Cleaning A Beer Filter

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Ya cant beat a brilliant clear lager, clear enough to see your finger prints through the glass and that's straight from the fermenter to the keg then forced carbed and enjoying 30 mins later, hard to beat that!
grott said:
I'm with you AJS2154. Having a meal in your drink is the go.
Ps. If your ferment for 14 days, allow slight temp rise for yeast to clean up an then chill for a while before drinking then there isn't too much in there anyway.
Agreed grott. For me, the trademark of a home made beer is flavour and a little cloud......a meal in your drink. Funny, thanks.
My favourite job, cleaning the beer filter. ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1463217397.995595.jpg
thebigwilk said:
bringing back an old thread here but I back flush the crap out of mine then one tea spoon of Sodium Percarbonate in the housing then fill with water from the jug boiling let sit for 20 min then turn it around and to it again, then rinse with water for 5 mins then store in the freezer till next time anybody else store theres in the freezer ?
Nope, I soak mine in perc for a few days and then back rinse. If there is any staining or remaining muck I'll soak in bleach and then it comes out pure white. I store mine inside my hop spider to let air get around it 360 degrees and keep it dry so mould can't grow.
Here's my method for cleaning my filter:

  • Arrange my brewing schedule so at least a couple beers are coming off ferment at the same time
  • Buy a 2 micron water filter cartridge from bunnings
  • Hot water sterilise filter and lines
  • Filter all beers into kegs, from lightest to darkest in one hit
  • Throw filter in the bin

Yes, it might cost more, yes it is wasteful (although I daresay better on the environment compared to chemical cleaning) but it saves a shiteload of time and I don't need to worry about contamination.
Batz said:
I use and always have used a bleach solution, works for me.

What is the ratio of household bleach to water for your solution Batz?
Ok, before you flame me, I searched, I failed.

I have just bought a 1 micron beer filter. Worked well, but didnt clean well under the tap.

What is the best way to clean the puppy between beers?

Have rinsed it, but that was IMHO ineffective. I have added 3 teaspoons of dishwasher detergent to the bowl and have the filter in there soaking until I work out what the hell to do from here.

As always, any comments pre-emptively appreciated.

Hi Uncle Fester, mate just go to Aussie Brewmakers site type 250mm Beer Filter Instructions and print the 2 pages which gives how to clean after use step by step. I have attached a PDF That gives the makers instructions


  • beer filter.pdf
    1.3 MB
My apology for asking. This thread is informative about cleaning filters, but I'm having trouble finding a thread about the actual filtering process. I understand how it works and how to set it all up. I have new equipment ready to go but I have a question. Is there a thread on the process?
plenty of videos on you tube.
one of many.....
i've started filtering directly from my 30l fermzilla all rounder into the keg.
Seen it, and others. Don't worry. Answered my own questions.