So What Was That Old Weird Tip?

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
Reaction score
Finally we are being spared from every fuckn website having an ad "Lose 15kg of belly fat using this Old Weird Tip"
Of course I never clicked but for the record, does anyone know what that old weird tip actually is?

:blink: :blink:

and no
I'm not going to click
I'm not going to click
I'm not going to click
Something about never having seen that ad because of AdBlock Plus?
Billy Connelly's diet advice - EAT LESS. MOVE MORE.
I'm not sure either, but i've got 4 weeks off coming up soon, and im not sure whether I want to get ripped, or enlarge my manhood :blink:
I'm not sure either, but i've got 4 weeks off coming up soon, and im not sure whether I want to get ripped, or enlarge my manhood :blink:

There has to be a way of combining those two, surely...

hmmm, that gives me an idea for my next ad. campaign.
You know you need to click on that Bribie !

On a different note, the Weirdest Homebrewing tip was from an old mate who suggested that I should take a 'pinch' from every pack of yeast from under the lid that I use and set it aside in case I run out so I have a reserve :blink:
I bought the promotional dvd outlining the 'one wierd old tip'.. however the company that sells them actually rents them out, and the last person didn't bother rewinding the dvd so I can't see it. Bastards.
...the last person didn't bother rewinding the dvd so I can't see it. Bastards.

I can let you know of a good left hand screwdriver supplier also. :icon_cheers: :lol:
its simple
put down the fork, fatty!!!!!!
I was told the best exercise was a push away - a effective weight loss program based on pushing away from table or food. Not very enjoyable though. A beer diet does not work too well but I shall persist in proving them all wrong :)
Now, I swear I didn't actually click on the advert intentionally, but when closing firefox the other day I found a separate firefox window with a load of nonsense about acai berries and the like that seemed to be related ...

Sadly unexciting and not really a 'weird old tip.'
i think acai is different to the wierd old tip - acai is more along general health stuff like Goji berries and other superfoods, whereas the wierd old tip i suspect is some old wive's tail like "do 10 starjumps every morning while singing mary had a little lamb"...

question is, how long will this thread go on until someone caves in and actually clicks to find out <_<
can't say that i've ever seen that advertisement -- Ad Block+ FTW :beerbang:
I dont have ad block + and I've never seen the ad.
Mind you I dont go roaming the net for warez and pron