Nsw Xmas 2010 Tasting Thread

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8. Palebrew - House Bitter - Special Bitter - 4.1% - 25/9/10 - 10/10/10

I had this when I got home from work this afternoon.

Low carbonation, a nice easy drinking beer. I knocked this back pretty quick.


No. 22 CtKs beer with the silly name

Slight fast on opening pours handsomely into my nonic, a deep copper with a fluffy White head, which persists. Nice floral hop bouquet and sweet malt. Flavour wise there is a good valance of malt and hop, flavours are great and on the big end of things, and folds into a sustained bitter finish. Mighty fine beer there Cortez, great work.

As my luck would have it I know where there are more! He he.


9. Redb - Kellerbeir - malty, bitter, low carb, approx 5%

A Very nice beer, it was malty, it was bitter and it was low carbed just how I like my beers.

I saw your recipe in an earlier post and I might have to have a crack at this type of beer.


1. Barls' braggot.

Pours very attractive dark copper with medium carbonation and a nice tight off-white head which persists to the end of the glass. Mild phenolic notes on the nose, with some noble hop earthiness.

Medium low bitterness with lots of yeast derived phenolic and alcohol flavors some hints on citrus, Some background honey notes.
Smooth, full mouthfeel.

Cheers barls!
cheers john im glad you enjoyed it.
20. Bjorn J, Galaxy "Not to far away" APA, midstrength 3.5% alc

Is the galaxy in the name referring to the hops? I don't think I've had a beer with galaxy hops before.

A nice beer, I can taste pineapple or passionfruit. A refreshing ale on a warm afternoon. A pity it was gone so quick.


20. Bjorn J, Galaxy "Not to far away" APA, midstrength 3.5% alc

Is the galaxy in the name referring to the hops? I don't think I've had a beer with galaxy hops before.

A nice beer, I can taste pineapple or passionfruit. A refreshing ale on a warm afternoon. A pity it was gone so quick.



Hi Nifty,
glad you liked it, thanks for that!
You're right, the "Galaxy not too far away" part is hinting at the hop being Galaxy.
Brendan from the northern beaches makes a brilliant Stone & Wood draught clone, he calls it "Galaxy Far, Far Away" as it's a galaxy-only beer.
I tried to make a mid-strength version of his, but it ended up more subdued and not very exciting.
I like it thought, plan to make it again but it never got that fresh, big Galaxy flavour I was hoping for.

22. Cortez The Killer - Flying Ninja Squirrel IPA - AIPA - 6.5%

I had this one last night and youre right about it being highly drinkable. I thought the wow factor was pretty good as well.



ps Where does the name come from?
A month as a publican and I'm just about over this job. 16 hours a day, 7 days a week aint my idea of fun. Only Fat Yak is my friend ! :rolleyes:

Will start drinking the Xmas swap from tomorrow (Xmas Day) and look forward to the enjoyment. Will also put down some brews - an old english ale for the 2011 Special swap and a red ale for later in the year, as I sit here and get a day of peace.

Boris, Brown Rye Ale, 5.1%
Poured a hazy, very dark brown appearance with a head around 1-2 cm thick that died over the space of a few minutes. Aroma is fairly mild with caramel and prunes coming to mind. Seems to start off with a caramel flavor about midway this turns to multi grain bread then near the back the rye kicks in full swing with pumpernickel and whiskey type flavors coming through.

Carried this bottle around most of the Christmas break intending to drink it but forgetting to crack it night after night. The wait was definitely worth it though very unique, with an element of mystery that seemed to have me thinking there is something else with this beer that I can't quite put my finger on.

Cheers Boris very enjoyable!
Had the the pleasure of The Rook dropping in for a few ales, so who better to share some HB with.

Started with Cortez's IPA - a lovely drop. Very nice drink. Read what you are saying about this one, but thought it a marvellous drink.

Next we struck lucky with a AIPA from Jonnyanchovy. Marvellous beer to follow Gino's. Similiar styles but different beers, but every bit as good.

Finished the run with Boris's Brown Rye Ale. We both agreed that was a great beer. Loved the different flavour following two good american pales.

A good drink with a fellow home brewer, thanks lads.

