Just had a sneak-preview half pint of thus oput of the keg... SPECTACULAR!!! So stoked! The moment it goes near your face you get that classic pilsner/saaz waft - strong but not overpowering and the flavour is spot on the style. Partial mash - success!!
Not sure exactly why but it seems to have a heap of body - more than my APA I have on tap now... possibly mashed too high a temperature? I'm pretty sure I had it at 64-65 tho, with a strike temp of 67-68. Anyway, it feels malty and delicious in my mouth so I won't complain...
Also is quite cloudy - hopefully that's only because it was the first pour of the keg pulling up some sediment off the bottom of the keg.
Bring on English Brown Ale, partial mash #2!!!
edit: by the way for those intersted, I didn't end up dry hopping, and it didn't need it