Nsw Ahb Xmas In July Case

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I bottled mine Saturday, tossed the rest in a keg and gassed it up. Tastes OK, but made a Dunkelweizen just in case. The clouds are swirling as far as drop offs are concerned, so I'm looking forward to the next couple of weeks when all this beer hits my garage.

Duff, you must have to lock them up and give the missus the key... i know i would..!
What was the OG of your bolter.?
Duff, you must have to lock them up and give the missus the key... i know i would..!
What was the OG of your bolter.?

1.065, settled in at 7% ABV after I used my favourite attenuating yeast WLP029 :beerbang:

I have finally made up my mind as to which beer to put in the case swap, and have settled on an English IPA. It tastes pretty much in line with the style guidelines, and it even has a minerally taste, which is a hallmark of 1028 apparently, and possibly also higer sulfate water, but dunno about the latter for sure. It is a very nice beer, as the minerally flavour dissipates after a few sips, and although it is slightly out of style as far as IBU's go (70), I found it to be quite easy drinking. I would love to hear from anyone that has used 1028 before, if this minerally-ness is part of the yeast, as I have never come across it before, or if I am just a little too sensitive to it (Gough will vouch for that!). It is deceptiviely strong, at 7.4%, and should give you a bit of a kick in the pants, I felt a little tipsy after a stubby :eek: . It is a beer that I plan to make again, and enter in comps later this year, so I am just taking advantage of all the feedback of 27 other brewers while I can get it. Hop prescence is less than American IPA's, but still there, and pretty well attenuated. It should well and truly be ready to drink straight off the bat, as I bottled it on the 7th of May. Hope you enjoy, as I am sure I will be enjoying all the beers in the case :super:
All the best, and bring on July
i pitched at the weekend and hit about 1.048
Using S-04 everyones favourite :D i'm hoping it will finish around 1.015.

i think i lost 2 litres out of the airlock last night.. :eek:
so i hope i have enough to fill my 28 bottles

there is a few bitters on offer this case, so it should be fun checking out the differences from recipe to recipe.
I have finally made up my mind as to which beer to put in the case swap, and have settled on an English IPA. It tastes pretty much in line with the style guidelines, and it even has a minerally taste, which is a hallmark of 1028 apparently, and possibly also higer sulfate water, but dunno about the latter for sure. It is a very nice beer, as the minerally flavour dissipates after a few sips, and although it is slightly out of style as far as IBU's go (70), I found it to be quite easy drinking. I would love to hear from anyone that has used 1028 before, if this minerally-ness is part of the yeast, as I have never come across it before, or if I am just a little too sensitive to it (Gough will vouch for that!). It is deceptiviely strong, at 7.4%, and should give you a bit of a kick in the pants, I felt a little tipsy after a stubby :eek: . It is a beer that I plan to make again, and enter in comps later this year, so I am just taking advantage of all the feedback of 27 other brewers while I can get it. Hop prescence is less than American IPA's, but still there, and pretty well attenuated. It should well and truly be ready to drink straight off the bat, as I bottled it on the 7th of May. Hope you enjoy, as I am sure I will be enjoying all the beers in the case :super:
All the best, and bring on July

Sounds great Trent, i recall enjoying your xmas beer.. so i'm sure this will impress!
i've never attempted an english hopped IPA (no need for any style nazi comments here anyone).. what hops did you use if you dont mind...
i went target to bitter with EKG and Styrian late.
I hope that this one stands up to be counted, but am not too sure! It is definitely a different one for me, first time using 1028, and also the hops (in an IPA). Basically, I just bittered with Target, used Fuggles for my late additions, and dry hopped with 30g fuggles, and (in an idea stolen from a canadian micro) 20g Hallertauer. This was the beer that started at 1070, and stalled for a week at 1020, before I added a little more wort, and it finally finished at 1014. I think a little of the hop aroma went out the airlock with those last 6 points in secondary, but it is still pretty tasty (or, as my girlfriend would say - "it makes my eyes water"). I am on a bit of an english bent at the moment, so am looking forward to trying the bitters. Never tried styrian before, and quite enjoyed your Benchong last swap, so cant wait to try your effort.
All the best
I bottled my cal common on sunday.

I primed with dme disolved in boiling water as normal and let the swirling action from racking to the bottling/priming bucket mix in the solution.

All was good, I bottled and capped and stored them.

When I went to clean the bottling bucket I had a taste of the leftover beer and noticed I could taste the dme. The hydrometer sample that I took before priming had no dme taste.

