Am stoked, my first double batch and I was able to boil 45 litres in a 50 litre keg without any boilover. :beer:
How did you manage that? What burner do you use, I have to fight back 30L in a 50L kettle using a NASA.
Am stoked, my first double batch and I was able to boil 45 litres in a 50 litre keg without any boilover. :beer:
Am stoked, my first double batch and I was able to boil 45 litres in a 50 litre keg without any boilover. :beer:
How did you manage that? What burner do you use, I have to fight back 30L in a 50L kettle using a NASA.
I have requested sqyre put me back on the "hope to make it" list.
Sorry I may not make it but earning some cash before xmas is important as well.
I was holding off updating the list due to my "List fumbling problem" and hopefully hear back from Ross wether he has found the chance to put a brew down.
Also Batz posted this
I have requested sqyre put me back on the "hope to make it" list.
Sorry I may not make it but earning some cash before xmas is important as well.
Brewing tomorrow come rain, hail or shine....
Gooday every one
I am going to have to drop out of the case swap. The date clashes with my grandsons birthday barbie at my place. Bugger bugger bugger but no alternative im afraid.
Looking ok for me at this stage,I have to go to Calide Station next week and believe that maybe it for the year
I have brewed my Scottish already,need to bottle next week.
Seeing as Slugger has to leave early would it be OK to have the swap beers all swapped by 4pm if that's not too late for him and assuming everyone has arrived by then? What time do you actually want to kick off by the way?
Don't stress on the beers - there'll be heaps. Those not bringing kegs will bring bottles to share...
I'll have a party keg under my arm, think there's plenty left in it, didn't get rid of much at the yeast swap.