Qld Xmas Case '06

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oh yeh...nearly forgot...


and where do you guys get those groovey smileys from..?
Maybe Screwtop could move more by putting the XXXX Gold and cruisers in his party keg Batz?

Just had a serious thought...

To help with a smooth, perhaps even sober swap, maybe the first 2 jobs when people arrive should be to pay Sqyre and then unload their own bottles into the 26 piles?

This would mean all work (apart from picking up your case on the way out) is done before drinking Screwtop's party keg which I imagine will contain beer been brewed under extreme pressure - lol.
anyway I could probably do with a hand getting the pig started cooking. (Before anyone puts thier hand up the pig should be on by 8-9am..and the fire about 7-8am)

I'll put my hand up - I like a nice early start to set the pace for the day :chug:

cheers Ross...
To help with a smooth, perhaps even sober swap, maybe the first 2 jobs when people arrive should be to pay Sqyre and then unload their own bottles into the 26 piles?

This would mean all work (apart from picking up your case on the way out) is done before drinking Screwtop's party keg which I imagine will contain beer been brewed under extreme pressure - lol.

Exellent idea Pat,and some stick on labels with your name really helps us older brewers remember who's who.

Arrive,sort your bottles,put your $15.00 in the tin,write on your tag and in Pats case...stick it on your mouth :lol: :lol:

how many tallies fit into a milk crate??? i will clear out an area downstairs for bottle sorting..

I'll put my hand up - I like a nice early start to set the pace for the day

Ross, cool, i need someone strong to hold the carcass while i bound it up and bash the spikes in ..then we can look at doing the same with the pig. :blink: :D

(by the way..you probably wont see much of Mrs sqyre on the day. ;) :lol: )
and in Pats case...stick it on your mouth...

That's not what I'd call a relationship-buiding comment Batz - LOL. That's a 4 schooner Screwtop party keg penalty scull for you!

Sqyre, don't let Ross help you. He'll force you to start drinking at 7:05am and that joke you just cracked about carcasses could become reality by 4pm.

Good luck!
No worries on the $15 and I expect everyone to bring at least a couple of bottles :party:
I am sure there will be plenty of beer but if your a bit worried I can bring two 3 gallon kegs,let me know.

I can bring a keg of something if required, but pat will be left out as it wont taste anything like XXXX gold!

I might be able to come earlier too to give a hand. Dunno about spikes and carcasses and stuff.

Oh yeah, Ross, I know your pace, and Im gonna set my pace by dividing yours by 10!!! I might last till lunch then.

$15 sounds good.

Did I really drink that Gold Brad or was that pic taken as a joke? I can't remember!

By the way, Brad (vjval1974) is dying to go in the Swap and he makes very good beer. Given my erratic bottle-filling skills, like Browndog, there is a possibility that I might have to throw in one or two bottles of a different beer.

I was just wondering that if there are a few more people than the 26, couldn't we all just throw in a bottle or two of something different so the Reserves can participate as well? They are dead keen and maybe could just take second preference? (Simple to organise as well.)

If we end up with extra beer on the day, I'm sure we can drink them then and there :chug:
Sqyre, don't let Ross help you. He'll force you to start drinking at 7:05am and that joke you just cracked about carcasses could become reality by 4pm.

Dont worry Pat, i'll fool him. i'll be havin a beer at 6am... :chug:

I am sure there will be plenty of beer but if your a bit worried I can bring two 3 gallon kegs,let me know.

If you like Batz, but we might see who else offers first..cant have you giving up all your precious wares. Like i mentioned in the list i "should" have room for 10 kegs all up with my setup plus what the others bring in thier self contained units.

I would love to see 15 Different Brews on tap.. :party:

I was just wondering that if there are a few more people than the 26, couldn't we all just throw in a bottle or two of something different so the Reserves can participate as well? They are dead keen and maybe could just take second preference? (Simple to organise as well.)
No issues here Pat...
Your dead right pat. Im super keen. Maybe went too far with the good beer thing, but hey...

You drank that gold, then tried to get in the surfclub with a bottle of hahn light in your hand!!!!!!!!! :chug: :chug: Thats why we 'had' to go to the casino and proceed to get more spastic.

I would love to see 15 Different Brews on tap..

Now i think about...if we did...and i sampled a glass of each brew..

i probably wouldn't get around to having a second helping... :blink:

:beerbang: BRING IT ON!!!!!! :beerbang:
Brad take my place on the swap list and put me back as a reserve... I'm still trying to organise myself and what I can and cant travel with..

$15 sounds great . don't get much up this way for $15.

realy looking forward to this ...

To help with a smooth, perhaps even sober swap, maybe the first 2 jobs when people arrive should be to pay Sqyre and then unload their own bottles into the 26 piles?

This would mean all work (apart from picking up your case on the way out) is done before drinking Screwtop's party keg which I imagine will contain beer been brewed under extreme pressure - lol.

Exellent idea Pat,and some stick on labels with your name really helps us older brewers remember who's who.

Arrive,sort your bottles,put your $15.00 in the tin,write on your tag and in Pats case...stick it over your arse


The tags are a great idea :beerbang: but Forum name & Christian name on the tags would be ideal for older brewers who need to get their last remaining brain cells into gear for recognition purposes (Batz, are you listening here?). :rolleyes:

I'm good with the $15 but nobody has mentioned the most important meal of all ----------- BREAKFAST :lol:
Wouldn't mind throwing in an extra few bucks for a good one?????

Pete..your dead right..in this perticular instance i have neglected the most important meal of the day.(or the recovery day) and my breaky bashes are normally up there with the best...

i havent factored that into the $15 but we should be good...(for the basics)

ok..lets look at breaky...

locally smoked Bacon,free range eggs, i usually go with fried tomato, slightly seasoned and topped with melted parmesan cheese, sliced Mushrooms fried in butter, fried onions, hash browns with ham flavored baked beans all topped of thick sliced toast lightly fried with butter/cheese...oh and a Schooner of course..

UNFORTUNATLY.... :unsure: my BBQ is only 600x500mm. i would need one about the size of small car for 25 blokes...

So probably just do woolies bacon and eggs Pete...

and it would cost a bit more....but if we could get a decent sized bbq or 2 and maybe go another $5er each...????

Food for thought.. :huh:
locally smoked Bacon,free range eggs, i usually go with fried tomato, slightly seasoned and topped with melted parmesan cheese, sliced Mushrooms fried in butter, fried onions, hash browns with ham flavored baked beans all topped of thick sliced toast lightly fried with butter/cheese...oh and a Schooner of course..


and i would cost a bit more....but if we could get a decent sized bbq or 2 and maybe go another $5er each...????

FARK... Ill be around tomorrow :lol:

$20 is still ok with me, bargain.
Batz chooks would be happy to donate a few dozen eggs

Perhaps the Brissy crew could bring a BBQ as well
