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Blind Dog said:
This. If climate change is wrong and we try to do something about it, the worst case scenario is that we might slow or pause economic growth. If climate change is right and we do nothing, we're fucked. Not fucked as in Australia losing the ashes again (I'm a POM, it's an ancient English law that I have to mention it), but fucked as in gone, done, dusted, sayonara human life on earth. Personally, I don't give a shit who's right, but I'm voting for the party who understand what at stake.
First it was "Global Warming" and when this was found to be unsustainable as an argument it became "Climate Change" and now because of the inability to adequately explain the the "so called pause" in predicted temperature rise over recent times there is another shift in terminology to "Climate Disruption"

The issue appears to be that because the "Scientists" are unable to make the "Science" fit with their "Hypothesis" they are shifting the goal posts to represent something else so as to be able to maintain the hype about their predictions of impending catastrophic global temperature change.

Because there hasn't been an increase in the global temperature in the past nearly 20 years (acknowledged in the 5th IPCC Report) the "Scientists" are now of the view that this unexpected "Pause" in temperature rise is due to the heat being stored at the bottom of "Deep Oceans"!! This seems to fly in the face of proven "Science" that even in water heat rises.

I'm not a denier of rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere as "Science" can measure that I'm just not convinced that the "Scientists" hypothesis based on Global Climate Models which can't be validated and don't support their predictions that rising CO2 levels will have significant impact on current/feature weather patterns

Politicians, Bureaucrats, and the like will have us believe that we can change "The Weather". Hello!!!

wobbly said:
Because there hasn't been an increase in the global temperature in the past nearly 20 years (acknowledged in the 5th IPCC Report) the "Scientists" are now of the view that this unexpected "Pause" in temperature rise is due to the heat being stored at the bottom of "Deep Oceans"!! This seems to fly in the face of proven "Science" that even in water heat rises.
Stupid NASA...always getting it wrong and manipulating the data
Inverted comma usage is strong with this one. Please provide some actual data to support your "hypothesis" that it's all "made up"

Which "Scientists"...and which "pause"

They may well be a pause in the rising of temps, but they have still risen kind of makes the argument less valid.

The pause may be due to the land mass & the ocean getting to equilibrium, but it still does not mean that the earth has not warmed
wobbly said:
I'm not a denier of rising CO2 levels in the atmosphere as "Science" can measure that
So do you deny that the earths mean temperature has risen ?. Because if you dont deny it, can you please explain the how the correlation between CO2 levels and temperature rise
The pause is related to Wobblys intelligence. It paused at the age of 6.

Confirmation bias plus lacking the basic ability to understand the request from many of us to provide some evidence.

You would fit in well with the 'Democratic Australians' Facebook page I'm currently having debates with.
The only major problem is, most of us know its happening but will not do anything about it, Little Billy wants to implement the ETS and then everyone will be bleating about the high cost of electricity.
Like me many voters were pissed off when Rudd backflipped on the ETRS - hell even a lot businesses were supportive of having certianty there. If Turnbull had the courage and vision to present new ETS legislation it would get bipartisan support and sail through both houses. He won't do it because it would weaken his already fragile hold on the leadership by antagonising the Rabbit Rabble. The public just want to see someone Do Something.
But the public dont want Abbott...and MAL knows that...he is fucked if he does, and fucked if he doesnt
Better to die on your feet than weep on your knees. Crash or crash through. Mal please just grow a pair.
Maybe my intelligence paused at age 6 then again just maybe it didn't.

I can't personally provide the evidence you request but I can suggest that not all the papers freely available are rubbish either.

I'm sure that this reference will be howled down as being the the work of the deniers and the left rubbish media but it reportedly uses the same data set as used by the IPCC and other "Scientists" as well as including data sets/graphs conveniently omitted from reports and presentations or adequately explained by those championing the predictions as to why the significant differences exist between predictions and actual's

I have wondered why the Ausgrid lease fell through, was it really because Pauline and Nick would have been voting against it? Or was it really because the reason was it was so secret the only person Scott Morrison could relay the reasons to was himself.?
wobbly said:
Maybe my intelligence paused at age 6 then again just maybe it didn't.

I can't personally provide the evidence you request but I can suggest that not all the papers freely available are rubbish either.

I'm sure that this reference will be howled down as being the the work of the deniers and the left rubbish media but it reportedly uses the same data set as used by the IPCC and other "Scientists" as well as including data sets/graphs conveniently omitted from reports and presentations or adequately explained by those championing the predictions as to why the significant differences exist between predictions and actual's

Of course you'll be howled down as that is not evidence. It's a blog FFS. Do you even understand what evidence is? Your confirmation bias is impressive. It's like arguing with my 5yo daughter.
wobbly said:
Maybe my intelligence paused at age 6 then again just maybe it didn't.

I can't personally provide the evidence you request but I can suggest that not all the papers freely available are rubbish either.

I'm sure that this reference will be howled down as being the the work of the deniers and the left rubbish media but it reportedly uses the same data set as used by the IPCC and other "Scientists" as well as including data sets/graphs conveniently omitted from reports and presentations or adequately explained by those championing the predictions as to why the significant differences exist between predictions and actual's

could you perhaps personally provide some peer reviewed proof then, rather than just some guys blog?

and anything posted by that guy should be excluded instantly (or faster),_3rd_Viscount_Monckton_of_Brenchley

"Lord Monckton is a living symbol of the fact that many climate change contrarians will believe anything that seems to support their case, even if it’s coming from the most ridiculous source"

The same guy who
- claimed to have developed cures for Graves’ Disease, AIDS, Multiple Schlerosis, the flu, and the common cold
- claimed to be a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Al Gore and the IPCC
- claimed to be a a member of the U.K. House of Lords (the upper house of Parliament) when he isnt
- made up data on atmospheric CO2 concentration and global mean temperature that he claimed were IPCC predictions. The CO2 projections were similar to the real ones, but significantly corrupted, and the temperature projections were the product of inputting the corrupted data into an equation not meant for this purpose

etc etc etc

He's a flat out upper class British nut job
Mockton isnt even a Lord FFS...

Dispute over membership in the House of Lords
Monckton asserts that the House of Lords Act 1999, that deprived him of a hereditary seat, is flawed and unconstitutional. In 2006 he referred to himself as "a member of the Upper House of the United Kingdom legislature" in a letter to US Senators,[51] and has said he was "a member of the Upper House but without the right to sit or vote."[52] The House of Lords authorities have said Monckton is not and never has been a member and that there is no such thing as a non-voting or honorary member of the House.[6][37]
In July 2011 the House of Lords took the "unprecedented step" of publishing online a cease and desist letter to Monckton from the Clerk of the Parliaments, which concluded, "I am publishing this letter on the parliamentary website so that anybody who wishes to check whether you are a Member of the House of Lords can view this official confirmation that you are not."[28][29]
wide eyed and legless said:
I have wondered why the Ausgrid lease fell through, was it really because Pauline and Nick would have been voting against it? Or was it really because the reason was it was so secret the only person Scott Morrison could relay the reasons to was himself.?
It was an "on electric' operational matter
He does have a diploma in journalism though as well as a BA in classics so.....
wobbly said:
I can't personally provide the evidence you request but I can suggest that not all the papers freely available are rubbish either.

So your saying that you cant provide evidence,
Almost a conspiracy theory :ph34r:

Yep, that is science 101

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