Qld Xmas Case Consumption

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I just tried mackennys christmas pilsener. Well it went off with a baNG. i opened the lid and beer spouted out all over me, my kitchen and my clothes. Cheers!!!! None left in the bottle.

Keep an eye on this one guys. maybe wrap it in towels in the fridge. Its explosive.


PS Sorry no tasting notes, My floor was too dirty to lick it off!!!!!!!

Sorry about that one :( , it seems my bulk priming skills need some adjustment!!!
Was a bit of a rushed bre this time due to the timing of my holiday to the Cook Islands...
(Was also somewhat of an experiment also as it was the first time I tried the Blackrock Pilsener Blond extract as a base!)

Merry Christmas to you all, and as Confusion says... "Man who drink too much beer, end up with Mrs hop-ing mad!!!"
Odd Screwtop. None of the ones I've tried have been undercarbonated! Such a pity you got one that was...

No citrus in this one. A non-fruit beer from me!

Hops are Progress and First Gold, about 70g and 20g with progress for bittering and first gold for flavour.

Nottingham yeast so I'm guessing you get that taste from the First Gold hops.



3kg LME. 1kg Maris Otter 250g Crystal 150g Dark Crystal 250g MaltoDextrin 250g Carapils 70g Progress 20g First Gold.

Always ready for a surprise event when sampling one of yours mate! Kept thinking "what is that flavour", couldn't find another way to describe it, tasted faintly of citrus but not at all like American hop citrus. Knowing your love of experimentation, figured it just could be some orange zest or corriander. OK looks like I'm in again for the Craftbrewer december give away, just have to try First Gold. Hints please on style to experiment with Bruce?
It's a great English ale hop. I've used it the ESB and again in an English bitter where it was the predominant hop for both flavour and bittering. The bitter is also a beer I really like.

I've also tasted as the sole hop in an English pale or golden ale in the UK and it worked very well that way too.

Haven't tried it as an aroma one at all.



Frogman's American Pale Ale
This beer poured with a nice white creamy head that held all the way to the bottom of the glass. A faint citrus aroma greeted the nose and a lightly bittered with plenty of malt behind it swirled past the gums. Nice session beer there FM, however, I prefer a higher bittered beer as found in...

Old Dog's Pale Ale
Poured with a white head that quickly died away, once again a slight citrus aroma, but once you take a sip, BANG, you are hit with the level of bitterness I like in a beer, I really enjoyed this one. To me it is very easy drinking thanks to the malt hiding in the background somewhat. I don't think it will be everyones cup of tea, but Old Dog, I give you the thumbs up mate.



I s'pose you guys are wondering what a NewSouthWelshman is doing posting here.
Well, I tasted some of these beers and thought that I should provide some feedback.

First off, let me tell you that sending beer from Pat's house, on a hot, bumpy truck ride to Newcastle does most of your beer no favour.
It really took the edge off a lot of the hop flavour and some of the maltiness. Only the hoppiest beers survived; prob due to Pat's simulation of the treatment that the original IPA's would have seen on their trip to India.

Pat attested to the hoppiness of the originals, and a discussion and the effects of heat and light followed. I wish I had tasted these beers at their peak.

All the beers tasted clean, but some of them had little else to offer after their journey. It's definitley true that Craft Beers don't always travel well.

I do recall that we started with Zizzle's APA and it was nice. I also enjoyed Old Dog's Pale and Snow's schwarzbier. I recall an American Amber, too. Tidal Pete? Great hop flavour, which Pat assured me was even better last time he had some. BrownDog's IPA held it's own and retained hop character and a good balance of hop/malt.
Lighter, more subtle beers such as Batz's Scottish and Pat's lager had little flavour left, and may have still been a little yeasty, too. Dirty shame; especially as Pat swore that they were great at their peak.

Stephen may have got more flavour out of these beers than I did, but I was/am nevertheless qute chuffed to have had the opportunity to taste them.

