Nsw Ahb Xmas In July Case

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Linz said:
I dropped the "Grumpy Scottish Stag" into the bottles tonite. Tasted really nice going in
"I think I'm becoming emotionally erect", to quote Steve Martin (LA story, IIRC).

Weizguy said:
BTW. PoMo, just hold your breath and lay down some towels/tarp under your fermentor.

Airlock was going nuts at 6 this morning. I hope it doesn't try and crawl out while I'm at work today.
Weizguy said:
KoNG said:
ahh, that makes sense weiz.. i thought you were just using the porter as back up.
Although i am a little confused, are you counting as 2 people or are we getting 29 bottles.?
either way.. sounds good, cant wait to try the berliner.

DrewCarey, ur drewscary!
Some lhbs dude must have really got ur goat early in your brew career. Hope it wasn't a Mountain Goat.
I thought that I knew how to harbour a grudge, but dude, U may have serious issues.

Onya n00ch, back in the case. Were ya scared? :lol:

Seth :p

Quite friendly actually, and a tad sad at myself for pissing off about the only decent homebrewshop that I've had any experience with (massive amount of 4) but ya get that. Grrrrrr. - Joke.
PostModern said:
Weizguy said:
BTW. PoMo, just hold your breath and lay down some towels/tarp under your fermentor.

Airlock was going nuts at 6 this morning. I hope it doesn't try and crawl out while I'm at work today.

Good to hear it got going PoMo. :beerbang:
I'm looking forward to a big sulphury stink when I walk in the door. Last time I used Burt, I thought the dogs had left a present in the house :eek:

EDIT: It was more like rotten eggs this time, but a huge stink in the whole first floor of the house....
Well it looks like everyone is on top of it all. i brewed my (your) Bitter on saturday and its in the cube waiting for my fermentation fridge to be empty, which should be this weekend.

Linz said:
I dropped the "Grumpy Scottish Stag" into the bottles tonite. Tasted really nice going in

Linz, that sounds interesting, have you designed your beer on grumpy's 'stag' or have you done their MB for the case.? what yeast did you use for this little ditty.?
i'm hoping to get my act together this year and steal a few yeasts.. B)

Phew! After a mammoth brewing session on Tuesday (2 mashes, 3 beers and 80 litres), I have made my contribution to the xmas case. It came out a little richer than I had planned, at 1.046, but I am sure thats not too much for anyone here. Normally I like to do my stouts at about 1.038 to give me a beer about 3.5%ABV.

The stout is normally called Mum's Stout because I first brewed it for my wife when she was pregnant with our daughter - sort of along the lines of midwives suggesting a Guinness for breastfeeding mums. Hence the low alcohol.

Anyway, I'll hold off on sending in the recipe just yet because there's something unusual about the beer and I would be interested to hear if any of you aspiring judges can pick it out ;)

Phew! After a mammoth brewing session on Tuesday (2 mashes, 3 beers and 80 litres), I have made my contribution to the xmas case. It came out a little richer than I had planned, at 1.046, but I am sure thats not too much for anyone here. Normally I like to do my stouts at about 1.038 to give me a beer about 3.5%ABV.

The stout is normally called Mum's Stout because I first brewed it for my wife when she was pregnant with our daughter - sort of along the lines of midwives suggesting a Guinness for breastfeeding mums. Hence the low alcohol.

Anyway, I'll hold off on sending in the recipe just yet because there's something unusual about the beer and I would be interested to hear if any of you aspiring judges can pick it out ;)


Mmm... I'm running very late with mine for a variety of reasons and was thinking of a Dry Irish Stout as my contribution (aiming at 1.042 in my case) but given you've beaten me to the punch Berp I might go for a Foreign Extra Stout style instead. It'll be big 'n sweetish and probably be best after some conditioning in your cases so maybe hold off on drinking mine for a month or so... It'll be drinkable at pick-up so go ahead by all means if you're really keen to get stuck in, but it'll be better after a month or so to settle down. Just a heads up ;)

Or I might change my mind again :p All you buggers brewing Bitters have gazumped me as well...

Good Day
I am sampling one of two "stubby samplers" tonight. Hope I don't have to make an emergency Munich Dunkel on the weekend. :D
Good Day
I am sampling one of two "stubby samplers" tonight. Hope I don't have to make an emergency Munich Dunkel on the weekend. :D

Hi Barry,

From what I know of your brewing that will not be necessary. :beer:

All the best.

Good Day
The stubby was OK but I will still brew the Munich Dunkel (for me) now the idea is in my head (and a schwarzbier too). :rolleyes:
Thats the way Barry. Just to be doubly sure eh :p
Looking forward to the case. It is coming up fast.

Me too Doc. Should be great to try so many different beers.

I will try my Boston Lager this weekend to see how its looking.

Barry, I have also heard very good things about your beers - I'll be expecting something special mate! :lol: :p
Linz said:
I dropped the "Grumpy Scottish Stag" into the bottles tonite. Tasted really nice going in

Linz, that sounds interesting, have you designed your beer on grumpy's 'stag' or have you done their MB for the case.? what yeast did you use for this little ditty.?
i'm hoping to get my act together this year and steal a few yeasts.. B)



My contribution is a 'straight up the line' grumpys kit jobbie. I saw what others were doing I had to be 'different'. So looking into the brew cupboard I found a 2es can and Teasy brought me back a Grumpys RED STAG 80/- SCOTTISH AMBER ALE.... so wahla

Cultured up a Scottish ale yeast(1728)

I felt that this would allow others to try a Grumpys MB without having the cost of it and being stuck with 23lt if they detest it...and I get 28 bottles of top shelf brews for my efforts and spending!!!! ;) B)


Well i was probably looking forward to a nice AG from your slick 'herms' setup :( But you obviously think the MB will turn out better, so thats cool :lol: :p
Well said Kong '
Cmon Linz, or couldnt the herms cope with the batch size :p

Oh well, i will bang out a pearla with my RIMS boys :D
Its not that, its more

"being stuck with 23lt if they detest it...and I get 28 bottles of top shelf brews for my efforts and spending"

The HERMS knocked out a WONDEROUS Ale last Saturday, thats being bottled for the comps.

Anytime you want to make the trip down this way Id be more than happy to throw a batch on....our(MALE) 1st birthday is on the 8/7/06, so if your free that Saturday..!?!?!?!
Ok an update on my contribution. In the ~40 odd brews i have done, i have had 2 infections. The first was in a brown ale for my nsw xmas 05 case entry, so i substituted it with a belgian golden strong ale. And the 2nd...... you guessed it is in my ESB for the XMAS IN JULY CASE!! :angry:
So today im brewing a stout which will be bottled in time for drop off at Duffs. It will need extra time to carbonate and will improve with age.......

De ja vu anybody? :rolleyes:
I'll probably give most of the brews about a month to settle after all the shaking about from transportation anyway.
My bitters have been best drunk young, the hops shine when fresh and juicy. I should have a few bottles left for myself, so i can give a heads up when its drinking at its best.

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