Well i did it, i am finally a REAL brewer!

I am a little excited so there may be someone out there in interent land that might care
Have been stuffing around with ss braid since the start of the year, then getting the ***** with it and doing a biab here and there, then remembering why i wanted to not do that any more, so i gave in and got me some copper last week and have been fiddling around here and there since then.
Its just a 15L round coleman drink esky. I can mash 3.9kg of grain in it max @ 3L/kg, without a mash out , then batch sparge, got around 75% mash efficiency with the SS braid. My grain bills are usually smaller 2.5 to 3kg so it does the job for me no worries and i usually do infusion step mash.
Just gave the new manifold a dry/wet run, looks really promising, great siphon all the way to the end with an ants fart of water left! Wil brew an oatmeal stout this weekend sometime for test drive.
I still use BigW pot for HLT and kettle on electric stove. I have to cheat and use one of those fancy 99cent buckets for the sparge water though. B)
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