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Kegging is for anyone who washes bottles and will be gobsmacked by their next obscene water bill from the Anna B-lie approved rip off water suppliers in Queensland while the dams are ******* FULL

oops was that off topic? :unsure:
Amen brother. That tnuc should be weighed down and tossed into the dams, come to think of it the weight of her own ego should suffice.
Amen brother. That tnuc should be weighed down and tossed into the dams, come to think of it the weight of her own ego should suffice.

Walk 12km to a muddy hole in the ground with two jerrycans only to pick up dysentry and tell me you got it rough.

People are so limp wristed these days.
restrictive trade practice..i would be looking at.. :icon_offtopic: can you sell morgans

These practices have been in place for a long, long time in this particular industry. It is a major reason why there are so many bad brew shops around. If supply was easier to secure then more people with a genuine interest in the hobby may become involved. Many of the bad retailers would not be able to compete with motivated, enthusiastic and knowledgeable business competitors.

I acknowledge there are many good brew shops owned and staffed by people who really know their stuff and offer excellent service. Unfortunately, as some posts indicate, there are also many shops that don't measure up.
I would say support a good homebrew shop and let the **** ones die off. Some of the stories I have heard make me cry a little. It's the ones who are in it for the passion of seeing people make good beer that I want to thrive.

Absolutely, in my early days of brewing I rang a certain HBS about some hops, they said yep we have it, when I asked what the AA they said betweeen this and that. So now when needed I go to some one with the right answers.

I think it's easy for us on here to pay out on many of these retailers, but as pumpy says they are supporting us, so I do support them too.


Supporting us. LOL. We, the buyers are supporting them.
No sales no food on the table or mortgage payments. We can all do without beer but their bills, who do they rely on?
Walk 12km to a muddy hole in the ground with two jerrycans only to pick up dysentry and tell me you got it rough.

People are so limp wristed these days.
Feel free to take the bitch with you next time you make the trek
These practices have been in place for a long, long time in this particular industry. It is a major reason why there are so many bad brew shops around. If supply was easier to secure then more people with a genuine interest in the hobby may become involved. Many of the bad retailers would not be able to compete with motivated, enthusiastic and knowledgeable business competitors.

I acknowledge there are many good brew shops owned and staffed by people who really know their stuff and offer excellent service. Unfortunately, as some posts indicate, there are also many shops that don't measure up.

I agree.

The way these guys seem to operate, they seem to have established territory or something and don't like new competitors.

With that in mind, it is the responsibility of the local home brew store to do their job and do it well, because the normal rules of capitalism don't seem to apply. Normally if a company was bad at what they do a competitor would spring up and take their business, and I reckon that would be fair as well (as long as the competitor wasn't competing unfairly by controlling supply chains etc).

So far from supporting your local home brew store, if they are not good at what they do you should go to lengths to NOT support them.

I only go to my local one if I break a hydrometer or thermometer or something like that. I've engaged in communication with them a few times and instantly regretted it. Bad advice and a smug attitude.
Apart from the wee shop here on Bribie Island where I dropped in yesterday for some LDME, caps and a fermenter tap, I have only ever ventured into a store at Maroochydore on holiday and bought US-05 and Morgans Lager yeast. Oooh goodo, on holiday and here I am with a beer guy so lets talk brewing. So I started up a conversation about yeast and the claim by Morgans (which was why I was buying some to try) that their yeast would do good clean lagers at ale temperatures and wouldn't that be a bonus to be able to crank out a drinkable lager in a couple of weeks and I'd lost him. Totally. Could have been speaking in Burmese.

I suspect many LHBS' main competitor (at least in their own eyes) is not the specialist craft/ boutique brewing supplies outfit at all but the supermarket with cheap goop tins and bags of sugar, from there with the spotty indifferent teen to the LHBS proprietor is indeed quite a jump. If only LHBSes set their sights in the other direction, we wouldn't be having this discussion...

+1 Mark et al, I say let the crap LHBS wither and die, but the business model doesn't support that though- can't draw LHBS proprietor's knowledge and helpfulness boundaries on a map. ;)
No I can not sell any of their products because I can not deal with them.Sewn up tighter than a fish's arse. They obviously have heard of my selling power and dont want me to close a hundred Brewceller stores Australia wide. :lol:

I wouldn't deal with people that appear to be breaking the law by advertising a business and not displaying an ABN. Can't find it on Brewceller website.

Unfortunately the restriction of supply is not limited as Gryphon seems to think, to online stores. We have exactly the same problem with Morgans & Brewcraft refusing to supply us.
The only way for us to get direct supply presently would be to open a shop in the middle of nowhere.
We are still fighting for equal treatment & the local war is about to heat up..... However, in the meantime there is more than one way to skin a cat & it hasn't stopped us from stocking ANY products we wish to sell.

Cheers Ross
Them sounds like fighting words. I will watch this with interest.
My local HBS is about 800k's away, but the closest with AG supplies is around 2500k's from home. An order generally takes between 10-14 days to arrive, thanks to our wonderful postal service. If I miss something on my order, stiff ****, I have to wait till next time.
I envy those who can just stop by and have an intellegent conversation with their supplier. But this place makes up for that, if you aren't bad at wading......

elec you are a frign hero - keep the light shining in the North buddy :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers:
You city guys are lucky, here in the outer outer outer burbs I rely on the likes of Craftbrewer but it can be frustrating to run out of stuff like US-05 or crystal malt, and althought it can be picked up in places like Brewcraft etc, we just don't have one within a 100k round trip unless you are interested mostly in distilling or garden gnomes :rolleyes:

I firmly beleive I am the only AG brewer on Bribie Island pop 22000 or whatever but there are sure a lot of stills going :unsure: :beerbang:

I have to agree with you BribieG except for the only AG brewer from bribie. If you add me it makes it 2 from 22000.
Its pointless going to the LHBS around here for anything that goes into an AG brew.
My local HBS is about 800k's away, but the closest with AG supplies is around 2500k's from home. An order generally takes between 10-14 days to arrive, thanks to our wonderful postal service. If I miss something on my order, stiff ****, I have to wait till next time.
I envy those who can just stop by and have an intellegent conversation with their supplier. But this place makes up for that, if you aren't bad at wading......


yeah I know it's a friggin hassle, my local "hbs" has a grand total of nothing for beer making, all geared towards metho making.
I almost missed the greensborough homebrew love train. Great range and service, I should really buy from there more often but sometimes I'm not sure on what they are stocking.

Fents, great job on the web site, simple is better than none, if you didn't i wouldn't have found him.
Agreed, that website is how I originally found the AHB forums. It was the first thing I googled when I was looking for homebrew info, after my brother told me there was a HB shop in greensie.