Just used this for the second time.
The filter works like this...
Beer line -> John Guest Adaptes -> Bigger adapter > Filter Housing -> Bigger Adapter -> John Guest Adapter -> Beer line
I can't get a seal between the big adapter and the filter housing. How is it meant to seal? Not sure if I'm missing some rubber seals or if it's meant to seal with the threads. If so do you guys use food grade thread tape or something?
I can use the filter upright regardless but it means I have to hold it and sort of nurse it at the right height when gravity feeding from fermenter to keg. If the filter housing fills up fully it leaks.
The actual filter cartridge and housing are creating a perfect seal despite the damage to the filter cartridge so that's good.
I would love to be able to have this as a sealed unit though so I can mount it upside down.
Yeah I tightened it all up nicely using a spanner. I think I'll give it one more trial run this afternoon and see how I go and if it still leaks will get some thread tape. I can only screw them half way in by hand and then I use a spanner so you'd think that'd be tight enough to not spring leaks.
This is gravity filtering so PSI isn't really applicable.
On my one there's some reducing nuts between the lid and the JG fittings, and it's leaking where these nuts meet the lid.
I'm gunna give it one more actual test tonight with water. The problem is that both times I've used it I've been a bit gung ho and only notice the leak once I've started filtering the beer, and I don't want to stop the process so I just hold the filter the whole time. I got beer from my fermenter to my keg and it's crystal clear so there's no problems there, but obviously going forward I need to remove the leaks so the process is much easier.
I want to put the filter upside down so there's less wastage. Didn't really matter for this batch because it came out at 21.5 L instead of my intended 20 and still came out at 5.3% alcohol when I only intended it to be 5% (it finished at 1.007 when BeerSmith predicted something like 1.013)
Finally got around to taking a picture of the indent the filter housing has made in the filter.
You can see there's an outer ring that's obviously meant to be there. I would have expected the ring in the housing was meant to meet up with this, but instead it had a smaller diametre and actually cut its own groove into the cartridge. This hasn't affected performance but it is a bit of a worry. There's actually a few parts where it's cut through enough to make a hole and I'm worried this could mean it won't last for as many brews as usual.
Not the biggest deal in the world, it was cheap, but I'm thinking more about next time I order a cartridge I want to make sure it's definitely the right one for the housing.
Can you check with your supplier Smashin?
Maybe ask about needing thread tape too?
I'm not dirty or anything, still happy with the purchase, just would like some info.
I can be pretty sure there's no need for teflon tape as we were given nylon bushes not the cheap PE ones.
Has anyone else had a problem like this from the bulk buy??