Hi, Guys. Just wanting to bump this up to the top.
So is it decided upon 24 longnecks. I am putting a hypothetical out as well. I currently don't have enough beers in longnecks, i however a stack in 640 bottles. I plan to take care of this shortfall with a AG brew in the coming weeks, however i will only be able to fulfill my side of the bargain should the batch coming up not get infected or anything, and considering i brew relatively infrequently one bad batch stuffs me up big time.
So the issue is- is the Xmas Case closed as being 24 batches of longnecks
Can 640ml bottles be used as a backup, should i not have enough good beers in 750ml longnecks
Should 750ml longnecks be the expected and should my next batch not work out, I may be forced to pull out. I'm hoping that isn't the case. But time will tell.