Alright, I'll go out on a limb again.
I don't mind if we increase to 28. SWMBO and myself did the sorting for the last case and it took us under 30 minutes. If everyone is happy for me to sort again, we already have tentative offers from Linz to do the run from south to here, Berto to do the run from here to Newcastle, and Gerard_M to do miscellaneuos pick ups around the place as well. If Gerard_M does help out, then those whose he picks up could no doubt swing a bottle or two his way as well. After the last swap, can I please suggest that you 'find' some milk crates

h34r: . You can fit 14 bottles in a milk crate, 2 crates, 28 bottles. Makes it easy for Linz to stack in the back of his van.
Open for debate again, 4 more brewers contributions won't take SWMBO and myself very long to sort. So if you are happy to contribute another 4 bottles to your batch, then we could rename it the NSW AHB Xmas in July Crates

, and have Stickler, Keith the Beer Guy, and Sintax69 join in.
I'm for it for 3 reasons. 1) We get more beer, 2) We get to read more of Berapnopod's outstanding reviews, and 3) Everyone's happy.
Sound OK? We must then close at 28, two milk crates each, no more.