Sydney Xmas New Year Small Case Swap

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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  • 12 bottles , 13 people (1 of each others brews)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 12 bottles , 7 people(2 of each others brews)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6 bottles

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • something else entirely

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Yeah that's all good for me. If there's 7 of us, we could do 12 bottles of either all the same OR an option for the more prolific brewers to go 2 x 6 bottles. Gives us a greater variety and we're still getting 12 beers back.

What do you think?
gonna end this poll (if i can figure out how)and close the swap on thursday arvo , seems like those who have vote so far are in for a 12/13 swap if we get the numbers we will go with that other wise perhaps a 6/7 as we have the numbers for that at this stage ...
Ok gents as promised the swap is now closed as of 5.45pm Thursday 5th October , sorry for those that missed out but you had two weeks to stake your claim, now all thats left to do is decide on whether you still wanna go with 12 bottles or drop it back to six as we only managed to gather 7 peoples together , i will pm everyone for their opinion , and list findings , more than likely will go with majority , pity we didnt get the 13 people but ya cant wait forever either
Ok i have 5 messages out of the 6 i sent out back, i must say youre all an indecisive lot over all everyone has said theyre happy either way, and one has stated his favour for 12 bottles , so on that note ill cast my vote and say 12 bottles too, only one i havent heard from is barls and looking over past posts i dont think he will object to it too much ....

so here we have it


Consisting of 12 Longneck Bottles(Glass Please & MINIMUM 750ml)
Preferably all the same beer , but 2 lots of six is acceptable if stuck
Swap date , i think late december perhaps a week and a bit b4 xmas

anything else ???
sorry my bad for not getting back to everyone ive been busy with bloody work.
im happy ether way as i said in the pm i sent not long ago. id most likely go 2 lots of 6. im thinking my raspberry wheat and ether a dark lager or my bitter. but we will see when i get home november till then feel free to email me at [email protected] as work may interfer with my time
anyone object to this being an odd numbered swap , ive got some late mail with people that want in ???? if theres no objections id like to add two names to the list....

1. Myself
2. Barls
3. Josh
4. Gulpa
5. Hupnupnee
6. Red Beard
7. Stephen
8. Dogbolter
9. Oblomov

so that will make it an 8 bottle swap rather than a 12
could expand further than that yet to be a 12 bottler after all
anyone know anyone else that might want in ???
whats happenin swappers this threads gone a bit quiet of late....

Seems you've been invited to the Xmas case since there has been a dropout - jump on that thread if you're interested.
onto it ben , just trying to gather my brain as to whether or not i can manage that as well as this one , glassware is an issue , have champers bottles but they dont seem popular and i dont really wanna swap them away after just having collected them all ... maybe the coopers PET's are the go i dunno...
im not fussed ether way on what most people use so long as they are all around the same volume
have this swap covered for bottles , its just the other one thats gonna be a problem but ill make it happen , have a few sources on the go at present...
I can bring you some coopers empties when I pick my 6 up NED. They sem to be reproducing in my garage, definatly no shortage.

They do need cleaning though.
have it covered for the moment boozer , weizguy has offered some up , and linz is going to bring them back to sydney from newcastle on the weekend seeing he is up there anyway saves me the trip , but if that falls through or becomes to hard for those concerned ill keep you in mind ,

thanks .... NED
Just checking. We're still on for this swap, right?

I'm brewing a belgian strong golden ale on Saturday, I don't want to have to drink it all by myself :)
still on oblomov , havent had word from anyone wanting out as yet
im bottling for this swap tomorrow , so brew will be nice and matured by swap date
im still in but i wont know what im contributing till just before as ive said previously
thats no drama barls , im all for a surprise....

im doing a pilsner for those who wanna know
im in , pilsner bottled and settling nicely , plenty of time for bottle conditioning ...

now gents we need to decide on a venue for this to take place and a date , i really dont have the room for a gathering at my place , happy to do the swap here but as for drinks and chat i just dont have the room , is anyone willing to donate their place for an hour or so one day in december for this ???
otherwise were of to a public park somewhere ....

think about it guys , the sooner we can get this sorted the better , but having said that we have a while to sort it too....

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