Hey Guys,
I'm currently doing mini mashes and looking for some recipe ideas for a fake pils using equipment/method as per below
7.5L mash tun
15L stockpot
2kg grain
2.5kg liquid malt extract
Hop pellets
liquid yeast - using an ale yeast instead of a true lager yeast to simplify the process
Mashed for 60min at 66 deg. Brewing efficiency est = 66% Est boil volume = 7-8L. Extract added for last 15min of 60 min boil.
I'm thinking something along the lines of:
1.8kg Pilsner malt (Weyermann)
0.2kg Cara-Pils/Dextrine
1.5kg Extra Pale Liquid Extract (e.g morgans blendmasters range extra pale extract)
1kg Lager extract (e.g morgans blendmaster range lager extract)
21g 7.60% AA Northern Brewer (60min)
30g 4.0%AA Saaz (60min)
30g 4.0%AA Saaz (40min)
30g 4.0%AA Saaz (20min)
Wyeast 1007 German Ale fermented at 15-16 degrees
OG est = 1.052
FG est = 1.014
Colour est = 11.4 EBC
Est IBU = 40.3
Does this look ok? Is northern brewer a suitable bittering hop?
Any suggestions for alternative recipes also greatly appreciated :icon_cheers:
I'm currently doing mini mashes and looking for some recipe ideas for a fake pils using equipment/method as per below
7.5L mash tun
15L stockpot
2kg grain
2.5kg liquid malt extract
Hop pellets
liquid yeast - using an ale yeast instead of a true lager yeast to simplify the process
Mashed for 60min at 66 deg. Brewing efficiency est = 66% Est boil volume = 7-8L. Extract added for last 15min of 60 min boil.
I'm thinking something along the lines of:
1.8kg Pilsner malt (Weyermann)
0.2kg Cara-Pils/Dextrine
1.5kg Extra Pale Liquid Extract (e.g morgans blendmasters range extra pale extract)
1kg Lager extract (e.g morgans blendmaster range lager extract)
21g 7.60% AA Northern Brewer (60min)
30g 4.0%AA Saaz (60min)
30g 4.0%AA Saaz (40min)
30g 4.0%AA Saaz (20min)
Wyeast 1007 German Ale fermented at 15-16 degrees
OG est = 1.052
FG est = 1.014
Colour est = 11.4 EBC
Est IBU = 40.3
Does this look ok? Is northern brewer a suitable bittering hop?
Any suggestions for alternative recipes also greatly appreciated :icon_cheers: