critical now, so I need to monitor them more carefully

I hope you're keeping a clear list of the Kg of Marco Polo Townsville! Brewer Pete and Myself are highly interested in this one. Could you give us an idea of the Kg of this hop that are tentativly ordered? (Just so we know if we need to bury our fists a little deeper into our pockets.) ;)
I hope you're keeping a clear list of the Kg of Marco Polo Townsville! Brewer Pete and Myself are highly interested in this one. Could you give us an idea of the Kg of this hop that are tentativly ordered? (Just so we know if we need to bury our fists a little deeper into our pockets.) ;)

Ditto fourstar - There might be a few of us willing to up our order for Marco Polo to fill the order and get a try of this hop if we are close
Ditto fourstar - There might be a few of us willing to up our order for Marco Polo to fill the order and get a try of this hop if we are close

Even if i do order up, im sure i could flog this off to someone down at the LHBS... Fents? Dingo? Cocko? Interested? Maybe even Dave will take some off my hands.
Ok you MARCO POLO interests

I haven't gone thru the latest requests yet, Just about to do so

But so far we have 7 kg of tentative Marco Polo orders (40 kg confirmed and will be ordered)

So we need 13 kg new orders for another round

40 kg ordered

current requests are 4 kg, so need 16 kg new orders


Very slow
20 kg ordered
I would need a serious 20 kg order to reopen this


Even if i do order up, im sure i could flog this off to someone down at the LHBS... Fents? Dingo? Cocko? Interested? Maybe even Dave will take some off my hands.

i'll happily take a brews worth of your hands if your handing it out for free to try it. cant see myself paying for it though sorry. sure dave + cocko would be in the same boat...beerdingo's already on the list.

maybe a big brew day round mine is in order soon.
I'm up for going halves in a kg of Marco Polo with kram. I'm not 100% keen on it but if it will help the order out why not. Then again if someone was really keen I don't want to take their last spot. So please keep me in mind as a tentative buyer depending on the outcome.

Also if an order gets to say 17kg and the minimum is 20kg, I'm assuming the people that ordered the 17kg will be given the option of upping their order to make the 20kg mark?
Also if an order gets to say 17kg and the minimum is 20kg, I'm assuming the people that ordered the 17kg will be given the option of upping their order to make the 20kg mark?

its a fluid situation, AND no promises, BUT it is an option.

What also has to be considered is the people willing to help with the packing in Brisbane. The MORE people, the bigger the order. This also has to be considered.

At present we are also approaching a size limit for the current crop of helpers can handle easily.

If it comes down to the wire, I'm happy to order a couple of kg of Marco Polo to help it over the line. 4*, PM me on Fri if you're having trouble getting takers to make up the numbers...
Can I be put down for a kilo of Cascade and a kilo of Marco Polo please?


if i had more $ i'd order some marco polo. i decided to order cluster instead. gotta try them at this price. as said before, if they are crap they are crap. no big deal at these prices.
beerdingo's already on the list.

Hey, I'm not on the list! :p But yes, I have an order in with someone else, and yes, we've already got Marco Polo on order! Sorry 4*. Now Fents, be careful, or I will spill your beans! :ph34r:
its a fluid situation, AND no promises, BUT it is an option.

What also has to be considered is the people willing to help with the packing in Brisbane. The MORE people, the bigger the order. This also has to be considered.

At present we are also approaching a size limit for the current crop of helpers can handle easily.


I am willing to help, depending on day and time.
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