I agree just because Nick has a different point of view doesnt make him not funny. I like the banter. Business plan , yes to stay in business and provide goods at great prices.Personally I reckon a lot of Nicks posts are quite funny & entertaining sometimes, especially when him & Bum end up posting in the same thread. That's AHB's greatest hits territory.
As far as any monopoly/duopoly/whateveropoly that exists in the HB wholesale market. Is this deal a recent deal or was it in place when you opened? Surely you had a business plan before you started & knew risks & dangers with opening a business which (as has been previously pointed out in this thread) is a niche market.
<insert emoticon that says I'm not trying to piss anyone off>
My local HBS is about 800k's away, but the closest with AG supplies is around 2500k's from home. An order generally takes between 10-14 days to arrive, thanks to our wonderful postal service. If I miss something on my order, stiff ****, I have to wait till next time.
I envy those who can just stop by and have an intellegent conversation with their supplier. But this place makes up for that, if you aren't bad at wading......
What the one's that I didnt understand ? all those FNQLHBSN etc cant bite to those cause I dont know whats goin down. Please enlighten me. Long night no bites.Tee hee hee. Look at my other post, I am stirring it up!!!
Trolling dont you need lures for that ? I have caught a few here with those. Good bites but not much fight. Bah HaIt's just a poke at all the people on here that use acronyms. I don't understand all of them so I just made some up. It's like ok LHBS stands for Local Home Brew Shop, but what is all these other things stand for? I am just in the mood for stirring up *****. Please forgive me, I don't do it often. I think it's called trolling.
Now its on.geez you vic brewers fire up about **** all and nothing.
You're not bloody wrong cobber :beerbang: This argument has been going on since the mid 90's,when it was about supermarkets getting bulk discounts that lhbs's couldn't,and selling a can of goo for $2 cheaper than them.Good hb shops derserve support,**** shops deserve to perish :chug:I'm waiting for someone to post a thread boasting about how much money they save by reusing bloody bottlecaps! As a wise man once said"Relax,don't worry,etc" :beer:geez you vic brewers fire up about **** all and nothing. All this crap about who has cheaper cans of goop? have a homebrew and relax you pricks. Ain't that wat we r here for? *guy with the right idea smily face*
@fasty73 haven't used the burliegh LHBS get most of my stuff through craftbrewer and brewers choise at enoggera, CB is your best bet though on price. Are ypu coming to the qld case swap?
I'm waiting for someone to post a thread boasting about how much money they save by reusing bloody bottlecaps