Dr Smurto,
what temperature should this ale be drank at?
Personally, i drink my ales at 6-8C, some even warmer. That and i carb my beers lower than what most commercial beer drinkers are used to.
Another question if I may Doctor,
I'm not sure about the hop additions. Is it 20g at 60 min, 20g at 20 min and 20g at flameout? Or is it 20g at 20 min and 20g at flameout?
Thank You.
If you are doing all grain, click on the link in my signature which leads to the beersmith file. If you dont have beersmsith PM me your email address and I'll send you a PDF version of the file -
that offer is open to anyone.
The hop additions will depend on the AA% of the amarillo you are using. I generally aim for 30 IBU and tweak the 60 min addition accordingly. I keep the 20 and 0 min additions to 20g for a 20L batch. If you are no chilling then those familiar with that technique can offer their thoughts on adjusting the late additions. If you dont make adjustments the resulting IBU will be higher which will put the beer out of balance (it was designed with chilling in mind) and may even make it seem thinner due to the extra bitterness out-competing the malt.
As to the question relating to a thin body (David), the mash temp is crucial and you need a good quality, calibrated thermometer to measure the mash temp. So if you are finding the body too thin its likely you mashed a tad too low. 66-67 is where i mash this beer but i know my mash temp is 66-67 as i have a reliable thermometer.
Spend a few $ of one from one of the sponsors if you are prepared to put holes in your mash tun, if not get a lab grade thermometer which is what i use.
Darren - i take samples from the fermenter via the tap during fermentation. Its not an issue although to be on the safe side I'd be giving the tap a quick spray after drawing the sample with a no rinse sanitiser.
Priming wise i prime low(er) than commercial drinkers like. JSGA itself is primed lower than most commercial Australian beers. But, you can prime this as normal. The beer that got the gong a few years ago had been bottle conditioned for 2-3 months from memory and was carbed at a rate aiming for 2.0 volumes which is in the same ballpark as you would find in commercial bottled english ales. Its not overly spritzy but its not flat either. A happy medium IMO.