RecipeDB - BullsHead Summer Saison

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Tony, would you bottle it as is or try to dry it out with some dextrose?

Now just have a think about this for a second.

If the yeast would not ferment the residual sugars in the brew..... how is dextrose going to dry it out?

All it will do is ferment the destrose, create more alcahol and you will still have the unfirmentable sugars you started with.

Dont make butters get the kitten out again :p

My 3742 Belgian Saison got a second lease of life. F.G. down to 1.004, almost 4 weeks fermenting.....happy.

Thanks for the advice Tony.

Q1. If i bottle and condition does this yeast need high conditioning temps?

Q2. from what i have read I was thinking this style of beer would best suit medium to high carbonation as well?

just waiting for someone to say, she'll be right!

It will be fine. Just leave it in the garage or somewhere warm for a week or 2 and it will carb.

and yes... a tad more carb is always nice in a saison.

What is it with adding dex and low attenuating english yeast folks???????????

Be patient and let it ride....... you just need to accept that this yeast is different and a lot slower than most.

should i have asked wil dextrose add alc and balance the higher fg, or should i just put my kitten in a witness protection program?

appreciate your feedback.

i bottled half and added dex and dry hopped the other half.
should i have asked wil dextrose add alc and balance the higher fg, or should i just put my kitten in a witness protection program?

appreciate your feedback.

i bottled half and added dex and dry hopped the other half.

Mmmmm i cant see adding alcahol ballancing the beer. BUt to be honest i dont think it will be out of ballance.

If it stopped at 1.018 i would wory but id say its fine.

I like your thinking on splitting the batch, at least you will get to taste the difference and then brew acordingly to what you prefer in the future..... its the best way!

And yeah..... hide the kitten, i hate cats :p

Finally warmed up a bit so am going to brew this tomorrow, pils/munich/wheat,
2 questions,
would bittering with Chinook be outrageously out of style?
Also, is there any place in this beer for melanoidin?

Yeast Wlp 565
Saison is a fairly open style.

But the recipe i posted wanst a randon pick of ingredients. It was put together to give a certain result in the glass and using chinook and melanoiden is not going to make the beer that a lot of people are enjoying.

Experiemnt away.... not a problem there but using chinook and malanoiden is just going to give you a train wreck in a glass IMO.
Experiemnt away.... not a problem there but using chinook and malanoiden is just going to give you a train wreck in a glass IMO.

yeah, pretty sure I don't want that, thanks for your honesty
Just had a crack at your recipe in the database. Used Farmhouse ale yeast. What a beast. went from 1.040 to 1.010 in 48 hrs at 30 deg. Has a lot of spicy tart banana flavour evident out of hydro sample. Should be interesting. Since I no chilled i will be dry hopping the Mittlefruh.
i just made a saison..... different recipe, but will be using the farmhouse ale too... cant wait!
Just cracked my grain for another go!!!with the Farmhouse!
The last keg didnt last long enough(just hope this hot weather lasts)
I have been waiting for it to get warm enough in Brisbane to try this beer!
Thanks Tony

I tried my first attempt at your recipe tonight. I used farmhouse ale yeast, no chilled and dry hopped the hallertau mittlefruh. Very nice. Fermented at 30 deg (probably a bit hot). It finished at 1.004 sg and is very dry. I get a dry tongue tingle from it. Is this from the acidulated malt? It has a very peppery/banana flavour. The SWMBO and sister-in-law love it. At this stage it is easy drinking but needs a bit more time to mellow in my opinion (or taste buds to recover after night shift). I might run the next cube a bit cooler or try different yeast.
yeah usually a week has a saison improving. They lose that "raw" fruity taste and it all comes together

have a shot at the belgian saison yeast 3724 and join the confusion and frustration :p

Or just pitch and forget it for 6 weeks :)

I'm sure it will settle over a week. I can see it's potential. Just thought I would report back on my first impressions. :)
Wow. What a difference a few days has made. Flavour has rounded off nicely.

Picked up some WLP568 Belgian Style Saison Ale Yeast Blend from the LHBS to try. Does anyone know what temp to ferment this at?
I just did a 1034ish.. .fermented out in 5ish days @ ~26-28C ambient. Throw a heat belt around that sucker if you will...
I just did a 1034ish.. .fermented out in 5ish days @ ~26-28C ambient. Throw a heat belt around that sucker if you will...

yep......... cheap single bed electric blanket works a treat. I have been using one for years.

If you are fermenting cooler use french saison but it wont as fruity.

In drinking a Saison i made ages ago with FHA and OMG......... to die for.
I am nagging on a 3724 Saison from last summer and it has developed into a ripper as well.
Saison season is starting again...already!
Once CB have the yeast in, I'm going to redeem a voucher and grab 3724 and have a crack.

Tony, apparent attenuation on brewmate, what should I set it on?

I've been wanting to do this for so long, now I get the opportunity.

Should get a black sheet and park the car outside, I reckon that'll do it! My garden shed is in the shade.


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