RecipeDB - Batz Aussie Lager (Pub Beer)

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Batz Brewery...Hand crafted beers from the 'Batcav
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Batz Far Kin Lager.. Typical Aussie (Pub Beer)

Lager - American Lager
All Grain
* * * * * 7 Votes

Brewer's Notes

The recipe base does not have Australian Lager so I just picked a US lager. This is not a US lager but a typical Aussie lager that ' I don't like home brew drinkers will enjoy. Start them on this the show them how beers can be brewed.I used Galaxy Malt but just use BB Pale. Lately I have used Super Pride instead of Pride Of Ringwood, it's an improvement.
The beer is not as light coloured as is shown in the DB.

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
3 kg BB Galaxy Pale Malt
1 kg BB Ale Malt


Time Grams Variety Form AA
20 g Pride of Ringwood (Pellet, 9.0AA%, 60mins)
15 g Cluster (Pellet, 7.0AA%, 15mins)


1 g DCL Yeast S-189 - SafLager German Lager
23L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.041 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.011 (calc)
  • Bitterness 27.5 IBU
  • Efficiency 75%
  • Alcohol 3.89%
  • Colour 6 EBC


  • Primary 7 days
  • Secondary 7 days
  • Conditioning 4 days
Well I've been asked for this recipe quite a bit, simple as, you guys do your own adjuncts.

Megs swillers will love it, Oh I ferment @ 15c SafLager German Lager S-189 is one packet not one gm :p


Are you a Chill or No Chill man as we might need to take this into consideration.

Mash at 65 - 66?


Are you a Chill or No Chill man as we might need to take this into consideration.

Mash at 65 - 66?


Oh don't bring that up, this ones no chill mate so your taking your life into your hands. Mash @ 66-67

what do i tell my friends, it's a carlton gold or a xxxx midstrength :blink: :lol:
will wack this on my list of brews ta do
just poured my first glass now, i wacked 100gm of carahell to give it a bit more colour.
nice pale gold in colour and crystal clear.
a good honest uncomplicated recipe that will please the masses.
thanks batz.
Finally got off my ass and made this yesterday...pitch the yeast tonight and see how we go...

Well Batz, thought you might like some feedback, took a six pack of stubbies to tennis tonightDrinker 1 :- This tastes like xxxx gold not home brewDrinker 2 :- yerp but creamierDrinker. 3 :- I could actually drink this stuff
No more drinkers kept the other 3 for myself, and enjoyed them
Cheers Mate, thinks for the recipe
Well Batz, thought you might like some feedback, took a six pack of stubbies to tennis tonightDrinker 1 :- This tastes like xxxx gold not home brewDrinker 2 :- yerp but creamierDrinker. 3 :- I could actually drink this stuff
No more drinkers kept the other 3 for myself, and enjoyed them
Cheers Mate, thinks for the recipe

Glad it turned out well for you, I've never served it to a mega swiller who didn't like it. To tell the truth I enjoy it on a hot day as well ;)
Easy as recipe to boot.

I'm planning on brewing this on the weekend :)

Using "Australian Pilsner" (75%) and "Australian Ale" (25%) with the Saflager S-189 yeast.
For my hop bill, I'm using 40% POR @ 60 minutes and 60% Sterling @ 15 minutes.

You've written above that you ferment at 15C, I assume this is for the first week, do you do the same temperature for the second week, or colder?
At what temp are you storing the lager at for the conditioning? Also, I'll be bottling, is the conditioning time for a keg?

Looking forward to trying this one out, I don't mind a good crisp lager in between heavy hopped IPAs :drinks:

Hey guys,

I brewed up my batch this evening, and hit 77% efficiency, up 7% since adding my new false bottom which was a trial run today too. I've been running a BIAB bag in my mash tun, pulling it out and what not, happy with the change :D
Gotta say, the beer is looking promising, and I can't wait to serve it up to my megaswill loving mates, as well as having a few good drinks myself ;)

I did a no chill, in a hop sock, and I'll be pitching yeast tomorrow morning. That way, I'll hopefully be able to serve a few beers up for my father in law too, who is coming down to visit in a couple of weeks.
I think I'll be fermenting at 14C, feels more like a lager at that temperature, 10 days is what I normally do for my ales, I'll probably follow that schedule, unless someone can recommend otherwise? I'll keep an eye on the gravity anyway ;)


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