RecipeDB - Midnight Train Malt Liquor

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You must be telepathic mate, I'm seriously thinking of Nottingham for my next batch based on my experience of 9% headbanger toucan Coopers stouts where Notto chews through it like a rottweiler. My latest Malt Liquor is still at this stage after 8 days on Wyeast 1056



With high krausen and like the last one I reckon it's going to take the best part of three weeks. Time to unleash the mighty Notto methinks.

Yes I'd go with your recipe, and the yeast nutrient is something I'd never considered either - see you down the Valley panhandling the passers by :lol: :lol:

Edit: Cluster would be perfect, any 'traditional' American hop, and the wheat wouldn't go astray and would give a nice colour, I see from pictures of the genuine article that it is more 'ale' coloured than a lot of the normal USA lagers like Coors whatever, probably to give a more substantial upmarket image to the stuff.

Thanks BribieG, that was flippin awesome.
Had a schooner at lunchtime today.
It wss nothing like I expected.
In flavour it sat somewhere between the English clear glassed Spitfire and good german lager where the hops just "went"!
It was all malt forward with almost NO hop character.
The only thing that made me think there might be hops in there, is that it wasnt just a super sweet malt beverage

I now consider this a classic style, and when the temps drop after summer will certainly be mixing up a batch o' this 'un.
Thanks BribieG, that was flippin awesome.
Had a schooner at lunchtime today. And later found myself begging outside the Crown Street Mall until the cops hustled me away.........

Sorry about that..............but thanks for the feedback SB, yes most people are definitely suspicious till they try one, even Tidal Pete raised his eyebrows :icon_cheers:
It's definitely a regular in the kegerator now, actually bought a new heavy bottom stockpot from ALDI for the cereal mashing the other day.
On the topic of malt liquor - could this be why it's popular with some?

I should bring a couple 40oz bottles of American malt liquor to Sydney! this style of beer is great! and a lot of you will **** on my opinon but, imagine your favorite premium Aussi lager that is 8% so it tastes pretty good and gets you nice and ****** up!
I am contemplating a batch of this just for a bit of fun. Does anyone have any refinements on the recipe in the data base?

Would POR be an acceptable hop for this when used as a FWH? I have some as part of a bulk buy and need to use them up. Although at about 14g for a whole batch of malt liquor my liver is going to take some damage in the process!
POR no no no.
A plain American bittering hop is the go, for example Galena or Magnum, or a bit of Chinook which is probably like throwing strawberries to donkeys. Malt liquor is only bittered to the threshold that the human senses can detect.

My last brew got a bronze in the QLD state comp :icon_drunk:
Probably won't brew it again as I'm sick of crawling on the floor weeping "Why did Diana have to die?" :(

Edit: yes indeed I used Chinook in the original brew, turned out a bit over hopped for style. Drink responsibly and consult a doctor if pain persists.,
I find myself only really drinking big beers these days, so tempted to give this a run. The cereal mash sounds interesting too.
I find myself only really drinking big beers these days, so tempted to give this a run. The cereal mash sounds interesting too.

Yeah. Partly what got me interested was the cereal mash and as luck would have it there's an Aldi about 6 doors down from my brew shop.

I Haven't decided whether to go for US-05 or Nottingham but since I only have access to Notto in liquid form I'll probably end up going US-05 unless anyone thinks the Nottingham version is significantly better?
Recipe resurrection...

The problem with making this in Australia is that cereal is expensive. 1kg Polenta, sugar, rice (even from aldi) is going to be like $5 which as prev commented on is the same price as grain. So it's then not 'cheap and cheerful' anymore. Although to get the OG for grain only you'd need more malt than cereal on a kg v kg basis.

Still thinking of subbing 2Kg of ale for 2kg rye. Then pre gelatinising the cereal then adding to mash for full 60min.

It would also be interesting to taste results using a lager yeast. Something relatively clean like Danish lager.
I get my polenta for $2 a kilo from the Asian Stores and cheapy rice is $1.80 a kilo in the 5k sacks. Jeez I even get top quality aged basmatti for $2 a kilo. Supermarkets are rip off merchants.
I get my polenta for $2 a kilo from the Asian Stores and cheapy rice is $1.80 a kilo in the 5k sacks. Jeez I even get top quality aged basmatti for $2 a kilo. Supermarkets are rip off merchants.
And also sugar is about $1.65 per kg. So that snows almost $5 total. So about the same price as 3Kg of grain . It's disappointing that the 'style' looses some of it's meaning when u can't replicate all aspects of the beer ie part.

Edit. Actually grain is about $5 a kg, so it is cheaper than making an equiv grain beer.
Bribie G said:
I get my polenta for $2 a kilo from the Asian Stores and cheapy rice is $1.80 a kilo in the 5k sacks. Jeez I even get top quality aged basmatti for $2 a kilo. Supermarkets are rip off merchants.
Aldi basmati was $2.49 p/kg in melbourne. and no polenta. I forgot to get that earlier. so i had to go to the uber market and pay $3.50 per 500g for polenta :(

next time ill just to the asian grocer and get all the ingrediants. oh and some asian yeast so i can have a go at rice wine
Brewed this the other day (double batch)

exact same recipe except:
- i subbed in 2kg of wheat instead of 2kg ale, just becuase i had heaps of wheat.
- i used chinook instead of galena

a 4kg cerial mash is a PITA! Bribie is right about the rice taking longer to gelatinise. I probably didnt gelainise it enough. use lots of water! more than you need. I did that with the potenta and it was great. And yes once you add the base grain the potenta went 'soupy' fairly fast. ooh and 2kg of polenta takes up about a 20L pot.

Anyways i hit gravity and volume (actually over gravity as OG was ~1082

I then added 1kg wheat, 500g crystal 120, and about 300g of caraaroma and ran a gyle. hopped it with 160g mix of centennial, chinook, columbus and cluster all mixed up and added @ 60, 45, 30, 15, 5 and dry. smell is awsome. now SG during boil was a little under so i added about 800g sugar and OG ended up at 1046. The OG would have beeen fine if I could have gotten all the sugars out of the mash but i didnt raise to mashout and got stuck sparge. I also realised its not the best grain bill to be working with for a yle as its basicly just ale once all the polenta and rice are mashed. hence i aded a biut more grain in gyle mash to give some more malt character. If i had have had some coopers i could have easily left it and made a aussie pale type gyle. maybe next time.

both are fermenting away nicely now and will report back once its kegged and conditioned.

Bribie G said:
..........brew got a bronze in the QLD state comp :icon_drunk:
what category did you enter it into?
my mission, when in LA next week, is to finally try the dreaded 40...

my other missions are the usual ones - to load up on SNPA, American craft beers, ribs and steaks...
US steaks are salty as ****.

Hit up all the various ethnic foods in LA. the variety and quality is mindblowing. WAY better than the paltry white-man fare.
earle said:
On the topic of malt liquor - could this be why it's popular with some?

That is, of course, the 'before' shot..
Well done CM I'm almost tempted to do a batch again. I put it in the Specialty class with some notes for the judges.

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