hi all
sorry i haven't searched this as hard as i would like too, but it i thought i'd use this question to tell abit about what im doing and a HI to all. (i'm also after a quick answer arn't we all!!!)
bought a coopers kit, got it rockin then came to the internet and started to learn hehe probally the wrong way round but at least i got a test run outta the way.......well, ALMOST,
heres the problem/question fermented for one week kept perfectly between 22 and 24 by heat mat and a blanky at night (to stop the drop in temp as the bath tub is a cold place at night! [canberra]) 1040 start 1009 ish finsh tested on fifth and seventh day (sunday) now the beer/fermented wort is cloudy and milky and hardly any of it has 'dropped' i have been told to leave this for another week SHOULD I LET IT COOL OVER THE WEEK OR LEAVE IT AT 22 or 18 or what???
will this result in bad taste? especailly after bottleing and heating the bottles back upto 18 ish for secondary?
(using plastic first time out but have 100 tooheys old longys for the next ccouple)(iwanna brew back to back with one fermenter before i start another)
spose its not one question but a stosh of questions.........................
PS. loving this beer brew game
sorry i haven't searched this as hard as i would like too, but it i thought i'd use this question to tell abit about what im doing and a HI to all. (i'm also after a quick answer arn't we all!!!)
bought a coopers kit, got it rockin then came to the internet and started to learn hehe probally the wrong way round but at least i got a test run outta the way.......well, ALMOST,
heres the problem/question fermented for one week kept perfectly between 22 and 24 by heat mat and a blanky at night (to stop the drop in temp as the bath tub is a cold place at night! [canberra]) 1040 start 1009 ish finsh tested on fifth and seventh day (sunday) now the beer/fermented wort is cloudy and milky and hardly any of it has 'dropped' i have been told to leave this for another week SHOULD I LET IT COOL OVER THE WEEK OR LEAVE IT AT 22 or 18 or what???
will this result in bad taste? especailly after bottleing and heating the bottles back upto 18 ish for secondary?
(using plastic first time out but have 100 tooheys old longys for the next ccouple)(iwanna brew back to back with one fermenter before i start another)
spose its not one question but a stosh of questions.........................
PS. loving this beer brew game