Sorry all but i"m going to have to pull out i just haven't had a chance to brew for the last few months hopefully i can still make it over for a few at some stage
1. Winkle - Biere de Noel (probably) & kegs of Belgian type stuff
2. King Brown Brewing - Some sort of a massive, dirty, stinking IPA
3. Daemon - Choc Porter or Baltic Porter
4. Bradsbrew - Ole Rummy Stout 10%ish
5. TidalPete - Peaceandplenty Wee Heavy
7. Florian - something 10 minute-ish
8. Rowy - Black APA (Basic but I'm a noob)
10.flavo - Maybe a Porter
11. Duff - Maibock
12. Daz - mmmm?
13. NickB - Goat Sweat and lots of hops
14. LiverShank - something less ashy than the last swapmeet
15. Stillscottish - RTD Black Velvet, AKA Apple Oatmeal Stout
16. Snow - Rauchbier
18. jameson- Traquair house ale clone
19. northside novice - old peculier i hope wink.gif
20. Parks - Irish Red
21. eviljesus
22. Bribie G -Midnight Train American Malt Liquor in 40s
23. Paulwolf - Octoberfest
24._WALLACE_ APA with NS and Cascade (attending now)
Swap Reserve Spots
Attending But Not Swapping
1. Sqyre
2. roguenorman- depending on work/if my beer turns out ****
3. Sully - I think (hope) I can make it this year....
4. Ross - not in swap as no longer brewing at home.
Winkle - cassava crackers, cheese/olives/salami, coffee
Rowy - Smoked smallgoods other good stuff
NickB - Nibbles (nuts, chips etc) and condiments in the form: Homemade Sauerkraut, Homemade Onion Relish, maybe something with chilli in it. God knows we need the aftermath ph34r.gif
Bradsbrew - Homemade curry sausages casserole
Florian - Some German Sausages for Brekkie & some spare change for pizza run
Tidalpete - Hash Browns for brekkie
Daemon - Bread rolls / other bits? Chicken curry?
Sully - Might get smoking and homemade Kabana or Kransky, and some Pretzels.
Bribie G - I'll bring my portable British Indian Restaurant kitchen and churn out some non stop Baltis for an hour. If RdeV can bring his stove I'll double that.
Snow - Homemade beef jerky with homemade tomato relish dip.
Stillscottish - Naans'a'Plenty tm for the curry-munchers and some home-made cheese.
Sqyre - Renae's gunna send a couple of Cob-Loafs along with me..
NickB - Big Black Party Keg setup
Bradsbrew - Small White party keg set up- bitter
TidalPete - Keg of something or other.
Florian - Medium Blue Party Keg Setup
Daemon - NFI yet, but it'll have hops, malt and alcohol.
Stillscottish - Scratch Saison
Sully - If I have the brewery up and running by then an ale of some sort.. if not a Bacchus Sumthing FWK - maybe the QLD Ale...
Snow - Belgian Raspberry Dubbel
RdeVjun- Porter or Bitter
Sqyre - The usual Bo-pils or Hoppy Apa... or Both