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Wirra St Brewery English Bitter

Not much of a review (short in length - I'm lazy) but I liked this one, not a huge fan of engligh brews but not against them either, after this however I'm thinking I might give one a crack myself.
I asked her why she didn't meet up with Pat and she said she didn't have his number! Pat said he didn't have her number either! I assumed he had all that stuff squared away!

... :ph34r: ...

sorry pat. She loves a beer and a durry!

I only have a few secs on here but InCider is lying!!! He only started answering my texts and phone calls about his sister when he knew for sure that I was on the Nullabor :eek:

I'm really dissapointed Sean. I even had 20 bottles of your cider (everyone gave me theirs at the swap and this was even before I told them of my plan :unsure: ) to give to your sister over brunch. The only way you can redeem yourself is to put her on the plane with Batz when he comes here at the end of the month.

Will post a few reviews when I get proper access to a computer as one involves photos and the others have to be made up as I can't remember them ;)

Pat Kerouac
Tidalpetes Amber Ale.

Yumo, well balanced and crystal clear, first glass poured a glass full of head but other then that it was great.

Batz Scottish Ale

Yeah nice as they get. Is there a recipe for this around so I can see what's in it?

Screwtop - Weihenstephan Hefe Wiezen

OK, I'm with Batz on the whole wheat thing however this beer was not half bad, I will be finishing the whole bottle too.

I didnt roll as per the label instructions as I'm sure that would have increased the flavour profile that I am not so fond of however the brew was very drinkable.

Don't think I'll be rushing out to brew a wheat anytime soon but atleast now I won't run away from one.. like this anyway.

Cheers Screwtop!
Aussie Claret - American Brown

OK the name has never done anything for me, an american brown sounds just like the aussie browns I do every morning. Anyway because of this I have never looked into the style and I didn't know what to expect.

I Love it, would have to say it's close to if not the best I have tried so far, no comments on how close to style it is but either way I'd love the recipe. Would I be too far out in guessing it is similar to a dark ale while using american hops?

Well done, please post recipe if you have not already done so.

sluggerdog, i love your German pilsner.

I am not going to even attempt to review it. as my experience with this type of brew is...well..there isn't any experience.

But i love it. please pm me the recipe or direct me to where i may find it...

thank-you muchly

EDIT: Doesn't matter, found it in recipes... Funny that :rolleyes:
really enjoyed your German Pils. Found it nice and dry, easy to drink and well balanced. I'll be giving your recipe a try soon.
(Note: I have lost a heap of AHB email addresses in a computer mishap so, if you haven't heard from me in a few months, please email me or PM me with your email address. If you want to receive a good forward from me every 3 or 4 weeks then do likewise.)

It's confession time but before I do this, I have to post a pic...

There's a story behind both the beer (Mooshell's ESB) and the gate. I can tell you about the beer but Screwtop will have to tell you about the gate. Mind you, it might be a while before we get that story as he is flat out pasting Inspector Pocket Brewery stickers all around southern Australia at the moment. Good on him! His gate story is a good one and you might even have to wait until the next get-together before he unleashes it.

Anyway the gate in the pic is at the beginning of the Nullabor and I have to say guys that because I did the trip in only two and a bit sleeps, I only had two of your beers on the trip from Sydney but whilst both tasted superb I am only certain of one and that was Frogman's. (Mooshell's comes later.) I drank Damien's on the day the pic was taken and by God did it taste great!!!! If there had been more than one I would have pulled over and drunk the lot without doubt. It was pure bliss to have a totally easy-drinking and interesting craft brew on the Nullabor when the temp outside was 33 and in the van, right above the engine, 38 - a lot more during the day. (I drank Fogman's at dusk.)

The beer I had the next day was a pure desert delight as well - I certainly remember that. But you guys know how it is on a swap. You remember the first beer of the day and then not much else. The same thing has happened to me with the passing of time. Greg, if I had to hazard a guess, and I think it's a good one, I think it was your pilsener. If it wasn't yours then it would have been a pale ale as I was focussed on light coloured beers on the Nullabor. Whoever it was, I am in your debt!

