The QLD comp is positioned closer to the nats so that if you got a placing, then generally you don't need to rebrew.Pratty1 said:The NSW comp had in previous years been closer to the start of August which gave a couple more weeks if brewers wanted to rebrew a beer.
It is certainly what I've done each year when placed at state, brew fresh batches for Nats.
You aren't using the feedback to help guide your 2018 entry?barls said:im not but then again mine is a lambic.
also i wasn't bashing my fellow judges i was just saying that i could guess which ones it was.
If you have good enough brewing ability and equipment to be able to do the same brew time after time, tasting the same every time, you don't need any advice.fungrel said:I'm torn between using the feedback to change the recipe, or just re-brewing it exactly. Maybe someone with more experience could comment?
I'll be looking into this and get back to you. Mark, see my email as well.Headmeister said:I certainly do appreciate all efforts put in by all concerned, and I'm absolutely thrilled by my first in the Strong Ale category.
I am a bit puzzled by the marks and comments for my robust porter, it was declared 'infected' and very sour, on the scoresheet I could read, the other sheet either did not scan well or was written in something very faint, as it cannot be read.
The porter I submitted was in two separate 330ml bottles, so unlikely both were contaminated, never had a contaminated beer in well over 2000 bottles since I started brewing again in dec 2014, and anyone who has tried this porter does not think it sour as described, including some very experienced beer drinkers. My porter received the lowest mark in the whole competition of 31, which is a bit disheartening. I was wondering if it were somehow mixed up and if there was a way to check this with the entry number?
This really isn't what we want as feedback for you from competitions. It's something we work hard at, and I've been running BJCP judging courses for a while now so people do give more helpful feedback. Since you got 3rd place, I am assuming the judge thought there was not much need for improvement (though you didn't get 1st so there may be something more you could). With many of the judges doing so many beers over the weekend, it was a lot of writing and tasting.The judges though worked really hard over the whole weekend and so a few lapses are understandable I think.fungrel said:No, it wasn't. But isn't the point of submitting beer for blind tasting is so that we don't get the equivalent of what our mates would tell us at a Saturday BBQ?
The beer placed 3rd, but now i have very little to go on when re-brewing it for the nationals. This feedback in this instance is invaluable for the next step.
Part of me thinks i got 3rd and i should shut up. But part of me thinks that if i were someone else and got a scoresheet like that, it may turn me off entering again.
Thanks for that. I've registered my interest with Brendan earlier in the week for the next course.Stuster said:This really isn't what we want as feedback for you from competitions. It's something we work hard at, and I've been running BJCP judging courses for a while now so people do give more helpful feedback. Since you got 3rd place, I am assuming the judge thought there was not much need for improvement (though you didn't get 1st so there may be something more you could). With many of the judges doing so many beers over the weekend, it was a lot of writing and tasting.The judges though worked really hard over the whole weekend and so a few lapses are understandable I think.
We do need more people getting involved as judges. The more judges we have, the fewer beers each judge needs to cover in a day and so the more time/effort they can put into each one. It's something that anybody can do. It can seem daunting but you don't have to be a super-taster to get involved in judging. If you do the judging course which Brendan and I are running next year, we will cover off-flavours and go through a number of styles with practice of how to fill out the score sheets and so on.
It can definitely help in regard to tasting your own beers as well, and so not only getting feedback from comps but also having a better idea of how to improve your own beers. If anybody is possibly interested, PM me or email me for details.
Many thanks for your email and reply here Stuart, and want to get involved with next years comp, keen to try and help out.. Looking at that number of sheets I feel a little silly making a fuss about mine.Stuster said:I'll be looking into this and get back to you. Mark, see my email as well.
If others did have issues with scoresheets not being scanned, let me know and I'll see if I can resend those. I wasn't able to check each of the 1,100 sheets but happy to do that so you can read the feedback.