RecipeDB - Chappo's Aussie Standard Lager

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mmmmm Im interesting in seeing if our lager the jasmine comes through..... We did a double batch and used a Americian premium lager wyeast, and A Danish lager yeast. Unfortunatly the American is infected it is still bubbling after 3 weeks and not attenuating! Oh well list we got a good one out of it!

Do you have a Refractometer? I find at times my SG is dropping (on the refrac) but stable on the hydro. Try knocking out the CO2 before taking a reading on the hydro. You may be pleasantly suprised. :)
Its not that bad, its like eating/interchangeable with mash potatoes really.. done right its superb, done poorly and its like eating cardboard (like mash!)

Cook it up in water:polenta ratio of 4:1, add a generous nob of butter, a massive whack of freshly grated Parmesan, S+P to taste and slap a slow braised lamb shank on top.... :icon_drool2: Yep, i know what I'm having for dinner this weekend!

Or cook it up with a few cloves of garlic. Put it into a plastic dish coated generously with olive oil and allow to cool until set. Take out of dish, slice up and deep fry or fry in a pan till brown on both sides. Season and serve with fried tomatoes and vietnamese mint with a juicy fat steak on the top or with fish or well....with almost anything you like.
How's your lager turned out CM2? Happy? Too early to call? Love the malt profile in that recipe.

tastes awsome. maybe a bit much POR for megaswill drinkers but very tasty. ultra clear with no filtering/finings.
just got to wait for it to carb up. but i recon this will be a crowd pleaser. given the FG etc i recon ive hit 4.4% also. so its right in the ball park of where i wanted it. not much jasmine coming out in the aroma (from the rice), but i think thats becuase of the last POR addition. i might use all jasmin nexct time instead of 50/50.
Or cook it up with a few cloves of garlic. Put it into a plastic dish coated generously with olive oil and allow to cool until set. Take out of dish, slice up and deep fry or fry in a pan till brown on both sides. Season and serve with fried tomatoes and vietnamese mint with a juicy fat steak on the top or with fish or well....with almost anything you like.

Set polenta = :icon_vomit:

I hated polenta until i ate it soft. One of my Italian mates, he's folks would always eat it as the set loaf, have never been a fan. I get its supposed to carry the flavours you eat with it... for me, it just doesn't do any carrying this way. To each their own, hey!
Set polenta = :icon_vomit:

I hated polenta until i ate it soft. One of my Italian mates, he's folks would always eat it as the set loaf, have never been a fan. I get its supposed to carry the flavours you eat with it... for me, it just doesn't do any carrying this way. To each their own, hey!

You have to fry it so the outside is crispy though. I wouldn't go for it as a cold loaf straight out of the fridge - I agree with your icon on that score.

Sorry for OT.
I found that the jamine flora aroma comes thru at the end of the palate... hard to describe but I found it coming up from the back of my nasal passage if you follow what I mean? Very aromatic IMO.
just got to wait for it to carb up. but i recon this will be a crowd pleaser. given the FG etc i recon ive hit 4.4% also. so its right in the ball park of where i wanted it. not much jasmine coming out in the aroma (from the rice), but i think thats becuase of the last POR addition. i might use all jasmin nexct time instead of 50/50.

Ive been doing some research. the properties of the aromas from Jasime rice are the same as those in Pandan leaf. Upon some research its a slightly nutty aroma like the ones you get from Maillard reactions during malting (Munich, Vienna, Maris Otter etc) If anything tis going to help boost any malt aromas you have there and may not be detectable as rice per-say. Ive always been worried about using jasime rice for its aroma properties. Now im quite interested. App Basmati has the same aroma compounds. Maybe thats another good one to use.
I found that the jamine flora aroma comes thru at the end of the palate... hard to describe but I found it coming up from the back of my nasal passage if you follow what I mean? Very aromatic IMO.
yeah i get what you mean. i can see how that might happen. the late addition POR i think is very up front, so it may die off and let the jasmine linger. will have to see how it measures up once carbed. i recon 6 weeks fermenting/lagering and the forced D-rest in the middle, (due to the house move) has done this wonders. I cant detect any diacetal atm, so i wont bother given it another D-rest

edit: maybe throw a couple jasmine flowers in @0min for some more perfume.
mmmmm Im interesting in seeing if our lager the jasmine comes through..... We did a double batch and used a Americian premium lager wyeast, and A Danish lager yeast. Unfortunatly the American is infected it is still bubbling after 3 weeks and not attenuating! Oh well list we got a good one out of it!

How do you know its infected??
However I used California Steam lager yeast and I feel it came out a bit muddy for the style. Then I used Dried Swiss Lager yeast and it's come out with a sulphur twang, so next time I'll go back to the 34/70 ... *sigh* and give that one more go. I think my problem is that I have been underpitching lagers so I'll brew up a mighty starter next time and keep it going batch to batch.
Like many of the lager yeasts, you need to give S-189 time to condition. Eventually the sulphur will disappear, for me it was around the 6 week mark at 2c that it became a clean lager. From my limited experience with lagers it's just the trade-off to get a nice clean taste and aroma. It's also why I mainly stick to ales, I can be drinking them within two weeks of the fermentation starting and they're perfect :)
Have put this one down on the weekend as a 20L BIAB version. Have added a little Carapils, not sure if it will do the recipe any good. Can't wait for the outcome in about 8 weeks, am planning to feed this to the inlaws on my daughters first birthday. Was trying to get the ABV down, but seem to have been more efficient than expected.

