Nov. 26/27 Ballarat Grog Swap.

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Yeast, unleashed in the East...
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On Friday 25th November I will be submitting my final assessment task for my under-grad studies. 5 years of my life (part time and full time) to work towards this first goal will come to a conclusion. There will be much partying.


I will be hosting a B.A.R. meeting on Saturday 26th November (we can move this to Sunday 27th if a majority would prefer).

Kick off at midday as normal.

This is not just for 'Ballarat and region' - so if you want to bring a swag/tent and come and get involved then just let me know...a bit more difficult if it ends up being on the Sunday though I guess.

There's a core group of 10-12 of us, and I reckon we could accomodate a few out of towners haha.

I'll light a fire, put some metal over the fire, and then put foodstuffs on the metal. What happens after that could be one of a number of scenarios...

The swap: Brew whatever the hell you want - you have 10 weeks-ish to make it. I think we should aim for the beer to be carbed and drinkable at it doesn't have to be ready to drink on the day necessarily.

PM me for details, if out of towners want to come please advise sooner rather than later as that will ensure that the even is definitely held on the Saturday.

When you reply to this, just copy the list, not the whole thing - that would get very friggin boring.

1. Lecterfan - AIPA or an English Pale.
Sounds good. I have the kids dance concert on the saturday night so I may be a no show. Will see how things pan out. Will still brew some beer to swap tho. What are we capping the swap at? I like the number 12.... :p

1. Lecterfan - AIPA or an English Pale.
2. Wakkatoo - Vienna Lager
1. Lecterfan - AIPA or an English Pale.
2. Wakkatoo - Vienna Lager
3. Beastie Nelson Sav' Summer ale thingy
I'm just going to get in on this one straight out of the gates. I too will have just finished uni (forever!!!!!!) and will be ready to celebrate with some fine beer and company.

I'll get in on the swap too because I will definitely be brewing by then and will give me an excuse to put an extra one down (at least that's how I will justify it to SWMBO)

1. Lecterfan - AIPA or an English Pale.
2. Wakkatoo - Vienna Lager
3. Beastie Nelson Sav' Summer ale thingy
4. MaestroMatt - Kolsch or a Steam Beer
By the way - feel free to attend and not be part of the swap. :icon_chickcheers:
Fark it sucks to work in hospiltality and not be able to have sat/sundays off :(
1. Lecterfan - AIPA or an English Pale.
2. Wakkatoo - Vienna Lager
3. Beastie Nelson Sav' Summer ale thingy
4. MaestroMatt - Kolsch or a Steam Beer
5. Billygoat ?
Me also not sure I'll bring. Sounds great though.

1. Lecterfan - AIPA or an English Pale.
2. Wakkatoo - Vienna Lager
3. Beastie - Nelson Sav' Summer ale thingy
4. MaestroMatt - Kolsch or a Steam Beer
5. Billygoat - ?
6. Mesa99 B) - Probably an English IPA or a Summer Ale.
1. Lecterfan - AIPA or an English Pale.
2. Wakkatoo - Vienna Lager
3. Beastie - Nelson Sav' Summer ale thingy
4. MaestroMatt - Kolsch or a Steam Beer
5. Billygoat - ?
6. Mesa99 cool.gif - Probably an English IPA or a Summer Ale.
7. Something Belgian - Saison or Strong Ale concoction. May not be able to make it to the swap day but will brew swap beer anyway.
These spots are filling up quicker than a red bearded Ninja at a stout swap haha.

1. Lecterfan - AIPA or an English Pale.
2. Wakkatoo - Vienna Lager
3. Beastie - Nelson Sav' Summer ale thingy
4. MaestroMatt - Kolsch or a Steam Beer
5. Billygoat - ?
6. Mesa99 cool.gif - Probably an English IPA or a Summer Ale.
7. Something Belgian - Saison or Strong Ale concoction. May not be able to make it to the swap day but will brew swap beer anyway.
8. vic45- C.A.P.
These spots are filling up quicker than a red bearded Ninja at a stout swap haha.

It's hard not be jealous of my super-grouse crescent kicks maaaayte...

I think we may have a Melbourne-ite coming down too... reminder to AHB readers -the offer is open to all!

Edit: and as I said above, if you want to attend but not swap that is fine, but please indicate your intention to attend...CHEERS!

EDIT AGAIN: I should point out that while there is no floor space, I do have a tent that will sleep 3 people comfortably, so if you don't have a swag or tent or whatever there is still the option to have a roof over your head (so to speak), even if only one person uses it.
ahhh, some good old country air :icon_drunk: If anyone else from Melbourne wants to go along to this and car-pool with me just let me know.

1. Lecterfan - AIPA or an English Pale.
2. Wakkatoo - Vienna Lager
3. Beastie - Nelson Sav' Summer ale thingy
4. MaestroMatt - Kolsch or a Steam Beer
5. Billygoat - ?
6. Mesa99 cool.gif - Probably an English IPA or a Summer Ale.
7. Something Belgian - Saison or Strong Ale concoction. May not be able to make it to the swap day but will brew swap beer anyway.
8. vic45- C.A.P.
9. iamozziyob - probably not swapping (?)
I will be there and have not planned a brew yet, will come up with something!!

1. Lecterfan - AIPA or an English Pale.
2. Wakkatoo - Vienna Lager
3. Beastie - Nelson Sav' Summer ale thingy
4. MaestroMatt - Kolsch or a Steam Beer
5. Billygoat - ?
6. Mesa99 cool.gif - Probably an English IPA or a Summer Ale.
7. Something Belgian - Saison or Strong Ale concoction. May not be able to make it to the swap day but will brew swap beer anyway.
8. vic45- C.A.P.
9. iamozziyob - probably not swapping (?)
10. Vic13 - not sure yet
Sounds like a plan.
I can't promise I'll have some swappers, but I'll give it a go.

1. Lecterfan - AIPA or an English Pale.
2. Wakkatoo - Vienna Lager
3. Beastie - Nelson Sav' Summer ale thingy
4. MaestroMatt - Kolsch or a Steam Beer
5. Billygoat - ?
6. Mesa99 cool.gif - Probably an English IPA or a Summer Ale.
7. Something Belgian - Saison or Strong Ale concoction. May not be able to make it to the swap day but will brew swap beer anyway.
8. vic45- C.A.P.
9. iamozziyob - probably not swapping (?)
10. Vic13 - not sure yet
11. Colonel
I think we may have a Melbourne-ite coming down too... reminder to AHB readers -the offer is open to all!

Ran into ozziyob yesterday and we are considering gathering a small melbourne contingent of attendees.

Will keep you updated - probably just bringing beer to drink at this stage myself though.

Can I play my CD?
Can I play my CD?

Yes... long as the first thing you do when you arrive is pour out all my two-stroke fuel so the chainsaw becomes merely a blunt instrument (it would be easier to disarm me in that instance should aurally-induced psychosis kick in). :beerbang:

Swapping is completely optional - and you guys have 'the big one' 2 weeks after so that's cool.

However, bringing beer and drinking is compulsory.

I'm sure the other B.A.R. members will welcome feedback and discussion in regards to their beers from others also...

Just keep us posted, no expectations one way or t'other.

Cheers :icon_chickcheers:
Sorry - too late to 'edit', that's what sierra nevada torpedos and a sunny arvo will do for you - I realised I actually have a second one-person tent as well, so I have tents and mattresses that will accomodate people with some privacy and comfort (for those who are accustomed to camping at least -and there's plenty of camp people on AHB)...

All good, just thought I'd chuck it out there as I'm keen for this to be a decent kick-on.


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