I await correction by Pat, in case I have mis-identified any of these beers. I'm quite quite surprised that I remember many of them, at all.

Seth :p

I s'pose you guys are wondering what a NewSouthWelshman is doing posting here.
Well, I tasted some of these beers and thought that I should provide some feedback.

First off, let me tell you that sending beer from Pat's house, on a hot, bumpy truck ride to Newcastle does most of your beer no favour.
It really took the edge off a lot of the hop flavour and some of the maltiness. Only the hoppiest beers survived; prob due to Pat's simulation of the treatment that the original IPA's would have seen on their trip to India.

Pat attested to the hoppiness of the originals, and a discussion and the effects of heat and light followed. I wish I had tasted these beers at their peak.

All the beers tasted clean, but some of them had little else to offer after their journey. It's definitley true that Craft Beers don't always travel well.

I do recall that we started with Zizzle's APA and it was nice. I also enjoyed Old Dog's Pale and Snow's schwarzbier. I recall an American Amber, too. Tidal Pete? Great hop flavour, which Pat assured me was even better last time he had some. BrownDog's IPA held it's own and retained hop character and a good balance of hop/malt.
Lighter, more subtle beers such as Batz's Scottish and Pat's lager had little flavour left, and may have still been a little yeasty, too. Dirty shame; especially as Pat swore that they were great at their peak.

Stephen may have got more flavour out of these beers than I did, but I was/am nevertheless qute chuffed to have had the opportunity to taste them.

I await correction by Pat, in case I have mis-identified any of these beers. I'm quite quite surprised that I remember many of them, at all.

Seth :p

Most welcome indeed Seth and it is good to see Pat is spreading the Christmas cheer around. Did you have a peek in the back of Pat's van by any chance? at the swap it looked like the back of a builders garage. I can just imagine all those beers rolling around back there, lucky they got there at all!. Speaking of the beers, you mentioned you had one of my IPAs, there are only 3 of those as I was 3 short with the APA. Glad to hear Pat got an IPA and he managed to condition it properly. Batz had one too so that is one still floating around out there.


Most welcome indeed Seth and it is good to see Pat is spreading the Christmas cheer around. Did you have a peek in the back of Pat's van by any chance? at the swap it looked like the back of a builders garage. I can just imagine all those beers rolling around back there, lucky they got there at all!. Speaking of the beers, you mentioned you had one of my IPAs, there are only 3 of those as I was 3 short with the APA. Glad to hear Pat got an IPA and he managed to condition it properly. Batz had one too so that is one still floating around out there.



Hey BD,

Could this be the cause of my confusion over the hops. The label on my bottle just said Browndog's brewery, did not list the style. Could it have been the IPA? From memory the style was more APA, but wanted to check.
No Mike, definitely no chinook in the IPA, on the caps I wrote either APA or IPA and the IPA had no american hops in it. On this wonderous day I decided to try three from the swap of styles I'm not familiar with so here goes.

SJC's Adelscott
Quite gassy upon opening the bottle and poured with a nice malty aroma. A well carbonated brew with a complex malt profile that I found slightly sweet. All up an interesting well brewed beer.

Batz Scottish
First time for a scottish coming from Batz, knew it would be a good beer and it was. Well carbed and good clarity with a nice malt driven bite, that's it, popped my scottish cherry. A canny beer indeed

Screwtop's Weihenstephaner Heffe Weizen
Jeez, I had to go get the bottle to see how to spell that! Rolled the bottle as per instructions, poured a glass and was instantly transported back to the Belgian Beer Cafe in Brisbane where we were buying small bottles of sweet cloudy beer for rediculous prices. I reckon I could have got 30 bucks for Screwtops bottle there and in saying that I say bloody good effort Mike.


No Mike, definitely no chinook in the IPA, on the caps I wrote either APA or IPA and the IPA had no american hops in it. On this wonderous day I decided to try three from the swap of styles I'm not familiar with so here goes.