The rest of the beers, bar one, I drank when I got to Perth but over a month or so. TidalPete's rings a big bell but I can't remember if this was because it was great or green. You should put a 'Consume By' date on your bottles Pete ;)

I don't drink cider but InCider, yours was tops! While there was no way that I was actually going to drink it, I gave it to a stray Norwegian hitch-hiker near Eucla who, after drinking your bottle, was able to display a mind-boggling array of advanced Hatha Yoga positions. All this she managed to do in the back of my van. Quite clever really. You probably should bottle that stuff.

I confess that I can't write up any more beers bar one but, I found all, bar about two, to be good to really enjoyable. These beers were exposed to shocking temperature flunctuations so to be able to say that all bar two were great or had no problems is pretty amazing.

The only one I have left to write about is Mooshells ESB. It's the one in the picture.

I used it in the pic as it was easily accessible in the back of the van and had a great label. (I actually had Frogman's beer cooling in my 12V esky at the time.) Even on the Nullabor, in the heat, I was actually looking forward to tasting Mooshell's beer as I knew it was going to be a style that was less than 4 billion IBU's. I respected this beer and wanted the perfect environment and mood in which to taste it like I try to do with all Swap beers.

Anyway, back in the van she went. She travelled all the way to Perth. She sat in my sister's shed during 40 degree plus days.

Finally, the day came when I said, 'Yep, I am having her tonight!'

So, about midday, I went out to the shed, pulled the Cooper's carton of Swap beers off the shelf and then I wept.

We are talking about a beer that had survived being devoured by Stephen and Les, a beer that had crossed the continent rattling around in the back of my van and then been baked in my sister's shed. A beer that I had been waiting for the right moment to bring to my lips.

I keep replaying it over and over in my mind. I'm sure that I pulled the carton out gently. I know I did. There was only a slight tinkling of glass upon glass and then....

Mooshell's ESB exploded!

Sorry guys, I really can't write anymore. Even talking about this now has been quite upsetting.

All I can say now is that if this ESB was really good, send me the recipe and I will hold a brew day requiem here in Perth. As I am once again in an apartment and now actually brew in the bathroom, the ceremony will have to be restricted to just a few respectful brewers.

Oh! And if it was a really crap beer just send me a different recipe for the same style. That'll do.

(Note: I have lost a heap of AHB email addresses in a computer mishap so, if you haven't heard from me in a few months, please email me or PM me with your email address. If you want to receive a good forward from me every 3 or 4 weeks then do likewise.)

It's confession time but before I do this, I have to post a pic...

There's a story behind both the beer (Mooshell's ESB) and the gate. I can tell you about the beer but Screwtop will have to tell you about the gate.


Well some I'll tell, the gate is to the whale watching facility at Yalata near the head of the bight. Decided to turn off there and have a look, when nearly at the gate a sign appeared advising to stop and pay to enter. Well I threw a little stompy and started raving about tax dollars and my rights and told SWAMBO I was not stopping and paying anyone. She was beginning to become hysterical about the time I roared through the gate with 5 tons of Cruiser and caravan at great speed and not acknowledging an aboriginal guy coming out of the building near the gate. Roared through with her in my ear about being responsible and how I would get us in trouble. Shut her out and continued on until we got to the whale watching facility and viewing facility - IT WAS BLOODYWELL CLOSED
so thats why the gate was open, and thats what he was coming out to tell me
good old Pat


Puniman tumas, nedim, sori hia tumas bilong dok i dai pinis, plenim long graun asde. Sit bilong paia e kam tede.
Olget manmeri bikpela tiem tink bilong dok di pinis blo yu na meri SWAMBO. Istap billong ples bilong balus.

Stop it already, your bring about flashbacks from the Fly longtime tasall
I can't beleive that Batz has posted pics of my wife...

Batz, I explicitly told you that any photos or videos I sent you of Mrs PP were for your own enjoyment only and not to be published on the net. Her porn star days are well and truly over and are a period we both would like to forget. Thanks a lot mate.

I think the least you can do for me is translate the last four posts here.

WTF does all that mean? :wacko:

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