Qld Case Swap

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right belongings that have been found:
chappo - hat, jacket, sunglasses, mug, chairs, dignity

grey jumper which is paulwolfs me thinks and a packet of ventti filters

and also have those glass shots for yeast starters one i sully's and not sure whose the others is.

also 2 un collected swaps have been left also.
Ive got some Schott bottles there, not sure if you can hang onto them until im down there again.. :unsure:

I think I had a Chair there aswell but im sure its a little busted and they only cost $9....

:icon_cheers: CB
Was good to finally meet everyone and put faces to the names, and even better to try all of your beers of which some were really really good! I felt like my glass was being refilled before it was even empty :beerbang: Cheers heaps for the hospitality guys, very much appreciated!
Thanks for sharing some of your brews, the port stout was certainly more balanced than I expected and very warming :)

Cheers Reviled, good to meet you and get some good feedback on my Beer, its great when people ask you for the Recipe... ;)
Was a nice drop there CB, loads of hops yet still remained perfectly drinkable. It'll be one I'd like to make in the next few months that's for sure.

and also have those glass shots for yeast starters one i sully's and not sure whose the others is.
Those are for bradsbrew and clean brewer. Gents, just let me know if you're unable to collect and I'll organise them to be returned to RdeVjun / collected another time.

So any feedback on the swap beers yet?

Just tried BribeG's Green Dragon and it's very nice. I've been dabbling with English beers recently and it certainly outshines what I've done so far. Lots of body, nice malt flavour and balanced hops. Another I think I'll have to brew when time permits!
I tried A beer of Sullys which was a Mocha Stout, it was nicer when it warmed up a little... ;)

And I also had the Green Dragon, a little flat but nice all the same.. Was it meant to be drunk straightaway or did it did time to carb????? :huh:

Im gonna leave the best for last "All Ranga Ale" :lol:
I tried A beer of Sullys which was a Mocha Stout, it was nicer when it warmed up a little... ;)

And I also had the Green Dragon, a little flat but nice all the same.. Was it meant to be drunk straightaway or did it did time to carb????? :huh:

Im gonna leave the best for last "All Ranga Ale" :lol:

havn't tried any yet, wanted to wait till they had all settled and carbed, some where pretty new (but i cant remember which)

will also leave the best 'all ranga" till last. Cant wait for the AG version

Nope??? But the ventti's are mine as well sunnies and chairs...

looks like you missed out then, I left 3 tallies of Ginger Beer and GG left 4 various beers of his on the bar for you

Oi, what happened to the hole cutter Chappo?? :p

There is a holesaw and drill bit sitting at my place that doesnt belong to me... Chappo, what were you planning???

Were they for you Perry? If you need them ASAP, I will be heading down your way mid next week.

Ha, there was a cunning plan to put a hole in my 60 litre mash tun so I can actually use it (went to crap naturally) :rolleyes: .
Sully if you're going past it'd be good - can return on Sunday.
Can anyone tell me why my keg is full of dodgy cider? I need to fill it up with a galaxy APA next week, should have 11 full buggers by the end of the month (2 on loan though).
yeah drunken mis hap there all good to empty it out. :p
Can I just make everyone aware that my contribution (9) is slightly over-carbed. It's not a gusher but chill it well and have a jug handy.

Yes mate, had yours last night and its quite gassy, best to leave it a little to warm up too... ;) Very rich beer I think, very nice but personally I reckon a stubbie worth before bed would do the trick..... :icon_drool2:

:icon_cheers: CB
I've had my few sober days at work and off tomorrow, so may imbibe of the spirituous liquors tomorrow afternoon. Had a UXB (no 10?) the other day. Bloody nice.

The green dragon (3) may still need some time to fully carb. I drew off six 2L goonies on bottling and they got most of the yeast in them so the one I brought along for drinking on the day was well carbed, but then I drew off a case of 750 ml pets and they were quite clear, so still carbing but they'll get there.

Can I just make everyone aware that my contribution (9) is slightly over-carbed. It's not a gusher but chill it well and have a jug handy.

Not infected but just overcarbed, I burped it twice in the fridge before consuming (then burped many times after) a very nice drop - reminded me of the NRBC Migration Ale (the non-infected one).
I think BribieGs offering could use more (2 weeks) carb time - still a decent offering as is.
The unlabled er, Stout/Robust Porter? was bloody nice too.

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