Screwtop's Weihenstephaner Heffe Weizen
Jeez, I had to go get the bottle to see how to spell that! Rolled the bottle as per instructions, poured a glass and was instantly transported back to the Belgian Beer Cafe in Brisbane where we were buying small bottles of sweet cloudy beer for rediculous prices. I reckon I could have got 30 bucks for Screwtops bottle there and in saying that I say bloody good effort Mike.


Thanks BD,

Was pretty sure it was the APA must have seen that on the cap, as I replied re: the APA.

So happy you enjoyed the Weihenstaphaner, Marg and I had the last bottle tonight with xmas prawns. The decree is now that your APA and the Weihenstephaner should be available in copious quantities, no matter what! Bugger, have a Scottish 80/- an APA and an Irish Red backed up first, but am looking forward to the Weihenstephan Hefe RoggenWeizen should be able to have it on tap by New Year.
hi guys,

thanks to everyone for the time and effort that went into the swap and xmas get together. I am looking forward to next years all ready.

kiwi greg pilsner
initial pour was of a nice compact head with a nice gold colour.
Its taste was of good malt flavour with good bitterness and.
the head didnt last throughout glass.
I enjoyed this beer and wish I had a couple more.

English Bitter wirra st brewery
great pouring beer with a lot of hop aroma, with good malt flavours.
A very nice bitterness in after taste.
well done.

sluggerdog pilsner
very good clear and crisp tasting beer, I thought it had good aroma for the style. bitterness thoughout was refreshing and another I am keen to have a go at. My father in law also gave it a big thumbs up.

great work boys. I am cant wait to taste the others after tasting these few.

cheeers old dog

Tasted SJC's Adelscott last night!

Pretty much a beer out of left field which I would expect from Steve:

A beer made from whiskey malt! it certainly was. I liked this one, dark colour matched well with the phenolics from the peat smoked malt. The head did not last, carbonation on the low side. Great aroma complexity, just a touch cidery, with a sweet malty taste. Being a Laphroaig fan I loved the phenolics, this was a very interesting beer.
Am still doing edits and post deletions 2 mornings after drinking 100 Hollandias. What's in that stuff?

Had a big drinkathon with Stephen and Les in Newcastle last week where I left all my tasting notes.

A quick translation though is that I cannot taste beers consecutively. Even Zizzle's beer, of which I had two, didn't taste anything like the first delicious one I had. Still can only remember tasting one dud. All the rest tasted pretty damn good to me even at 5am. Will ring Steve and see if he has my notes so I can post something constructive.

I'm going back to the one a day on a clean palate tasting policy. I better start today as I really can't take the swap beers across the Nullabor.

Only things for now I can tell you is Hollandia makes you post badly and New South Welshman make you drink until the sun comes up. Perfect!

A great tasting beer, very smooth.
I enjoyed maltiness and hoppiness, not as hoppy as some apas but great all the same.
It was a little cloudy and looked very good in the glass, also kept its head throughout.
well done Brad.

old dog
MacKennys Monastery Malthouse Pils

Most ended up on the Bat floor,gusher,what was left continued to creep out the bottle for ages.
What I did get to drink was a nice drop,shame about the over carbonation.

Ive just cracked the last bottle I have and of my American Wheat and it has carbed up ok, so heres hoping some other do :)

Chad and I are brewing a Scottish Ale today and will be drinking Batz bottle as the example... hope its great :D
Batz - Scottish Ale

Had this one last the other night & think I poured it a bit cold - It poured beautifully, with a lovely head, probably the best presented beer so far. Intial taste though was a little dissapointing, just didn't do it for me; so left it in the glass for a bit while watching telly - what a difference though once it had warmed up a bit - the beer came alive & certainly had the grin factor we all seek....

...this is definately one for enjoying at British ale temps :beer:

cheers Ross

While brewing yesterday with Chad I drank this one over a bit of time and once it had warmed up it became soooo incredible smooth and balanced.