What's best to do now? Gravity has gone from 1063 to 1022. Am I best to start my Diacetyl rest now in primary, or rack to secondary vessel and rise the temperatures then? Would I need to rack to a third vessel then for lagering, or lager in secondary, with the yeast from secondary still on the bottom?

I'd let the temperature rise to late teens in the primary then after a couple of days - assuming fermentation has ceased - rack to secondary with a dose of gelatine. I do 23L batches of my Aussies and rack into a Willow 20L (actually holds 23L) cube so it fills it right up and the whole thing is tighter than a fishes bum with little or no headspace. Once I have racked to secondary I cold crash it as quickly as possible, I never do triple handling which IMHO is asking for trouble. That's why I don't bulk prime either.
Then I do about 10 days at cold fridge temp - add Polyclar two days before kegging / bottling.
Thanks Bribie, that's what I would've thought, but reading up on secondary fermentation lately I thought I might give it a go and transfer 3/4 through fermentation. But a third vessel for lagering seemed a bit overkill and I wouldn't want to lager on that secondary (and D rest) cake either for a few weeks. I might even go the risky route of adding 1-2 litres of water post ferment to drop the ABV slightly (which I think should not be too risky if I boil it first, mix with gelatin and rack onto it).

So the temp control is now turned off and the fridge door open. Off late I have changed to fermenting in willow cubes too, as this means I can ferment two batches at the same time or close after each other ( I only really do lagers atm). Unfortunately my 2nd (bigger) fridge always manages to overload the circuit every couple of days so the whole electricity goes down. SWMBO is not too happy about it and it seems like I need someone to have a look at it as I haven't got a clue how to fix it, even after googling.

About lagering: Will be lagering for about 3-4 weeks, as this is conveniently the time I'm away anyway. Palmer suggests: Nominal lagering times are 3 - 4 weeks at 7C, 5 - 6 weeks at 4.5C, or 7 - 8 weeks at 2C.

So really, I would be better of lagering at 7 degrees than at 2??? If I would lager 3-4 weeks at 2 degrees, would I then only have "half lagered beer"??

Florian, it depends on the yeast. Some 'old school' lager yeasts need a month or so, but some will do a good lagering job in only 10 days. For example S-189 Swiss dried lager yeast runs nicely in primary at 15 degrees and will produce a very nice beer after 10 days of lagering. On the other hand if I were using a genuine Budvar or Urquell yeast I wouldn't insult the yeast by giving it less than a month in lagering. :icon_cheers:

PS - if you can arrange an extension cord from another room and run fridge #2 off that, you may avoid tripping the circuit breaker. I get the same problem using my urn and 2 fridges on the same circuit on brew day.
I've been using S-23 at 11 degrees on this one. I would assume that it runs similar to a S189, so shouldn't take too long. I'm just not sure yet if I should trust Palmer and lager at 7degrees for the 4 weeks, or if I should go down to 2 degrees 'against his advise'. 7 degrees just seems so high for lagering, doesn't it?

On the fridge matter: Unfortunately I have tried that already, without success. I have run it on a circuit were nothing else apart from the garage door and a few lights run, and it still tripps after a few days. Not sure why, but I hope it's something on the fridge that can be fixed, as I really love the size of that fridge.

However you choose to lager...4C, 7C in keg, secondary or bottles...I think the crash chill is the most important part in settling a lager (or ale for that matter) flavour and protien/haze. I leave mine at -1C for 3 days then up to 4C, my last lager (with rice) was best after the CC and 10 days at 4C.

Author Charles Bamworth in his book; Beer, Tap into the Art and Science of Brewing - suggests that; "The colder the better -1˚C for three days is far better than 1˚C for two weeks."

He generally seems to discount lagering as an antiquated clarification practice now replaced in commercial breweries by filtration.
I've been using S-23 at 11 degrees on this one. I would assume that it runs similar to a S189, so shouldn't take too long. I'm just not sure yet if I should trust Palmer and lager at 7degrees for the 4 weeks, or if I should go down to 2 degrees 'against his advise'. 7 degrees just seems so high for lagering, doesn't it?

On the fridge matter: Unfortunately I have tried that already, without success. I have run it on a circuit were nothing else apart from the garage door and a few lights run, and it still tripps after a few days. Not sure why, but I hope it's something on the fridge that can be fixed, as I really love the size of that fridge.


I normally lager as low as possible, about 2 deg C for 4 weeks, with s189. leaves a nice clean finish

On the fridge matter: Unfortunately I have tried that already, without success. I have run it on a circuit were nothing else apart from the garage door and a few lights run, and it still tripps after a few days. Not sure why, but I hope it's something on the fridge that can be fixed, as I really love the size of that fridge.

I had a similiar problem with a system in the house and also garage area, and the electrician found that that the switch had only 10A fuses. Simple matter of changing the capacity given the loads expected across the areas.
Unfortunately I won't have the time to crash chill to -1 for a few days and then change the temp again as I will be away, so have to stick with one temp only, but think I will leave it sitting at 2 degrees for the 3-4 weeks.

Kenlock, thanks for giving me hope, will call someone out when I am back.


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