Seems to be a few people asking in the buy thread so, as no one else has done it... How about we use this for build/advice/technical questions that are bound to be plentiful over the coming weeks. If it turns out everyone keeps using the buy thread then I'll copy paste this post as a 'summary' so far to there
Stealing some useful info from the current buy thread with references to those people that posted them.
Default disclaimer (quoting Lael):
It is your responsibility to confirm with your electrician that this is in fact a safe way to wire the controller and to certify the wiring job that is done on the controller. 240v can kill. Don't risk it.
Build videos by Lael:
240v wiring example by Lael:
Build word doc by Zwitter:
Stealing some useful info from the current buy thread with references to those people that posted them.
Default disclaimer (quoting Lael):
It is your responsibility to confirm with your electrician that this is in fact a safe way to wire the controller and to certify the wiring job that is done on the controller. 240v can kill. Don't risk it.
Build videos by Lael:
lael said:I've put together a quick (actually, it is 30mins...) video showing what is included and how it all goes together so if you are trying to figure out what is included and how difficult / easy it is, give it a watch. It is so beautifully simple to put together.
Take a look:
240v wiring example by Lael:
lael said:Ok, here is the wiring diagram for running 240v elements and pump.
Normal caveats apply - I am not an electrician, and this diagram represents how I might wire my controller. It is your responsibility to confirm with your electrician that this is in fact a safe way to wire the controller and to certify the wiring job that is done on the controller. 240v can kill. Don't risk it.
FYI only - I do follow my own advice and had an electrician friend check both the wiring diagram and the test controller(s) that I have made. This should in no way reduce your desire to check with your own electrician that it is indeed safe.
If you have any questions about what I have done, please ask. If you have any questions about what YOU should do - speak to an electrician.
edit: clarify the diagram was checked by an electrician friend, not just a random friend.
Build word doc by Zwitter:
zwitter said:Howdy Braduino builders
I have put together some sort of instructions.
I am sure there will be differences of opinion regarding various things I have done that you would not etc. Just like my spelling on my label. It was well after midnight and I had been at work since before 7am!
So here is the link to the file in my dropbox. I am not all that savvy with the forum and posting links or files.