Greatly enjoyed :beer:

I had a tour of browndog's brewery yesterday, and amongst tasting his excellent offerings, we cracked a couple of the case swap brews.

I'm not real good at all this tasting business, but I did take photos!

First we tasted Snow's Schwarzbier:

I thoroughly enjoyed this beer. It poured with a nice big head, which lasted almost the the bottom of the glass, leaving a nice lacing. I'm a big fan of dark beers in general, and I enjoyed the flavours of this one. Not burnt tasting at all. I could drink this one all day. Here's a picture:

Next we cracked Incider's Apple Cider. I quite enjoyed this cider. This one poured with a nice head, that didn't have time to subside before it was gone. I don't have ciders often, so I was quite surprised with it. It was quite dry, which is nice. It's a pity I had to finish it quickly as my ride arrived.

Browndog quite generously gave me Mooshell's Extra Strong Bitter to take home. I shared this one with my father and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. Poured with a good head, that didn't last (probably my glasses). Not as hoppy as I expected, not having tried the style before, but definitely a tasty brew. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos of this one.

Well done on the three beers I feel privileged to have tried courtesy of browndog. And a big thanks to browndog for giving me a tour of his brewery, and for the samples we enjoyed.

I look forward to meeting more of you, and sharing a few beers.

Cheers! :beer:

I had a tour of browndog's brewery yesterday, and amongst tasting his excellent offerings, we cracked a couple of the case swap brews.

I'm not real good at all this tasting business, but I did take photos!

First we tasted Snow's Schwarzbier:

I thoroughly enjoyed this beer. It poured with a nice big head, which lasted almost the the bottom of the glass, leaving a nice lacing. I'm a big fan of dark beers in general, and I enjoyed the flavours of this one. Not burnt tasting at all. I could drink this one all day. Here's a picture:

Next we cracked Incider's Apple Cider. I quite enjoyed this cider. This one poured with a nice head, that didn't have time to subside before it was gone. I don't have ciders often, so I was quite surprised with it. It was quite dry, which is nice. It's a pity I had to finish it quickly as my ride arrived.

Browndog quite generously gave me Mooshell's Extra Strong Bitter to take home. I shared this one with my father and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. Poured with a good head, that didn't last (probably my glasses). Not as hoppy as I expected, not having tried the style before, but definitely a tasty brew. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos of this one.

Well done on the three beers I feel privileged to have tried courtesy of browndog. And a big thanks to browndog for giving me a tour of his brewery, and for the samples we enjoyed.

I look forward to meeting more of you, and sharing a few beers.

Cheers! :beer:

Well well, could that be some of Screwtop's Nuts and Bolts in the background?


Glad you liked the schwarz, Bonj! I too had my last of the case swap beers tonight.

Mothballs Porter

Poured a beautiful dense, creamy, white head, with a gorgeous ruby colour in the body and clear as hell :). Malt aroma a bit subdued, and couldn't pick up any hops, which is how I like my porter. The flavour was nice and roasty, with little bitterness. Malt was good, but it had a certain "twang" which I associate with some of my earlier Coopers Old kit beers. Not saying that this porter is a kit beer, just making the observation. What yeast did you use, Mothballs? And how warm did you ferment? To me this was a bit of a flaw and if you're doing partials with liquid or dry extract instead of kits, and using fresh yeast, then I wouldn't expect this flavour.

Cheers - Snow.
22. C Hoops - Oatmeal stout (Can be consumed immediately) - 1084 Irish Ale (Wyeast)

I've never had an oatmeal stout before so didn't really know what to expect, and was also concerned about the exploding bottle stories but mine was fine. Very smooth beer with a lasting light brown creamy head, not so much of a roasted flavour and a mild bitterness, slightly sweet. A very drinkable beer. Nice one!

Am I the only one with beers left I've only sampled a handful?

Also tried the ESB3 a week or so ago and thought that this was an exceptional beer, very very nice with hoppy aroma, blanced maltiness, clear light brown colour. Nice work would love to see the recipe.


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