Nsw Ahb Xmas In July Case

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If that was me I was only joking at the time, have handed in 28 bottles.

Don't panic DC82

It was somebody else and it's sorted. Nobody will miss out. :D
Its all good far from fussed to many other things to worry about then a longneck!
Duff - Firkin Bolter - WLP029, bottled 3/6/06 : Dunkelweizen - WLP300, bottled (not yet) so will need a couple of weeks to carbonate unless Doc lends me his CPBF......
Gough - Dry Irish Stout - Wyeast 1968, brewed 14-6-06, will DEFINITELY need time to carbonate!!!
Stuster - Belgian Dubbel, Wyeast 1388, bottled 17/05/06, may improve with age
Doc - Irish Red, WLP002, Will be bottled using CPBF, so if you get any yeast sediment you'll be doing well. Enjoy early.
PoMo - English Bitter, WLP023, Bottled 16/6/06
Berapnopod - Dry Stout - WLP004 (Guinness yeast) - bottled 17/06 - needs a couple of weeks at ale temps
n00ch - Dark Mild, Irish Ale WY1084, botteld 16/6/06. Might want to leave it for 2 weeks if possible.
Kungy - AIPA
Weizguy - Chocolate Porter, W1318 & Berliner Weisse (bonus beer), Wyeast German Ale/ lacto culture
Berto - Oatmeal Stout, Safale S04. Not yet bottled
Stephen -Special Bitter. Wyeast 1028. Bottled 12 Mar 06 (Yeah, I got in early)
Linz - Grumpy Scottish Stag,WY1728, Bottled 28/5/2006
Barry - Robust Porter, WLP004 Irish, bottled 29/04/06, drink now+
Trent - English IPA, WY1028 Bottled on 7/5/2006 Beware of hop trub
T.D - Boston Lager, W34/70, Bottled on 28/05/2006, it is ready to drink now
Shmick - ESB, S-04, bottled 10/6/06. Give it a week but drink it young.
DrewCarey82 - Pilsener, kit yeast, Best 2 weeks after drop off.
Nifty - Californian Common
Josh - Pilsener
KoNG - English Bitter, S-04 , Bottled 18/6/06, should be ready a week after pickup
Thommo - Californian Common - US56 (cheating, I know) - Brewed 12/6/06 - Drink same time as Goughs!!!
Beer Slayer - APA bottled 22/6/06 US56 needs at least 2-3 weeks
Pint of Lager - Dortmunder export, brewed 19/5/06 bottled 14/6/06, if possible, it needs some quiet time in your fridge
Stickler - Pale Ale (partial)
Keith the Beer Guy - Porter, US56; Brewed 11/06/06, Bottled 27/06/06, drinking best TBA
homebrewworld.com - Irish Red Ale, S-O4, Bottled 22/6/06 needs some carb time at least. cheers
Chilled - Australian Larger, Wyeast 2007...Bottled 20/06 best left till mid July
OK case people, how does this sound?

We have 28 bottles planned, with 27 participants. With the one member short as Doc mentioned, there will be 27 spare bottles of brew. Instead of receiving back 2 bottles of your own, we keep out the 27 (so you still receive back one of your own as with the last swap - but you will receive 27 back) and we divide them up for MHB, Gerard_M, Linz, Doc, Schmick 4 or 5 bottles each (for the running around - Read: fuel costs), and the spare one or two bottles for Beer Slayer as a drop off point. Lucky dip for each as to who receives what. It is XMas after all, the spirit and season of giving :beerbang: (Sort of :p )

Does that add up? :blink:

I think since we already have cases dropped off at various locales with 28 bottles in them, having others turn up with 27 could make sorting difficult. It only took SWMBO and I about 30 minutes last time to sort the cases, so I think we should just stay with the original 28. Perhaps we could throw a couple extra for the couriers.


Duff, i was planning on giving my 28th to Gerard, but instead... you can have my 28th for all the sorting and being THE drop off....etc
I will sort Gerard out with stuff i have at home.

I am easy on whatever you's agree on....

In other words, very very confused.
Sounds like a great idea, Duff, as long as there a few for you too. :D
Yep happy with all that. I'll be leaving a brown porter at Duffs when I leave my cases at his doorstep today.
Well, given the lack of responses to my suggestion must mean a positive outcome. So while sorting I'll organise the bottles as suggested for the transporters, etc. I don't need any as I've had a couple of bonus' dropped off with some cases.

Each recipient will now receive 27 bottles back with their case.