Also polished off Bjorn's galaxy ale early Xmas Day - good effort. I took on board what you said about the beer at Lake Conjola. I think its a style worth continuing with - probably needs a bit more hop and maybe body to compensate the lower gravity to suit my taste. But a good one none the less. Finished Xmas with Lokpikn's Dark Wheat - was a bit under the weather by then but thought it a great beer to finish the day's drinking off in style. Thanks.
I don't have my brew notes with me atm, but from memory it's: 70% J.W. pale malt, 20% Weyer. Rye malt, some special B and Caramunich II, aroma hops Styrian Goldings at 20, 10 min and yeast = Pacman.

Cheers for comments sydhappyhour and Fatz, I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Boris, Brown Rye Ale, 5.1%
Poured a hazy, very dark brown appearance with a head around 1-2 cm thick that died over the space of a few minutes. Aroma is fairly mild with caramel and prunes coming to mind. Seems to start off with a caramel flavor about midway this turns to multi grain bread then near the back the rye kicks in full swing with pumpernickel and whiskey type flavors coming through.

Carried this bottle around most of the Christmas break intending to drink it but forgetting to crack it night after night. The wait was definitely worth it though very unique, with an element of mystery that seemed to have me thinking there is something else with this beer that I can't quite put my finger on.

Cheers Boris very enjoyable!
24. Johnnyanchovy - Lucky dip! some AIPA, some Husky Hefeweizen, some Dark Ale, and some Spiced Pumpkin Ale. all range from 4.5-6.5%

I scored well with the lucky dip.

I was lucky enough to get the spiced pumpkin ale (I think). It was a rich dark copper colour and tasted like fruit cake. I couldnt stop sipping it, it was so nice.

Excellent beer.


20. Bjorn J, Galaxy "Not to far away" APA, midstrength 3.5% alc
I was planning on an alcohol free day but then I buckled and cracked this number I figured being mid strength I wouldn't have too feel too guilty. Poured with a nice thick white head, golden and crystal clear. The aroma pineapple / passion fruit with a similar taste profile. The body seems a bit lacking but thats to be expected with the reduced alcohol.

Nice job Bjorn! I reckon with a bit of tweaking this could end up a great lower alcohol version of the S & W Pacific Ale.
9. Redb - Kellerbeir - malty, bitter, low carb, approx 5%
Poured a light clear copper colour with a nice white but short lived head. Low level of carbonation, aroma is floral with some hints reminiscent of fresh basil. On the palate the malt seems to kick in first then it builds with soft crisp hop bitterness.

Very nice wish I had another bottle, thanks!
My first cab off the rank...

Beer: 3. nifty - Some sort of Pilsner
Date: 29th December 10
Details: 750mL, gold cap 3- 5.3% - Wyeast 2124 - bottled 17/10/2010
Sampling Notes:
Served chilled in a pint mug.

Good opening and pour. Decent clarity gold body with a small but persistent foam.

Aroma isnt hugely prominent. Doughy malts, hint of herbal hop. Quite clean.

Medium bodied, nice creaminess about the texture with a smooth carbonation.

Bready malts on the body, bit of cracker biscuit in there too, perhaps just a hint of DMS. Green floral/herbal hops come through a bit more, providing a longer finish and good bitterness. Finish, once again, quite clean.

Really easy going and well made lager. The sort of thing you could bring around to mates bbq and could finish in an arvo. Nice stuff Nifty.
Beer: 7. Gruntus Meine Aventinus - Weizendoppelbock
Date: 4th January 11
Details: 750mL, gold cap 7 8.25%, brewed 25/09/10, bottled 9/10/10, Wyeast 3068
Sampling Notes:
Served chilled in a pint mug.

Deep reddish brown body. Dense beige head dies down to a millimetre of head.

Aroma is quite rich; caramel sauce, toasted nuts, milk chocolate, with hints of stewed fruits and pudding spices.

Thick, syrupy texture, somewhat accentuated by low creamy carbonation. Warming embrace of alcohol towards the finish is a welcome signal.

Sweet caramel malts upfront with roasted notes of nuts and liquorice. Interesting and complex ester profile; I get a bit of black cherry/plum, sultana and prune lingering with clove spice and mildly soothing booze.

Big and tasty, certainly one of my favourite styles. Lots of rich malts backed up by a decent contribution from the yeast character. Cheers Gruntus.
just tried a bland boring beer that tasted like a hef gone wrong. Looked at the bottle cap, and guess what - it was mine! some potential stability issues, so heads up to those with my hef....
just tried a bland boring beer that tasted like a hef gone wrong. Looked at the bottle cap, and guess what - it was mine! some potential stability issues, so heads up to those with my hef....
big up for owning up jonny. must start soon i think

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