First All Grain Recipe.

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Dr Smurto's GA was the recipe I've been trialling for my first few AG brews.I found easy enough to brew+it's a good flavoured beer which I'm presuming is why it's so popular.Have been trying different hops but same grain bill to work out what each variety adds in the way of flavours(some good-some quite not so good-all part of the learning curve).I will be heading for more lager style recipes later on but this would be a recipe to start off on.My 2c worth.Rob.
Ok.. I have listened to you all and received some good advice on my choice of ingredients.. And also should be trying a proven recipe first. Great advice..

But if... I was going to go alone on my recipe I thought I would adjust it a bit and see what you think..

I do like the look of the Dr S recipes... But anyway what about this.

4.5kg JW Pilsner
250g JW Wheat Malt
200g JW Med Crystal Malt
100g Carapils

20g POR @60
15g POR @30
25g Super Alpha @5
10g Galaxy @0

Whirfloc @15mis
US -05 Yeast

Est 38.9 IBU
Est EBC 12.0
Est ABV 5.0%

I might be running before I walk but it can only fail... :)
Looks fine. Will be perceived as quite bitter with that malt bill. 30 ibu would be better. But If you like em bitter, go for it.
^^ +1. I'd reduce one of your POR additions to bring the IBUs down a little, ~30-33.
Or not, up to you.
It'll still be good, maybe just a little too bitter for me.
Be careful of POR once you get over 35IBU, it can be a bit unpleasnt, but up to 35 it is a great hop
Yeah, grain bill looks much better now mate. I didn't comment on the hops as I've never used any of those varieties. :p
Rocker1986 said:
Yeah, grain bill looks much better now mate. I didn't comment on the hops as I've never used any of those varieties. :p
Thanks for that. Yeah Ill just have a go and see what happens. Ordered grain today for homebrew(wednesday) next week. :)

As I bought a bit of second hand gear... Im going through cleaning and replacing washers hoses and some fittings... Nice and clean to start.
What you want to do next is the same recipe, same method, but different hops
Ducatiboy stu said:
What you want to do next is the same recipe, same method, but different hops
Good tip. Was thinking of an american variety. May amarillo and a good aroma hop at the end as well.