I have finally made up my mind as to which beer to put in the case swap, and have settled on an English IPA. It tastes pretty much in line with the style guidelines, and it even has a minerally taste, which is a hallmark of 1028 apparently, and possibly also higer sulfate water, but dunno about the latter for sure. It is a very nice beer, as the minerally flavour dissipates after a few sips, and although it is slightly out of style as far as IBU's go (70), I found it to be quite easy drinking. I would love to hear from anyone that has used 1028 before, if this minerally-ness is part of the yeast, as I have never come across it before, or if I am just a little too sensitive to it (Gough will vouch for that!). It is deceptiviely strong, at 7.4%, and should give you a bit of a kick in the pants, I felt a little tipsy after a stubby

. It is a beer that I plan to make again, and enter in comps later this year, so I am just taking advantage of all the feedback of 27 other brewers while I can get it. Hop prescence is less than American IPA's, but still there, and pretty well attenuated. It should well and truly be ready to drink straight off the bat, as I bottled it on the 7th of May. Hope you enjoy, as I am sure I will be enjoying all the beers in the case :super:
All the best, and bring on July