I always prime my brews like this, but this is the first time I have noticed the dme taste. I'm not sure if the priming solution wasn't mixed in properly, there looked to be enough swirling to mix in the solution and the racking tube went right to the bottom of the bucket. I used about 180 grams in 26 litres.

Anyway, I'll keep an eye on them. I'm away for the next 6 days so I'll taste test 1 of the spares when I get back.


Duff, you must have to lock them up and give the missus the key... i know i would..!
What was the OG of your bolter.?

1.065, settled in at 7% ABV after I used my favourite attenuating yeast WLP029 :beerbang:


So its the real deal - sweet! :D Can't wait to try it - Gerard raves about this beer when brewed to its intended OG! B)
KoNG just sent me a message to say he is in Orange this weekend and offered to bring back Pint Of Lager's crates of beer for the case swap.

POL, if you can manage to get your beer to Orange some time this weekend let me know!
Unfortunatly im am going to have to pull out of the case, i have another suspected infection in my xmas case brew as well as two other primary fermenters.... 70lts in total will probably end up down the drain. They all have an off flavour which i dont think will dissapate and i am about 80% sure its the first signs of an infection. Pretty p*ssed off with this bad run of luck... I'm going to have to overhaul all my equipment and work through my brewing process to elimate the cause before i can put another brew down.

So to all involved i am sorry for any inconvenience. But i think its best i pull out now rather than leave it any longer. I hope someone can take my place.


That must have been a difficult decision. Is there any way...like, can U get another opinion? :(

This is a great loss. I hope the pressure wasn't too great.

Best wishes for sorting the issue out soon. U might still have time to brew a quick bitter or mild (as in the May-June 2006 issue of BYO). Happy to provide details by pm if U don't have the issue to hand. ;)

Seth out :(
I'm going to throw this out there, and I apologise in advance.

Some of you might only receive 640ml bottles instead of 750ml; mind you only 4 people should receive 640ml bottles. I totally forgot that the case was 28 bottles, sorry.

PS In the case, do we put in 28 or 29 bottles, which we will be getting back ourselves?


PS In the case, do we put in 28 or 29 bottles, which we will be getting back ourselves?

28 Will, you will receive one back of your own as with the last case swap.

I hope its 28 bottles because I've already given mine to Gerard! :unsure:
Maybe you should brew a Wit, ya wont notice any infection in there, and it really only takes a week in the fermenter, then ya can bottle it straight from primary! Its a long shot, I guess, but it may help ya stay in the case. I will PM ya regarding my feedback on yer contribution last case, as I recetnly drunk it. Best oif luck getting either in the case, or the bugs out of your systenbm. I hope that both happen, for yours (and our) sake
All the best
PS Sorry abouty spelling, drinking while I am brewing (a wit of all things!)

That must have been a difficult decision. Is there any way...like, can U get another opinion?

This is a great loss. I hope the pressure wasn't too great.

Best wishes for sorting the issue out soon. U might still have time to brew a quick bitter or mild (as in the May-June 2006 issue of BYO). Happy to provide details by pm if U don't have the issue to hand.

Seth out :(

Yeh it was a bit difficult but it had to be done, i cant be handing out infected beers. Thanks Weizguy i have that issue of BYO and was considering it but i really dont have time, and i dont want to rush another brew before finding out the source of infection, the last thing i need is another infected batch! :blink:
I'll get this problem sorted out and start planning my NSW AHB XMAS 06 contribution, xmas time will be here before we know it! :)

My ESB has been bottled and tasted pretty good out of the fermentor.
They should be right to drink as soon as they land.
Was a stretch getting 28 bottles filled but just made it.

That must have been a difficult decision. Is there any way...like, can U get another opinion?

This is a great loss. I hope the pressure wasn't too great.

Best wishes for sorting the issue out soon. U might still have time to brew a quick bitter or mild (as in the May-June 2006 issue of BYO). Happy to provide details by pm if U don't have the issue to hand.

Seth out :(

Yeh it was a bit difficult but it had to be done, i cant be handing out infected beers. Thanks Weizguy i have that issue of BYO and was considering it but i really dont have time, and i dont want to rush another brew before finding out the source of infection, the last thing i need is another infected batch! :blink:
I'll get this problem sorted out and start planning my NSW AHB XMAS 06 contribution, xmas time will be here before we know it! :)


Through necessity I'm gonna have to submit a 'rushed' brew... I'm brewing tomorrow assuming all the stars come into allignment, and am planning to go with a Dry Irish Stout style, fermented as quickly as possible using the 1968 Wyeast. Not ideal perhaps in a 'dry' style, but it'll have to do. It will still be carbonating when you get it guys, so give it some time to fizz up before you crack them :) Sorry 'bout that all - couldn't be helped.


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