I put in 28 bottles, and with Weizguys bonus beer, I will be getting back 28, so that sounds pretty fair to me. I would be surprised if anyone would begrudge the organisers, couriers and others the right to a few brews for their trouble. Maybe next time an extra bottle of one of our favourite brews could go towards the organisers/etc... Small price to pay for the services rendered, I reckon.
All the best
Duff, i was planning on giving my 28th to Gerard, but instead... you can have my 28th for all the sorting and being THE drop off....etc
I will sort Gerard out with stuff i have at home.

Sounds like a great idea, Duff, as long as there a few for you too. :D

Yep happy with all that. I'll be leaving a brown porter at Duffs when I leave my cases at his doorstep today.

Well, given the lack of responses to my suggestion must mean a positive outcome.

We like the idea, Duff, didn't you notice. :unsure: :lol:

I totally agree with that, and Trent's suggestion for next time. Well done for being the centre of the wheel. Make sure you get a few extras. :super:
I picked up the cases from Beerslayer on Friday arvo. Rather than unload them at my place and wait a few days more for PoL's case, I chucked PoMo's case and mine in the van and dropped them(all 16 crates!!) at Duff's place on friday night. I'll do another run during the week for PoL's case....
Top work Linz.
I'm in Kogarah Tues-Fri next week if you want to drop PoL's to me to save you the trip.

Fellow Fine Beer Advocates,

for whatever reason my intended brew, Keith's Bastard Chocolate Porter, ran several bottles shy of the 28 bottles mark.

As a consequence, the shortfall of bottles in my case is being made up with my birthday stout. So rather than being subjected to an experimented brew inspired by Weizguy, a few lucky individuals will get to sample a fine foreign extra stout, originally kegged but transferred to bottles last night. This beer is ready for consumption now.

My apologies for not managing the 28 bottle number; and yes, I do deserve scorn and ridicule. My preference is for sarcastic comments to be heaped on me face to face but if thats not convenient please free to give me **** on-line.

Happy Brewing,

Just updating details:

Duff - Firkin Bolter - WLP029, bottled 3/6/06 : Dunkelweizen - WLP300, bottled (not yet) so will need a couple of weeks to carbonate unless Doc lends me his CPBF......
Gough - Dry Irish Stout - Wyeast 1968, brewed 14-6-06, will DEFINITELY need time to carbonate!!!
Stuster - Belgian Dubbel, Wyeast 1388, bottled 17/05/06, may improve with age
Doc - Irish Red, WLP002, Will be bottled using CPBF, so if you get any yeast sediment you'll be doing well. Enjoy early.
PoMo - English Bitter, WLP023, Bottled 16/6/06
Berapnopod - Dry Stout - WLP004 (Guinness yeast) - bottled 17/06 - needs a couple of weeks at ale temps
n00ch - Dark Mild, Irish Ale WY1084, botteld 16/6/06. Might want to leave it for 2 weeks if possible.
Kungy - AIPA
Weizguy - Chocolate Porter, W1318 & Berliner Weisse (bonus beer), Wyeast German Ale/ lacto culture
Berto - Oatmeal Stout, Safale S04. Not yet bottled
Stephen -Special Bitter. Wyeast 1028. Bottled 12 Mar 06 (Yeah, I got in early)
Linz - Grumpy Scottish Stag,WY1728, Bottled 28/5/2006
Barry - Robust Porter, WLP004 Irish, bottled 29/04/06, drink now+
Trent - English IPA, WY1028 Bottled on 7/5/2006 Beware of hop trub
T.D - Boston Lager, W34/70, Bottled on 28/05/2006, it is ready to drink now
Shmick - ESB, S-04, bottled 10/6/06. Give it a week but drink it young.
DrewCarey82 - Pilsener, kit yeast, Best 2 weeks after drop off.
Nifty - Californian Common
Josh - Pilsener
KoNG - English Bitter, S-04 , Bottled 18/6/06, should be ready a week after pickup
Thommo - Californian Common - US56 (cheating, I know) - Brewed 12/6/06 - Drink same time as Goughs!!!
Beer Slayer - APA bottled 22/6/06 US56 needs at least 2-3 weeks
Pint of Lager - Dortmunder export, brewed 19/5/06 bottled 14/6/06, if possible, it needs some quiet time in your fridge
Stickler - Pale Ale (partial)
Keith the Beer Guy - Keith's Bastard Chocolate Porter, US56; Brewed 11/06/06, Bottled 27/06/06; Drink middle of July if you're brave enough!
homebrewworld.com - Irish Red Ale, S-O4, Bottled 22/6/06 needs some carb time at least. cheers
Chilled - Australian Larger, Wyeast 2007...Bottled 20/06 best left till mid July
You idiot!

Just kidding, I am sure that this wont cause any fuss.
just quietly i'm really annoyed nobody did a Wit this case... i really wanted to steal the yeast.. :(
And all you're getting from me is your own yeast back. :eek: :lol:

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