Hi Jake - prolly worth going a little further to figure out where your problem came from; you don't want the disappointment of having it turn up in your next all grain brew (trust me; I'm living the same hell - chasing down a phenolic taste which is turning up in a few of my brews, not fun).
You've suggested you used quite a bit of brand new plastic equipment - that could be a cause, even if you didn't do any high temps. A good idea would be to soak this stuff in very hot water for a while. Better not to use it if you don't have to (somebody suggested going for the secondary was pointless - I tend to agree). The extraction of nasty plastic volatiles will increase with high temps.
What did you sanitise with? If it was chlorine (bleach) don't do it again. I'm pretty sure this was a major contributor in my case as my beers cleared up when I stopped using bleach. Different people use bleach in different concentrations - the temptation is always to overdo it as you don't know how viable your bleach is; it degrades over time. I never use it anymore - at least never on plastic. If you feel the need to swap sanitisers from time to time as is suggested by some old wives tales on here (probably can't hurt) then go acid, boiling water, iodophor, etc. - there's plenty of suggestions about.
Get someone else to taste it if you can - preferably somebody with judging experience. There's a very fine line between some of these phenolics: band-aid, or medicinal, or chlorophenol can be hard to judge and can have causes other than infection.
Good luck